Finished: 02 PM Sat 10 Apr 21 UTC
Test of East Europe 1772 gunboat
1 day /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1731, Finished
East Europe 1772, No messaging, Anon, Unranked
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by LovelyPinkEgg (1454 D)

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10 Mar 21 UTC Spring, 1722: Hello every one thanks for joining. Would be interested to hear your opinions on the variant.
02 Apr 21 UTC Spring, 1729: GameMaster: Austria voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
09 Apr 21 UTC Well played all, tense game. Congrats to Sweden
09 Apr 21 UTC Gg
09 Apr 21 UTC GG
What do you think about the variant?
10 Apr 21 UTC It’ll make a good addition to vDip, for sure. The Mediterranean/North Sea connection is a nice touch. But once someone controls the North Sea and someone controls the Mediterranean, there’s nothing either player can really do to break through. Maybe that’s unavoidable though, or intentional, or it’s just how this specific game turned out
10 Apr 21 UTC Gg! It feels the same to me reagarding North Sea and Mediterranean. Also possibly Russia could have 4 SCs instead of 3? From what I've seen in this game Prussia could use a little buff as well.
10 Apr 21 UTC Would say it will be beneficial to get a sea province bordering both Med and North sea, thought that has its own limitations.

Yea Russia and Prussia need a buff though not sure how to do that exaclly.
Interesting is that this is the first game that did not end in a draw, but maybe that's because it's the first gunboat.
10 Apr 21 UTC Possibly, I was thinking of making a "west coast" land province connecting Den + Mek and Wien. Perhaps a Venice province (SC/no SC) could be added as well, so Prussia isn't so threatened by Austria and the other way around (maybe it would be for good, idk).
Then I think it could be useful to slighty increas the number of seas in the south. For exmaple dividing East and West Med by a straight down line from Greece, or making Tyrrhenian or Adriatic Sea to have more space to interact.

As for Russia, I would just try to add a province in between of Upper Volga, Smolenks Oblast, Moscow and Rostov, so it doesn't touch Lower Volga and Ukraine. If it was too strong, a possibility could be that Russia would start with 4 SCs 3 units so they can build more the first builds.
10 Apr 21 UTC I am not a developer though. These are just ideas that popped up in my head while playing.
10 Apr 21 UTC Thanks for the feedback!
Making it only sea and connecting to it only Venice and Denmark may be better since it is a late game position and will make Austria and Prussia 5 movements apart. I think making the fight between the winner in the Baltic and the winner in Med seems ok enough.
By splitting the Med Austria and the Ottomans get quite separate witch I'm not sure if it will be beneficial. I was thinking about splitting the Black sea up to increase distanse between the Russians and Ottomans thought.

Would agree with the placement of the Russian center. Not sure how hard it is to make a four center build only build 3 units (there is a build phase at the start of the game). Might be easier just to snap Caucasus out of existence, to ballance out 4 unit Russia.