Finished: 06 PM Sat 27 Jan 24 UTC
1v1 - American Secession War-168
2 days /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1864, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by lambda.nrx (1491 D)

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22 Jan 24 UTC Spring, 1860: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
22 Jan 24 UTC Spring, 1860: Info: This is a choose your country game.
22 Jan 24 UTC Spring, 1860: Hello! This is my first diplomacy game in a VERY long time, any tips or critiques would be greatly appreciated.
22 Jan 24 UTC Spring, 1860: Alright! I've played many games on this map, and found it to be the best opening strategy to bounce Kentucky and then make sure to take 3 centers.
22 Jan 24 UTC Spring, 1860: And in general it is important to not let the opponent break thourgh the front line or hinder you from building. I usually don't take far away centers in the first few years, after some time an unit will become free to roam around and collect centers, but it is more important to have many units around at the start.
23 Jan 24 UTC Spring, 1860: Word yeah I was wary about moving away from my main three to begin with, thank you. Also if you could remind me, can fleets move through rivers or do they have to stay on the coast/open water?
23 Jan 24 UTC Autumn, 1860: I played a couple like warm-up games in webdiplomacy with bots since there are no one-on-one games rn but the bots are not then best for practicing tbh very erratic moves.
23 Jan 24 UTC Autumn, 1860: Yes, fleets can move along rivers.
25 Jan 24 UTC GameMaster: Confederacy voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.