Finished: 03 PM Sat 14 Jan 12 UTC
England vs Turkey-2
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1905, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Rancher (1275 D)

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12 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1901: should be fun again!
12 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1901: Yea, we will see if I can get it done now.
12 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: may not have a ton of time right now, but a little
12 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1901: Me either, have to get ready to leave for work.
12 Jan 12 UTC Spring, 1902: ok, I can be around a little here and there today and tomorrow, but not really a whole lot
13 Jan 12 UTC Autumn, 1902: Take your time. I have the same issues.
13 Jan 12 UTC good game!
13 Jan 12 UTC I am trying. Your quite good at this.
13 Jan 12 UTC I try .... but you are an excellent opponent, I can't afford any mis-steps against you
13 Jan 12 UTC gotta go now, will check the final later