A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
02 Sep 16 UTC
New podcast for online Dip games
Hi everyone

Kaner and I have started a podcast about playing Diplomacy online....
334 replies
Looking to unload some good positions.
Hello all!

I've got some very good positions in a Europa Renovatio and a Colonial 1885 that I'd like to unload. Excellent opportunity for some shiny V points with no risk. PM me for details....
1 reply
Wildmanwok (787 D)
17 Dec 23 UTC
Dislodging your own unit
I have 2 scenarios I'd like to run past the boffins in regards to dislodging your own unit.
4 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
04 Dec 23 UTC
The 2024 Tournament Through Time
Registration is now open for a one-of-a-kind Diplomacy tournament: The 2024 Tournament Through Time!
3 replies
David Hood (976 D)
17 Nov 23 UTC
November 2023 Deadline News is out!
Latest episode of Deadline just released - feature story on the Virtual Diplomacy Championship:
0 replies
Marcus the Conqueror (1038 D)
16 Nov 23 UTC
Replacement(s) needed
Going through an unexpectedly busy period at the moment and can't really pay full attention to all of my games. I don't want to keep spamming extend or pause requests so I was hoping someone could take a couple of gunboat games off my hands. Only solid positions, including one board top. DM if interested!
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ingebot (1922 D)
03 Nov 23 UTC
Extreme edge case in 1900 of double convoy cutting (Gibraltar)
I reviewed the rules of, and I suddenly came up with an extreme, but totally plausible edge case:
7 replies
Billster82 (1147 D)
02 Nov 23 UTC
Cheater in game “I did in fact shit gold”
Hi guys,

A country has taken the accounts of two other powers in our game and is now controlling three countries. How can we report this player “Akim” for Multiaccounting?
3 replies
wilburlilac (762 D)
30 Oct 23 UTC
unexcused turns in nonjoined games
i have unexcused missed turns in and despite never having been in either of those games.
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kiwionthemoon (1000 D)
10 Oct 23 UTC
Missing 1900 guide
Hey all, the gamers guide to the 1900 variant seems to have vanished. The link provided under the variant redirects to a different website. Does anybody have a copy handy?
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Dec 22 UTC
Thing I learned today
Just a space for people to either share with others some interesting fact they learned today or else publicly expose how embarrassingly ignorant they are.
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
13 Dec 22 UTC
A moon in the sky, like a big pizza pie - is NOT a Moray eel.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Dec 22 UTC
I learned that "archivolt" is the name for archivolts, the things that surround an tympanum.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Dec 22 UTC
Yesterday, I learned that Brandon de Wilde, who played the central character in the movie HUD (a culturally important modern Western film), was the kid in the classic Western film Shane.
JECE (1534 D)
14 Dec 22 UTC
I learned that some geckos are pretty much indistinguishable from moss and lichens:
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
14 Dec 22 UTC
I learnt that buying new windscreen wipers is not cheap for my car O_O
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
14 Dec 22 UTC
I also learnt how to gouge out an eye in my krav maga class. THE MORE YOU KNOW
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 Dec 22 UTC
The Danube River begins behind an Aldi distribution warehouse. I mean as an American I would find the parking lot of a Daimler factory pretty funny, but Aldi will do.

I got bored last night and followed the path of the Danube River on Google Earth from the Black Sea to its headwaters.
Isn't a Costco at the headwaters of the Missouri?
No, but there is a small creek in Wyoming that splits and flows to both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, which I suppose makes half of North America technically an island.
JECE (1534 D)
17 Dec 22 UTC
Hydrologists disagree with you, gopher27.,_Furtwangen

Although those are really poor articles in terms of citations, ha ha
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
17 Dec 22 UTC
@David - for real?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
17 Dec 22 UTC
Today I learned:
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Dec 22 UTC
@JECE....In the town of Donaueschingen, the Berg River and the Brigach River come together behind an Aldi distribution center and the Danube River begins. This is much as the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River come together around downtown Pittsburgh to form the Ohio River, right by where Three Rivers Stadium used to stand.
JECE (1534 D)
17 Dec 22 UTC
Ah, I see what you're getting at. Hydrologists still disagree with you, though. ;-)
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Dec 22 UTC
The Wikipedia article did not. It clearly says that the Danube River begins when those two "streams" join, which happens at a bridge between a water treatment facility and an Aldi distribution center.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Dec 22 UTC
Are there any Frenchies in the house? The Guardian newspaper just told me that the color which is called "Burgundy" in the English-speaking world is called "Bordeaux" in France. Is this true? If so, then I have learned that thing today.
Agnaar (2321 D)
18 Dec 22 UTC
Translation for Burgundy is Bourgogne, a region in Center/East of France that produce a wine of that color. Bordeaux is a city in South West; produces wine as well but not related to Burgundy..
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
18 Dec 22 UTC
Yep, both different wines. Bordeaux is not a colour.
Agnaar (2321 D)
18 Dec 22 UTC
I learnt something today:
even if Burgundy means Bourgogne (far from bordeaux), the translation of the colour burgundy is indeed bordeaux in French.
French prefered to refer to the wines in Bordeaux area while English chose to refer to the Burgundy s ones. French from Quebec use the word bourgogne while we use bordeaux to describe the same colour.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Dec 22 UTC
English from America use the word burgoyne to describe gentlemans johnny.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Dec 22 UTC
Not to be confused with presenters bamber.
Mitomon (2196 D)
18 Dec 22 UTC
I did not even know those were wine references
JECE (1534 D)
19 Dec 22 UTC
gopher27: Admittedly, I have not studied hydrology to know with certainty the correct terminology, but the confluence of two rivers cannot be the ultimate source of river.

Otherwise the search for the source of the Nile would have ended at Khartoum.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 Dec 22 UTC
@JECE....I never used the word "source".
JECE (1534 D)
19 Dec 22 UTC
That's true.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
20 Dec 22 UTC
Whoah, so Burgundy means Bourgogne which is far from Bordeaux but Burgundy is also Bordeaux in French. But Bordeaux produces Burgundy wine which in that case must be Bourgogne wine.
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
20 Dec 22 UTC
I learnt today more about a paper I am writing on Einsteins theory of Special Relativity may we discuss this?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
20 Dec 22 UTC
Today, I learned that the Australian Shepherd was developed in the US from dogs brought to California by the Spanish, and it bears no resemblance to any dog breed known in Australia at the time that the breed was recognized in the US.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 Dec 22 UTC
The American Revolution functionally ended when a joint American and French army surrounded and forced the surrender of General Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown. The Boston Tea Party and many of the other events leading to the start of the American Revolution were protests against the Townshend Acts, which were drafted by Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Townshend to make of lost revenue resulting from a 25% reduction in the tax on agricultural land in Great Britain to curry favor with the lower gentry upon whose electoral support the then current government depended.

**I learned today that General Cornwallis's mother was the eldest child of the second Viscount Townshend**, the famous "Turnip" Townshend whose popularizing of the Norfolk System of Four Field Crop Rotation dramatically increased crop yields in Britain and likely played a significant role in kicking off the industrial revolutions. This is significant because Charles Townshend of the Townshend Acts was the second son of the third Viscount Townshend, who was the second child and eldest son of the second Viscount. Therefore, the man who lost the American Revolution was the first cousin of the man who did more to cause the American Revolutions than nearly any other man.

For added color, the second son (and third child) of the second Viscount Townshend was the father of Thomas Townshend, who served as Home Secretary under Pitt the Younger after the American Revolution. In that capacity, he enacted a plan to deport British criminals to the far side of the world. For his service to the nation, he was elevated to the House of Lords initially through the third creation of an extinct title as the Baron Sydney and was later elevated again to become the first Viscount Sydney.

So three first cousins, who were all the grandsons of one of the most important (but largely forgotten) figures of modern history, started the American Revolution, lost the American Revolution and then responded to the loss of the American Revolution by leading the creation of Australia.

For bonus points, the second Viscount Townshend outlived the grandmother of these three men, and his second wife was the sister of his long time political ally Robert Walpole, the first Prime Minister of Great Britain and the man who donated #10 Downing Street to serve as the Prime Minister's residence.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
03 Jan 23 UTC
A group of cobras is called a quiver of cobras.

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David Hood (976 D)
21 Oct 23 UTC
Oct 2023 edition of Deadline News from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network
The October 2023 edition of Deadline, the Diplomacy Broadcast Network's monthly news show was just released. In this episode, we have a panel discussion about Diplomacy writing, an interview with Cody Greene at Weaselmoot, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Oct 23 UTC
Europe! Big Map! Join...
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Oct 23 UTC
I would like to report a player in an anonymous game
Hey mod team, I’d like to report a player in an anonymous game. I can’t easily describe what happened so it would be easier if you just looked at the chat logs yourself. Needless to say, they were directly attacking a different player calling them all sorts of slurs.

This is the game link:
1 reply
Mitomon (2196 D)
04 Oct 23 UTC
How Does One Make a vDip Map?
As the title asks, what requirements are needed other than an image file? Do they have to be layered in specific ways?
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hurricane (1226 D)
02 Oct 23 UTC
happy birthday to the rising sports star in China
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Tulkas (2491 D)
09 Sep 23 UTC
NMRing first turn
New game and not new missing first turns.
Many players miss their first turn in ALL of their games. They have very good position in the rank, with % of victory/draw higher than their % of survive/defeat ... of course, if they give up their games just the first turn, dissatisfied with the country they will have to play.
In my oppinion all abandoned games should count as DEFEATED. What do you think?
5 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Sep 23 UTC
looking for a replacement player

I have a solid spot in this game above, but I have lost interest in Vdip and thinking on going on a temporary hiatus after my current games wrap up. It would make it alot easier if anyone would be open to taking my spot here! Idk if i'm allowed to say what specific nation here but its one of the better ones, so reply here if your interested and I could pm you more info.
2 replies
Emilylowes (1000 D X)
19 Sep 23 UTC
Buy OSRS Gold, Buy RuneScape Gold, RS3 Gold - RSGoldFast provides a simple and affordable way to buy OSRS Gold and RS3 Gold. Click here to find out about our great deals on Runescape Gold. With fast delivery safely. 24/7 Customer support. If you are interested, please visit our website
0 replies
Emilylowes (1000 D X)
19 Sep 23 UTC
Buy Dark And Darker Gold | Darker Gold | MMOexp
Buy Dark And Darker Gold from, it is the best and safest. Efficient service and real reviews, they are open 24/7 to provide you with the best quality trading services. Welcome to visit
0 replies
Emilylowes (1000 D X)
19 Sep 23 UTC
MMOexp Diablo 4 reliable Currency Shop
Buy Diablo 4 Gold, Diablo 4 Items and Diablo 4 Boosting at cheap prices on, the reliable store guarantee fast delivery, safe transaction, and 24/7 online service! Welcome to visit,,
0 replies
Emilylowes (1000 D X)
19 Sep 23 UTC
P2Pah WoTLK: There will be more videos will be available
Buy WoTLK Gold, cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold for US/EU Servers at P2Pah, fast delivery, low prices, safe transaction, 24/7 online support, and huge stock, all provided by
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
26 Aug 23 UTC
Chumbles has passed away
Steve Doubleday was a huge part of the postal Diplomacy scene, particularly in the UK; running his own zine and creating his own variants. He kept playing variants after the move to online, playing regularly here on vDip under the username Chumbles.

Sadly, he passed away in June this year. Rest in peace to a Diplomacy hobby legend.
3 replies
David Hood (976 D)
18 Sep 23 UTC
September 2023 Deadline News is out!
Latest episode of Deadline News from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network was just released, featuring interviews with three recent Diplomacy tournament winners and headlines from around the world of the game of Diplomacy:
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 Sep 23 UTC
Public Notice from Mods
If you want help from a Mod (getting a game phase extended or to be defaulted out of games due to real life stuff), I at least expect you to provide game links for the games in question. Players on here have a habit of asking for help "with all my games" and then expecting us to search for the 23 games they are playing.
2 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
12 Sep 23 UTC
Restriction on number of games
We all hate NMRs and players that play press like its gunboat. Something I notice is that often these players are playing a lot of games simultaneously.
13 replies
Aweffle (1296 D)
08 Sep 23 UTC
Looking for someone to take my place in 2 games
Hi, I've been quite busy lately and decided its time to stop daily activity on this site for now. I have 2 games i need to leave, but want to do so with minimal disruption to the games (using country switch tool). The game IDs are 56336 and 56891. I am in a decent position in both games. Please reply if you are available, i would be grateful for any volunteers.
0 replies
KoTiK03 (1000 D)
01 Sep 23 UTC
How to leave game
Game Id = IGC game

How to leave game without waiting for turn pass kick
3 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
12 Aug 23 UTC
Off to WDC
Well, I'm about to head off to compete at the World Diplomacy Championship in Bangkok. Wish me luck folks (unless you're also going as well - in which case, break a leg LoL :)
27 replies
Lokerr (1000 D)
02 Sep 23 UTC
I want to leave the game
Game Id - IGC game. I'm France.
Hello, i want to leave the game.
1 reply
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