A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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FIFA18coins (1000 D X)
21 Feb 17 UTC
EverQuest, and World of Warcraft.
<a href=''>FIFA 18 coins</a>
0 replies
Maucat (1834 D)
20 Feb 17 UTC
To Adninistrators: please pause this game.
I'll be without internet connection from February 22nd to 27th due to a job journey abroad, please can you pause this game otherwise i'll be in civil disorder, thanks.
2 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Feb 17 UTC
NWO Game Replacement Recruitment
NWO game in progress is seeking a pool of interested replacement players for potential nation takeover in the event of CD. Currently, one nation is needing to be replaced. The game is about 70% complete. We would need some players who love the game of Diplomacy to fill in for a few weeks.Email if you're interested in being added to the pool. Thanks!
0 replies
Carebear (1000 D)
15 Feb 17 UTC
Online Diplomacy Champhionship - Round 1 Deadline SOON
Read here:
2 replies
nesthocker97 (969 D)
10 Feb 17 UTC
I need someone who manages my account for the next two weeks
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Murcanic (1453 D)
08 Feb 17 UTC
Who is the best multi-tasker!
I'm just wondering how many games everyone has played all at once and how many people are currently playing?
19 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Jan 17 UTC
The Online Diplomacy Championship 2017
Some of you may have participated in ODC 2015, the tournament run on webDiplomacy in which players from all sites competed for the title of Online Diplomacy Champion. It was won by webDiplomacy player Octavious.
22 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
25 Jan 17 UTC
Dip Directions?
In episode 11 of the Diplomacy Games podcast Kaner and I discussed longevity aspects and risk management of sites like vDip and webDip to ensure they grow and reduce the chances of going down (either technically speaking or perceptions of IP infringement). We said we'd create a thread for this for others to contribute. What do you reckon?
8 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
11 Nov 16 UTC
Haven't played in a while, looking to get back into the game but pretty much all the games are password protected. Is there a thread with protected games? Or should i just start a new game?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
15 Aug 16 UTC
Thoughts on improving vDip
As mentioned in another thread, I thought I'd summarise here my thoughts on the idea of vDip "dying". Please feel free to add your perspectives on avoiding this to the mix.
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Maybe its more a tease than a spoiler...
Samj (1766 D)
01 Sep 16 UTC
Every time I tell myself I am taking a break, I find myself searching new games since I am waiting to complete a couple active games. Most times I end up finding one or two that interest me (or I see someone I want to play against signed up) and the site keeps reeling my in. There was a short time where I noticed a few games being interrupted due to "cheating". But I think meta-gaming was the culprit more than multi-accounts. And that was months ago. I have to admit, I get more excited about a game when I see names I recognize. And I have never had a problem where someone tried to exact revenge from a previous game. Actually, in most games the press is more rough banter about him kicking my butt, me putting a hurt on them, or it was a pleasure working with you by the end of the game... I have not seen as many NMRs in the games lately though. Especially the larger ones I have been involved in. That's a good sign. I can't say some haven't given up when they were stabbed and were obviously about to be annihilated. But I'm talking more about the ones where they just don't start the game they signed up for, and one or two powers get a really easy head start because of it. Like the "cheating", it was an issue for a short time, but that seemed to have cleared up as well. I agree that we need to self regulate ourselves. I've done it in games with new people. I always point out about meta-gaming when someone makes a comment that is related to it. I'm not going to report it to admin unless they argue the point or continually do it though. My ranking has been falling consistently because I keep joining these huge maps and can't seem to catch a break in picking my partners. But that is my fault, I don't blame the site for that. Y'all (oops the southern in me is coming out) are more involved in the technical sides of it. I'm one who joined simply to enjoy the strategy and the relationships. I don't pay much attention to the numbers. I bet there are a lot of new people who feel the same...
Hypoguy (1613 D)
10 Sep 16 UTC
Hi there.
One of the things I find a bit annoying is that non-active players stay high up in the V-Hall of Fame forever, just because they were once great players. Not that my ultimate goal is to be #1 on the hitlist, but for some of the players a Hall of Fame is a good motivation to play again and again. If the list is cluttered with old players that can be discouraging.
So why don't we add a time penalty to the V-points people have? For example we could deduct 1% of everyone's score every month. That doesn't change to order of the list, but if you don't play for a year, and others keep playing, you lose around 10% of your score. If you were at 2000 D, you will still be high up on the list, and you can easily rejoin games an still be at the top. But if you stay away for 5 years or so, your score will have seriously dropped, which I think is fair, giving a better chance for new and active players to get to the top of the list.

Has anyone have any ideas about this?
Devonian (1887 D)
10 Sep 16 UTC
I think some variation of that would be good.

I recommended a similar thing two pages up. Except, I suggested that the penalty would affect inactive players only.
JacktheGiantSlayer (815 D)
10 Sep 16 UTC
just one thing to add, when i first joined, i was literally plunged into deep water, not knowing exactly what to do, how to negotiate and stuff. Heck, I didnt even know what the supports did! 3 years later, I guess i made some progress, I'm more analytical, more diplomatic but I can empathise with the many new players who join and the struggles they face

Looking back, it would have been nice for a more experienced player to be able to go over games with me when I had done, helped see what i could have improved on.

Another interesting aspect to consider would be opening up the country- to-country chats once the game is finished. Right now, one is only able to see the map orders, but these only tell half the story of a succesful win a player may try and learn from. After all, it is how the various players have negotiated with the rest to be in the postion, and this is something new players may struggle with.

anyone else has thoughts on this?
Great suggestions Hypoguy/Devonian and Jack.
I would only consider the public country chats as a game setup option. What I say privately to abother player stays in private so if it is a game *option* I can simply not join games with that option on. If it became standard in all full press, I would stop playing.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Sep 16 UTC
We're not going to release private press from any game unless all players want everything released (and probably not even then, since it's not easy to get hold of all of it in a well-ordered document). This is a discussion that happened over at webDiplomacy as well, and many players said that they would prefer their press to remain private, since releasing all press gives a lot away about the playstyle of players and lets other players counter it by reading up on past games.

If you really want everything released after a game, you could run a 'Full Disclosure' Special Rules Game where all players agree before the game starts that the full transcripts will be released afterwards.
Thanks Cap. I thought I remembe red that discussion in the past. I was one of those who was against it.
Chumbles (1380 D)
11 Sep 16 UTC
I'm not keen on Hypoguy's idea per se, though I do think a variation on the theme on it would be good, if it were possible. Effectively we need two Halls of Fame, the existing one which takes no notice of whether you've played recently or not = the All-Time Hall of Fame. BUT there also needs to be a Current Hall of Fame that shows only the players who are: still playing, on a waitlist, or have finished a game in the last year, For obvious reasons all games remain valid (impossible nightmare of dynamically recalculating figures and players resurfacing etc!).

I absolutely agree with the Captain's comments on private press. There are other reasons to dislike it besides those stated!!!

Finally, I still think, a la Jack's comments, that there is scope for a 'buddy' system, where new players can be given the name of someone who is prepared to advise and help when requested. I see the mentor as being someone who helps, rather than being an 'authority'.

Finally, I play in vDip because I like and ply variants like Rinascimento, where if you draw the wrong power your chances of survival are not great!! However, they ply a lot better under PPSC than they do WTA... but frankly I'd play them anyway, however much they tanked my rating!
Octavious (0 D)
11 Sep 16 UTC
Yeah, imagine the embarrassment if noobs could read the press of experienced players and realised how clueless everyone still was after years of playing. That would be a disaster!

To all new players: Diplomacy is a serious game that demands rigorous study and a keen intellect. Success in diplomacy is 90% perspiration and 10%... erm... sedulousness!

There, that sounded convincing. I think we got away with it!
I had to look that one up. You could have just said "diligence".

Personally, I think it requires about 20% remorselessness.
Octavious (0 D)
11 Sep 16 UTC
Tis 100% winging it, truth be told
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
11 Sep 16 UTC
Huh, and here I was thinking it was 100% dumb luck all this time.
Chumbles (1380 D)
11 Sep 16 UTC
The worst thing about releasing the private press would be having to read it again.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Sep 16 UTC
Why not just set up one game of high caliber players and post the full press as a special tutorial feature for newer players?
Caerus (1470 D)
12 Sep 16 UTC
You just go ahead and set that up Gopher! I can't wait to read it.
Enriador (1507 D)
13 Sep 16 UTC
My top three wishes for a better vDip experience:

1) Better mobile integration. That includes having touch-based interface to enter orders on the map itself. Heck, most variants don't even have a custom map interface for orders!

2) More variants. Okay, word is a new site focused on new variants is in development, but I still think that vDiplomacy's main strength would come from developing and testing variants, from the well-known as Milan to lesser played as Crusades.

3) Preference-based method of choosing a power. Random have its uses but you may end up playing a power you absolutely hate (and vice-versa; you might want to try out a specific power to improve on it but get another one), and First Come First Served has the obvious disadvantage of letting the latecomer(s) with absolutely no options. By ranking your favorite powers, everyone get a reasonable chance of playing as the power they want to play as. It's a win-win in every aspect. PlayDiplomacy do this if I remember well.
Chumbles (1380 D)
13 Sep 16 UTC
@ Enriador - I think you're overly optimistic! It's quite a lot of effort to get a variant to the no bug, playable stage as it is... as most games are at least a day a phase, surely you can arrange to get near a PC/browser in the time? I can see the attraction, but mobile interfaces are a swine to develop! e.g. Neptune's Pride!

Like the previous point, more variants rests on someone doing the leg work - designing them (I've got over 30 to my name) isn't difficult, but testing, getting play balance right and schlepping through the coding all take someone's unpaid time. But in essence I agree; particularly it would be brilliant if a widget could be found to allow Fog of War to be added as an option to another variant - vis AncMed/Fod of War ON would be a blast and brilliant for an RPG!

I agree with your 3rd point tho pick-your-country is an option already. My pet annoyance is how often you get the same damned country to play AGAIN - anyone for Persia??? It surely should be possible to ensure that doesn't happen....

But take a rare +1 from me for a cogent presentation
Maucat (1834 D)
03 Oct 16 UTC
I think that the ELO version of the VDip hall of fame needs some correction. In chess after a number of games the K coefficient that multiplies the points (gained or lost) is lowered permitting to the player that plays a lot of game to be not penalized if he loose a game against a player with less points. The problem in VDip now is that a player with a high score when wins (or draws) gains very little points (or nothing) and when he looses looses a lot of points so he is not encouraged to play a lot of games expecially against low score players.
The score system is an impedement also to play some funny variants where some nations are unplayable in term of sopravvivence and victory, the score system creates also problems playing a non Anonymous game where the low score players team up against the higher score player.
I think the goal of the site shuold be encourages the players to play so there are only two solutions: modify the VDip score system for the Hall of Fame or eliminate it.
Well, we dove have unrated play and anonymous games to handle both of those situation, Maucat.

I would say that the win loss percentage should not be affected by unrated games. That's the one that annoys me. Unrated and Rin games are bound to result in changing win/loss/draw percentage and that is unfair.
We already have... Stupid autocorrect.
Maucat (1834 D)
05 Oct 16 UTC
Play un unrated game isn't the same thing as playing arated game. I only ask a better system to rate the Hall of fame.
kaug (1220 D)
05 Oct 16 UTC
If I may add something, I think the penalty system for limiting the amount of games that can be joined is faulty. It does not take into account amount of games played, and it is obvious that a player's CDs and NMRs are likely to be higher the more games and phases played. Thus, imposing harsh limits of simultaneous games on players that do not take over other people's CD positions limits participation even more.
Maucat (1834 D)
05 Oct 16 UTC
Kaug is right!
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
05 Oct 16 UTC
Just not enough people want to play this silly game. It seems to me that allowing CDers to enter a bunch of games means that more games will have CDs. That will not improve the site.

There's just not enough people that want to play.
kaug (1220 D)
05 Oct 16 UTC
@scuba: you have a similar RR and cd rate as I do. I am betting you can join a lot more games than me simultaneously right now. The reason is I have played three times as many games in this site as you. Is that allowing CDers to enter a bunch of games?
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
05 Oct 16 UTC
I have no idea. If the idea is to make the formula better, I think that is great. If the idea is to remove or lessen the penalty for missing turns and games, I don't support that. The good news is, whatever I support or do not support doesn't matter to anyone.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Oct 16 UTC
The formula was originally put in place like this to encourage even experienced players to pick up CDs for balance, but it ended up working too well and now there are no CDs to pick up most of the time.

I'll try to get Oli's attention about it but given how busy he is it might not be changed anytime soon.
G-Man (2466 D)
06 Oct 16 UTC
DEVONIAN: "Perhaps, there should be some [rankings] penalty for inactivity. If players lost points for every month they did not participate in a game, they might join games just to maintain their position."

DR. RECOMMENDED: "Most of all, I would really like to see a “use-it-or-lose-it” component to the rankings. Players should be encouraged to play. Can we install a program that would determine whether a player is active or inactive (has been active in a game within previous 3 months, or 6 – just throwing numbers out there)? If a player becomes inactive, they lose ELO points over time. 5 per week? We could also split out a separate HoF page with players ranked by their all-time highest rating, and/or an active players ranking page, etc. Just looking for simple ways to give different people what they want. Ultimately though, it comes down to removing the disincentive for top players to join games with newer/lesser-ranked players."

The vDip HOF list is littered with frozen scores of players who no longer play here. Something needs to be done to clean this up. I like these ideas a lot. An Active Players HOF would be less preferable. On another point about ratings, I think you only hurt yourself if you're playing for ratings. Diplomacy is meant to be fun, and players shouldn't be passing up games, change their style of play, or making choices based on ratings. Ratings are a nice gauge of overall skill levels, but are by no means strictly accurate, invaluable, or what you should be working for here.

RUFFHAUS: "This is something that VDiplomacy lacks. The rules are loosey goosey about what is and what is not appropriate. For example, there is no specific rule about waging grudges or continuous alliances across games here. There is some lip service paid to it, but it's really not sufficiently explained that this behavior is improper."

The Etiquette page could definitely use an update.

DECIMA LEGIO: "I'm asking because I don't really know and I did not follow closely the website evolution in the last year: Who's in charge now? Is there an admin substituting Oli temporarily? Did Oli assign some of his functions to someone before missing from here? Who's the current mod team?"

That's a real roadblock to everything the community wants to do here. At the next checkpoint, is there anyway the Mods can be given the ability to do more than just troubleshoot?, I.e., implement new variants and add/change features.

ENRIADOR: "3) Preference-based method of choosing a power. Random have its uses but you may end up playing a power you absolutely hate (and vice-versa; you might want to try out a specific power to improve on it but get another one), and First Come First Served has the obvious disadvantage of letting the latecomer(s) with absolutely no options. By ranking your favorite powers, everyone get a reasonable chance of playing as the power they want to play as. It's a win-win in every aspect. PlayDiplomacy do this if I remember well."

Great idea, a little bit of Random and Choose Your Own really. I like it and it would make a nice option.

MAUCAT: "The score system is an impedement also to play some funny variants where some nations are unplayable in term of sopravvivence and victory, the score system creates also problems playing a non Anonymous game where the low score players team up against the higher score player."

Ratings for the "funny" or imbalanced variants, like Rinascimento, have taken this into account. Weaker powers get more for winning, and lose less for losing and vice versa than in balanced variants (somewhere in the Forum, Oli has explained this). I believe Chaos and Chaoctopi (and possibly other similar, craaazy variants) are exempted too. That said, playing any larger game will have a greater chance of having a larger effect on your rating than a smaller game, since there are more opponents to account for. And your second point is one of the reasons I almost always play Anonymous.

YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH: "I would say that the win loss percentage should not be affected by unrated games. That's the one that annoys me."

Didn't realize that. That makes no sense. This should be an easy fix though.

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202 replies
Flame (1073 D)
25 Jan 17 UTC
For Russian-speaking players
I still want to remind that russian-speaking players are also welcomed to Diplomail.Ru webdiplomacy server.
0 replies
Mephisto (1462 D)
23 Jan 17 UTC
FtF in Germany (Hannover)
From 12.05.2017 - 14.05.2017 there will be some FtF-gaming in Germany (Hannover). Perhaps someone is interested.
Details you can see here:
0 replies
Carebear (1000 D)
23 Jan 17 UTC
Cross-site Diplomacy Tournament is hosting a cross-site Diplomacy tournament. We have *eliminated* the paid premium membership requirement to allow us to invite members from other sites. vDiplopmacy players with strong reliability ratings and ratings in the top 10%+/- on this site are invited to participate in this event .
1 reply
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
05 Jan 17 UTC
Return to Vdip
Hi All!

After a nearly 2.5 year hiatus from playing here, I thought it might be a good time to stop back over and take a peek at what's going on. I've missed some of the variants here, and am hoping to be able to gather up a solid group of players to play a few games (not all at once necessarily) and give me that variant "fix" I've been missing. Anyone interested in some top notch play?
61 replies
dachi (1415 D)
13 Jan 17 UTC
Fall of the American Empire

Is there a reason I can't host this variant? I've played in before on this server, and I'd really like to try it again, but I can't find it in the drop down menu for hosting new games.
5 replies
e (1000 D)
05 Jan 17 UTC
High School and College Diplomacy Clubs
Hello everyone! Are you in a high school or college Diplomacy Club? I'm trying to compile a list of schools that currently have Diplomacy Clubs, so it would be great if you could post here if you know of any or are part of one! School name, location, and a contact email would be great. Thanks!
2 replies
Peace be with you
The Machiavelli variant of diplomacy is very interesting. I would suggest you add it to your list of variants in this website.
4 replies
Peace be with you
The Machiavelli variant of diplomacy is very interesting. I would suggest you add it to your list of variants in this website.
2 replies
Ikaneko (832 D)
22 Dec 16 UTC
Arctic warfare variant. What do you think?
I'm making a new variant, Arctic Warfare, featuring Scandinavia, Canada and Russia scrambling to control the Arctic. This is very early WIP, but here it is nevertheless.
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Jan 17 UTC
gameID=29599 125 bet WTA Classic Anon Gunboat 2 day phases

No riff raff.
3 replies
Mikey99 (1441 D)
10 Jan 17 UTC
Cannot join new game because "having trouble keeping up with the ones I'm in"
oops... just posted this in a current thread, sorry - lol - Does anyone kindly have a view. I'm in four games, with a couple about to close and I decided to join a new one... only to be told that I can't. I have a reliability rating of over 99%. What other factor may be affecting this please?
1 reply
Mikey99 (1441 D)
05 Jan 17 UTC
Cannot join new game because "having trouble keeping up with the ones I'm in"
oops... just posted this in a current thread, sorry - lol - Does anyone kindly have a view. I'm in four games, with a couple about to close and I decided to join a new one... only to be told that I can't. I have a reliability rating of over 99%. What other factor may be affecting this please?
11 replies
SLOTerp (0 D)
04 Jan 17 UTC
NWO goes MAD
The current NWO game being run at Redscape incorporated new experimental rules for the nukes: MAD (nuclear strikes can trigger automatic nuclear response). Spring 2005 sees 9 nukes trigger 3 nukes which begat another 3 nukes. Yikes!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
04 Jan 17 UTC
Please join the game!

We need quite a few people, so join up, please!
0 replies
mariscal (1582 D)
31 Dec 16 UTC
is there a dip-variant as game of thrones / ringwars similar or not to the respective boardgames? maybe under another name, sorry my ignorance. if not, what tools, or site do you recommend me, to try to make a map? thxs all, happy new year
2 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
30 Dec 16 UTC
FvA Double Elim Tournament on WebDip
Since webDip *finally* got those variants ported across, I'm running a 1v1 tournament over there.

Info here if anyone is interested:
11 replies
mace (1287 D)
21 Nov 16 UTC
search for live 1 on 1
hey anybody interested in an live 1 on 1?
if so please send me a private message.

looking forward to some nice challenges
2 replies
Diplomacy Simulator
Hi! I'm new here and I don't know if it was already discussed, but it would be nice to have some sort of simulator to test out moves. Sometimes the rules aren't that easy to apply and it's hard to understand what would happen in a very tricky and unique situation...
6 replies
Flame (1073 D)
20 Dec 16 UTC
4th & 5th diplomacy rules revisions difference
Please remember me what is the differences between 4th & 5th rules revisions?
2 replies
LovelyPinkEgg (1449 D)
18 Dec 16 UTC
Europe I600 tournament
Hello, I would like to start a tournament at map Europe 1600.
Games will be anonymous and it will be message all. Or would you like to Public Press or Gunboat?
My capacity of points is low, so eveeygame will be for 2 Dpoints.
Who join?
12 replies
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