Finished: 05 AM Sat 11 Jul 20 UTC
Private Double Hammer Flip
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1905, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Stinky Will (757 D)

< Return

Chat archive


09 Jul 20 UTC Autumn, 1904: Looks like you fudged up your orders?
09 Jul 20 UTC Autumn, 1904: Yup Edinburgh was supposed to go to Norway!
10 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1905: So you made mistakes but are still ahead wtfffffff
10 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1905: Lol to be fair it wasn’t a plural amount of mistakes

You’re a formidable foe
10 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1905: First to 17? I might be screwed here
10 Jul 20 UTC Spring, 1905: 18*
10 Jul 20 UTC Yeah you need a big turn