Finished: 02 PM Mon 01 Jun 20 UTC
Let's Keep Sane-2
1 day /phase
Pot: 120 D - Spring, 1952, Finished
2 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend the first 3 turn(s)
Game drawn
NoMoves Toggle moves
Big map

Tip: Failed orders are usually only displayed on the largemap ().

Drawn. Bet: 0 D, won: 40 D
1459 D -> 1595 D (+136 D)
45 supply-centers, 44 units
Xildur (1385 D)
Drawn. Bet: 0 D, won: 40 D
1529 D -> 1639 D (+110 D)
44 supply-centers, 44 units
Redpath (1240 D)
Drawn. Bet: 0 D, won: 40 D
1000 D -> 1128 D (+128 D)
40 supply-centers, 37 units
DarkenedOutlook (1366 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
1301 D -> 1301 D (+0 D)
rayao (1380 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
985 D -> 985 D (+0 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
762 D -> 762 D (+0 D)
Dave.A.Jay (1017 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
918 D -> 918 D (+0 D)
Defeated. Bet: 10 D
1007 D -> 992 D (-15 D)
TestSubjectOne (1005 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
1024 D -> 1024 D (+0 D)
Dale_Fuego (1417 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
784 D -> 784 D (+0 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
875 D -> 875 D (+0 D)
Morandini (938 D)
Defeated. Bet: 0 D
1014 D -> 1014 D (+0 D)
Civil Disorders
jbeutel (280 D)China (Spring, 1942) with 1 centres.
Sky_Hopper (9 D)Italy (Spring, 1938) with 8 centres.
El Poco (90 D)Russia (Autumn, 1937) with 10 centres.
maxximumoverdrive (90 D)China (Autumn, 1937) with 4 centres.
Koaliver (90 D)America (Autumn, 1937) with 11 centres.
smelly cheese (139 D)Turkey (Autumn, 1937) with 3 centres.
AidsParade (90 D)France (Spring, 1937) with 10 centres.
Madame pharoah (90 D)Thailand (Autumn, 1937) with 3 centres.
MagicalSand (370 D)Japan (Spring, 1945) with 4 centres.
Piplup (67 D)Germany (Autumn, 1938) with 12 centres.
hrc181 (70 D)France (Autumn, 1937) with 10 centres.
MrLove (90 D)Germany (Spring, 1937) with 6 centres.
Renault Clio (90 D)Italy (Autumn, 1937) with 6 centres.
ThatGuyWhoIsBad (80 D)Britain (Autumn, 1937) with 15 centres.
Bruh (90 D)Japan (Autumn, 1937) with 7 centres.
joshsmells (90 D)Portugal (Autumn, 1937) with 7 centres.
Ellwood31 (100 D)America (Autumn, 1938) with 11 centres.
palazza (120 D)China (Spring, 1938) with 4 centres.
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages - Graph