Finished: 10 AM Fri 06 May 22 UTC
North sea trading
1 day /phase
Pot: 20 D - Autumn, 6, Finished
NorthSea Wars, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by Brianthethompson (1781 D)

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24 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 0: Hello, welcome to the most unbalanced map..
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 0: I dont really get this map well
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 0: Are there different rules for this one
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 0: hi, good game to everybody!:)
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 0: Norse, the Central North Sea province has a special game mechanic.
And good game, all. ✓
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 0: Oh whats the mechanic, can someone tell me
25 Apr 22 UTC Spring, 0: When you're in Central North Sea, you can move to Wood, or Grains, or Iron. But if you enter in one of these provinces, you can't return to Central North Sea.
03 May 22 UTC Spring, 4: oh fuck, I didn't want to build a new army...:)
03 May 22 UTC Spring, 4: I think the British islands haven't been better defended as now:)
03 May 22 UTC Spring, 4: Briton has become unassailable
05 May 22 UTC Spring, 6: Frysian is playing like 1 cat with its prey? We know we're going to die but he's taking all his time before the last hit. :(
05 May 22 UTC Spring, 6: *like a cat
05 May 22 UTC Spring, 6: just missed a turn I think now, but before they could end this game taking two of your centers.
05 May 22 UTC Spring, 6: And taking two of yours in CNS.
05 May 22 UTC Next turn it is over.
Frysian takes:
- Germania Superior
- Batavia (only when they attack from Germania Inferior)
- third trade center
And loses Sorland

So they will have 9 centers
05 May 22 UTC gg
05 May 22 UTC Gg
05 May 22 UTC Well, congratulations to everyone.