A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Valis2501 (985 D)
22 Sep 15 UTC
webDip Highlights Episode 1 (Live Gunboat)
7 replies
Skipper1942 (1160 D)
20 Sep 15 UTC
Cold War player needed
0 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
09 Sep 15 UTC
webDip-vDip crossover
Hi guys.
YouCantHandleTheTruth posted in another thread about the possibility of recruiting people from our sister site, webDip, to fill the ranks of our player population. I posted a thread in webDip's forum to that effect under the same title. This is to inform you guys that that project has been moved along.
153 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Sep 15 UTC
Colonial 1885
Looking for players
0 replies
Skipper1942 (1160 D)
20 Sep 15 UTC
Cold War
One more player and we're off and running:
0 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
29 Aug 15 UTC
looking for a >= 4 day game
I see a lot that I could join but they all have passwords. anyone want to create one or pm me a password?
27 replies
Anon (?? D)
17 Sep 15 UTC
Replacement for France needed

We need a replacement player for france in this game, thanks.
0 replies
Casey (807 D)
16 Sep 15 UTC
Diplomacy Notifications
Hey, everybody! I know this is probably a long shot, but does anyone know a way of getting notifications when you receive a message or a phase processes? Perhaps there is a way to create custom Chrome notifications or something, I don't know. Again, this is probably a long shot but if anyone has an answer, that would be great!
1 reply
charlesf (1000 D)
13 Sep 15 UTC
1936 Variant: Tournament Invitation
I am seeking participants in a small tournament featuring my 1936 variant.
3 replies
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
06 Sep 15 UTC
Replacement Needed
France has had to leave the site and asked that the moderator team find a replacement. Please send a PM if you are interested in taking over the position. gameID=23401
5 replies
equator (1514 D)
08 Sep 15 UTC
Westeros variant
Isn't there any Westeros variant yet?
24 replies
Hannibal76 (978 D)
09 Sep 15 UTC
Viking Diplomacy
I'm from Webdip and heard what was going on and am interested in starting a viking diplomacy game. Join me.
5 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
07 Sep 15 UTC
Perhaps, I am too easily entertained
a point of reference for sports fans (and people who think that the footsieball is a sport):
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
07 Sep 15 UTC
Huge code-update...
I've merged the vDip-code with the latest developments of the webDip-code. The most prominent feature is that you now can select games to "Spectate". These games will appear on your home-screen.

Please report any bugs here or in the mod-forum. There where many changes, so I can't promise a 100% bug-free release.. :-) But I will fix these bugs really fast as you report them...
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Sep 15 UTC
gameid=23999 New Game
gameID=23999 KING OF GUNBOAT 250 pt buy in. Day and a half phases. Classic map. WTA.
0 replies
noggindorf (1000 D)
02 Sep 15 UTC
1900 map
Is there a reason 1900 isn't a variant or did I just not see it?
3 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
19 Aug 15 UTC
vDip Census
Hi everyone - I was thinking it'd be cool to get in touch with the main players of the site to an analysis of the vDip community. Might discover some cool and interesting things. Thoughts on questions that should be asked or methodology?
18 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
02 Sep 15 UTC
WTF happened to the Vae victis game?
After getting 15 heavy hitters signed up and then agreeing to start the game's been pulled. What happened?
1 reply
The "posted in" star has gone away?
Am I the only one who no longer sees this?
5 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
19 May 15 UTC
Some pretty damn cool maps:

I was browsing and came across some interesting maps. Whet anyone's appetite?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Nov 14 UTC
A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
02 Jan 15 UTC
Just a quick response re: the landlanes:
1. The Land Lane OZs will only be accessible to army units - they won't be adjacent to the seas.
2. I'll keep the original names of the provinces. Basically I've looked at regions where stalemate lines tend to form and overlayed an OZ on these regions, I really don't want to alter the basic shape of the map where possible - I quite like how most of the regions play out.
3. I'm in agreement with getting rid of TMS as a Sea Lane - also thinking about splitting the EC of US into two sets of sea-lanes as opposed to just one (back to the original shape of the coastline)
4. I've been looking primarily at access to the OZs. at the moment every country has access to at least one OZ. I'd like each country to have initially at least access to two. The countries that need an additional OZ are: USA, Quebec, Cuba, Congo, Thailand, Manchuria, Kenya & ?Indonesia? (?Indonesia because of TMS)
5. Re: Australia perhaps we can alter down some of the lanes per OZ surrounding this country?

Anyway - here is the work so far so folks can talk about the most recent version:


SeaLanes added:
Sea of Japan

SeaLanes altered:
Nth. GUB now connects ACA
The axis of Nth & Sth GOP has been altered to connect MED & ECU

LandLanes added:

Drew Bosphorus
Drew Suez Canal
Drew Panama Canal
Altered shape of Est. Sahara to be more geographically analogous
Arrows for land bridges added



SeaLanes added:
Hudson Bay
EastCoast USA
Gulf of Mexico
Bay of Biscay
North Sea
Western Medd.
Central Medd.
Eastern Medd.
Caspian Sea
South China Sea
Java Trench
Timor Sea
Barrents Sea

SeaLanes altered:
Split Nth. ARA into 2 lanes, changed connection from GAD to SOB
Changed Nth.CIO to connect with JVT
Change Nth BOB to connect with Rangoon

Sea regions altered:
BOB (as noted above)
PEG moved to connect BLC not KAR

LandLanes added:
Far north
Deep South
West Sahara
East Sahara
Baltic States
Karukum Desert

Land Regions Altered:
Volga now has a canal

kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
02 Jan 15 UTC
(Also I'm open to opening up the arctic, as per 6.2 thoughts?)
Tomahaha (1170 D)
05 Jan 15 UTC
The Arctic opened would help a lot! Especially with what is trying to be accomplished here, making everything more accessible and Central Asia has some vulnerabilities to worry about to his north, it also gives him sea access where this game really requires it!
Tomahaha (1170 D)
05 Jan 15 UTC
and poor poor ruffy, he can't read to good?
Nobody said he asked for 8 lanes did they? Yet that's what he claims I said. Try reading what is stated buddy, reply to those comments, not what you want to see. Please stay on topic and discuss the ideas and stop the personal attacks, is this possible?
Anon (?? D)
05 Jan 15 UTC

In response to the idea of getting Thailand access to a second sea-lane, I think adding another sea-lane might be overkill. Instead of that, though, we could give Thailand HO as a home SC instead of KRT. This would give it immediate access to SCS in addition to BOB, and make it a stronger naval presence in an area generally dominated by naval-based nations.
Anon (?? D)
05 Jan 15 UTC

I made this point a little earlier (and it's more of a side point than a major problem) but I don't think I was clear enough to be understood.

I think islands area with 4 lanes should be looked at as candidates for reduction. For instance GLP having four lanes and an uncovoyable OZ means that if one wanted to convoy from SON to LIM, it would require at least 3 fleets (and dislodging of any one would result in failure). That may not seem unreasonable, but it's pretty different from some of the other coasts (compare it to the way Wst REU allows connections between SWI and CIO and SOB). I think that GLP's layout in particular has implications for Oceania's early game and North and South America's mid/late game. Reduction of lanes in this specific scenario decreases the difficulty of landing on northern South America which is something I think worth considering. While we have yet to see cross Pacific convoys I imagine that PIT and TAH layout could clog things up a bit. Of course simply allowing islands to convoy would alleviate some of these pressures, (though that may be, from a technical perspective, a harder thing to do).

kaner, the new map looks very nice. I can't offer more comment than that as I don't have a good sense of how things shake out until I'm actually moving pieces. But I do like the Great Lakes idea as it gives more powers early access to fleet builds. Fleets are very valuable in the mid/late game (though the use of landlanes may shift that) and I think at least one power in the ongoing game was hurt considerably by his diminished ability to build fleets early on. I also think opening up the Arctic is a good idea, I think that will give many of the northern powers quite a few interesting openings and makes the European-North American naval battle more in line with the rest of the board.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
05 Jan 15 UTC
I like most of what has been said but still need to disagree on the Great Lakes (Heck, I can look out my window at one of them right now!)
I see very limited value in an area that does not need the "help" Without redrawing the map (and if you do, you can mess with the army adjacency issues) the only two areas affected are Ohio vs Toronto and Wisconsin vs Detroit, these two areas can now do a bit of battle if fleets are added. But again, is this needed? And should fleets be added in the area, how much help are they when after that battle is over they are useless and can not move to the open oceans until passing through quite a few spaces. lastly, if allowed, the advantage lies with Quebec as he can more easily get that fleet out vs the others who can not. Such single line situations (one lake to the next to the next) of movement are usually to be avoided like the plague!
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
06 Jan 15 UTC
Hey Tom, I love the posts where you whine about personal attacks that never occured in the same paragraph that you make personal attacks, and then proceed to cite examples proving that it is you afflicted with the very insults that you throw. That's classy and entertaining.

I did read what was said. Nobody asked for eight lanes. I saw you made an arbitrary comment that the present sealanes needed to be reduced, stating zero examples as to why. No one asked for eight lanes, but you suggested so because you cannot conduct an honest discussion on this based on any real game specifics. So in that vein in order to counter your baseless request for a reduction of lanes, we now should need to ask to boost the lanes so that a compromise can be found to keep the lanes at four, which oh by the way actually works. Yes, you brought up eight lanes, Tom. From your post on December 31: "If what [he] says above is true, then why not add more? Why stop at 4 spaces and instead add another 4?" The last time I checked 4+4 was 8, but I'm not good at common core math. In any case I did not ask for eight lanes. I specifically said that the four as designed was working just right. You equated this with your typical hyperbole and misrepresentation as me asking for eight lanes. You were asked repeatedly to demonstrate why four lanes as is does not work, and you cannot do this. It does work, and it is working now.

When prompted for the Nth time to cite an example you pointed to the present test game's action in the Indian Ocean (without a single reason why what was there was bad). All other feedback on this has been positive. The Indian Ocean, which is far from a leaking sieve, is still extremely defensible, just as the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are. We've seen varied approaches to the oceans as well, with peaceful behavior, all out attacks, and determined defenses. All of the actions are very interesting, and have altered the typical continental bunker style play of this map. The recent retreat by Egypt form Wst CIO to Est CIO demonstrates the heavily complex attack and defense concepts that exist for nations at sea. Looking at the concentrated attacks, tenacious defenses, and wild retreats in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, the sealanes have done everything that they set out to do.


Opening the Arctic Ocean would be an improvement. That impassable space alone is a huge contributor to the clustered map. I'm surprised but relieved not to hear the realistic argument coming into use here. The game variant is set in 100 years, and if all the global warming freaks are to be believe the global temperature will rise, say what, another 1 degree Fahrenheit? Surely that will melt the oceans, right Greenpeacers? And if not we can just assume that naval technology has sorted out icebreaking sufficiently to allowed of battleships and carriers to pass throw the seas. In any case, it's a great addition for map playability.


I am ambivalent on the Great Lakes. Ideally I'd like to sea it fixed to allow for this, but to do so properly would require a significant map redraw, and would take some hard work and study to assure that the present balance between area powers is kept in place. What I really like about the idea is Illinois now has increased options and negotiation points during the initial build phase. A fleet build in Chicago might be see as dangerous by both the USA and Quebec, but nobody knows to which one. It also allows for a differing dynamic between Illinois and Texas, California, and Canada. Is it really needed? I don't have enough play with these nations to say that it is. I think the concept is a great one, but it's made complicated with the present nation roster. If this game were a chaos game, it would be really cool to see all that naval action across the Great Lakes.


I remain concerned about the land lanes being adjacent to coastal territories. My fear is that this will only serve to return us to the continental gridlock that we had before adding the sealanes. The problems with WW4 as a SC based victory map began when players realized that the continents could be very easily protected from all the oceans because of the imbalance of coastal adjacencies from seas spaces. A lanelane space adjacent to a coastal space now provide for an additional two inland defensive support positions that cannot be broken from the sea spaces, which effectively removes all unclogging benefits of the sealanes, other than to provide for interesting sea battles.


I agree with the above (Anon) comment that island space sealanes should be candidates for reduction. They should probably not include more than two sealanes. I would go so far as to suggest removing all sealanes from island chain spaces, but I feel the further game testing will provide better direction on that.


Finally, I'd really like to see 2-3 more test games on the present sealanes map to help cement some of these discussions and gather some better player feedback from multiple experiences. Following that I would say that in watching the two test games underway, it's my feeling that the 2 day and 3 day turns are too slow for test game, especially the 3 day phase game. Too much time between turns equates to too much lost focus and too many NMRs. While it's good to judge how the diplomacy between nations is affected, it's also good to get some raw tactical options explored. The second game is a 3 day phase gunboat game, which is just a bad combination set up. Also for test games like this, it would be nice if players would ready up retreats, and builds to speed them along.

Maybe we can try a few non-rated, no points bet games at a fast pace to get some real exploration on map features?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
06 Jan 15 UTC
******Great Lakes complex: **********

There is a *cough* canal through Ontario connecting Illinois to Hudson Bay in 2 moves. Likewise all lend connections remain the same only they are now traversable by fleets as well as armies. I'm not sure about actually making the lakes themselves accessible to fleets though.

What do people think?

Tomahaha (1170 D)
06 Jan 15 UTC
If you are to add the Great lakes, then I agree on the fictitious canal being used, it reduces the negative straight line dilemma I was speaking of earlier and gives greater options. As Ruff pointed out, Illinois could start with a fleet and make things interesting but that fleet would likely never be built since it is then pretty much forever trapped in the lakes. This "outlet" would make the build a bit more likely.

That being said, I don't really see the need for a non-problem area and adding fleets to the region may only make things worse, why mess with an area that already seems to work?

The Arctic should absolutely be opened. In fact, in the latest (standard) WWIV game, it is opened and the reasons given were as Ruff had mentioned above, I think it works quite well and should be done. Adding a couple sea lanes in that region may even be an option?

I did give reasons for reducing the larger 4 sea lanes areas and I stick by those reasons. Dealing with all the issues is a mess and a tactical nightmare. It does a good job of opening up areas, but to have SO many areas makes defense an impossibility and fleets can run anywhere they like all too easily. It's simply a case of a good idea gone too far. Simple reduction from 4 to 3 would still allow for the greater interaction and would still be incredibly difficult to defend but when did defense become a bad word? That is how the game is designed, front lines that move forward and back with supports from adjacent areas, with so many lanes, support is not required and fleets slip through like wind slips through a crack in the door, front "lines" are not required and it's simply a messy situation. If 4 is good then why not add another space or two or three or four? Why not have ocean spaces with 17 sea lanes in them? Obviously that would be ridiculous, but where is that ridiculous point? I am simply saying 4 may be where it started getting so. maybe it IS perfect? My opinion is it has gone too far at 4 and we should try dropping to 3. I am not saying I am right, but nobody can say I am wrong either, we don't really know and my experience working with these is it has gone too far and tactics are actually a BIT lessened due to this. It's just my opinion, just as it is other peoples OPINIONS it is right as it is as well. This thread is about posting ideas and not trying to simply destroy others ideas that you do not agree with. I do not agree with the Great lakes idea, I did not attempt to put down the idea, I do not agree with 4 sea lanes spaces, but I am not putting down the idea of keeping them either, please keep this civil!
Anon (?? D)
06 Jan 15 UTC

hey anyone know the winning conditions? it says 123 on the description, but maybe kaner changed it when creating this specific game?
Anon (?? D)
06 Jan 15 UTC

same as on the description.
Anon (?? D)
21 Jan 15 UTC

so much for the too much offense/no defense argument of the sea-lanes
Anon (?? D)
24 Jan 15 UTC

The oceans are really starting to look like a modern warzone. Massive fleets gearing up and doing battle against one another. Nations are pouring their resources into building fleets in a desperate zero-sum gamble to win the high seas and to defend their coastal regions.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Jan 15 UTC

Updated map





Regions added:

Sealanes added:
Baltic Sea OZ added

Sealanes Altered:
Sealane of DIE changed
Changed SthMSA to connect with BLH
1 SL remove from Falklands

Land regions Altered:
Altered NWT back to it's original *coastal* access
Canal Network around the greatlakes



SeaLanes added:
Sea of Japan

SeaLanes altered:
Nth. GUB now connects ACA
The axis of Nth & Sth GOP has been altered to connect MED & ECU

LandLanes added:

Drew Bosphorus
Drew Suez Canal
Drew Panama Canal
Altered shape of Est. Sahara to be more geographically analogous
Arrows for land bridges added



SeaLanes added:
Hudson Bay
EastCoast USA
Gulf of Mexico
Bay of Biscay
North Sea
Western Medd.
Central Medd.
Eastern Medd.
Caspian Sea
South China Sea
Java Trench
Timor Sea
Barrents Sea

SeaLanes altered:
Split Nth. ARA into 2 lanes, changed connection from GAD to SOB
Changed Nth.CIO to connect with JVT
Change Nth BOB to connect with Rangoon

Sea regions altered:
BOB (as noted above)
PEG moved to connect BLC not KAR

LandLanes added:
Far north
Deep South
West Sahara
East Sahara
Baltic States
Karukum Desert

Land Regions Altered:
Volga now has a canal

Hirnsaege (1903 D)
25 Jan 15 UTC
i still think that CIO and its 4 sea lanes is too widespread and has too much influence therefor.
as an extreme example, this mean that TMS can cut CIO that could support something in SOB and therefore something like GAD>SOB could work ... huge complexity, strategies almost always to fail due to some very remote influence.

not sure this is the only area with that problem, but to me it's the most appearent to me.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 15 UTC
Well CIO could always influence TMS and SOB. Perhaps you could create a snapshot and alter this region to be something more like you are thinking of?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 15 UTC



There are of course plenty of other options as well. Let me know!
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
25 Jan 15 UTC
is the idea of splitting CIO in two halfs (making two overseer zones and sealanes from it) out of question?
in the atlantics, we have some kind of a mid-ocean-border from iceland down to falklands. i think this is good, we get many options, but can't just easily influence south america events by doing something like a cut coming from africas coast ...
the pacifics is more split anway. due to its size.
but in in the indian oceans, CIO is just very wide spread. having it split in two could(!) make this more interesting, keep events from south-east-asia separated from those in africa, just like it is between africa and south america.
except there any specific reason for having it reach that far – if it was just done that way in the initial design and not evaluated anymore later, then it might be worth evaluating.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
25 Jan 15 UTC
that split would be vertically of course, making something like a WCIO+lanes and a ECIO+lanes (i know we are running out of names). number of lanes i don't know, i prefer less than 4, but this seems to be a minority view ...
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
25 Jan 15 UTC
maybe that splitting should also be done with SIO – but i'm not sure about that.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
25 Jan 15 UTC
The above criticisms of CIO speak to it being 'wide spread', and 'too large' but are shy on specifics of what that is a problem. CIO was the same size before on the original map with the same adjacencies. And the calls to reduced lanes to less than four spaces continue to lack specific reasons as to why beyond personal preference. From observing this game play out the sealanes variant (with four sealance per ocean space in most locations) has offered some additional possibilities for trans-ocean expansion, but the continents remain very defensible from the coasts. Reducing the number of sea lanes would take us back towards the overly clustered maps with 15 player draws. The only 'solo" to be concerned with is a game set with outrageously low victory conditions (e.g. 50 scs). The sealanes variant opens up the game to an entire global conflict where solos are something that you need to worry about even at the 123 SC level. If the coastal and polar regions and a few land space adjustments are reconsidered the map would be open to this play for every nation. Reduction of the number of sealanes, specifically in spaces like CIO, just returns us to charlie foxtrot city.

In the end it's one thing if a game ends in a draw with 50% of the beginning players because the diplomatic situation plays out that way, but when the map itself manadates such finishes, the game ceases to be Diplomacy and starts being about points.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
25 Jan 15 UTC
Ruffhaus, i actually described the problem that i see in CIO, comparing it to other areas where this problem is not present because those are not as wide spread.
This and other thoughs by others are of course no proved facts backed up with research and solid statistics – they are ideas to be considered, weighted and persued or discarded.
it is very comfortable to you to just keep on claiming that there are no reasons given throughtout this threat on whatever you may not like, by simply ignoring all reasons and indications that are actually given. yet you are not working with the standards you are demanding from others – you are propagating a personal preference and "back it up" with some prophecy on how this is going to turn out.
sorry i'm not convinced and just stop proposing such stupid things like thinking further about splitting CIO (but rest assured, i'm not going to invest a lot more of time in this, except someone thinks the idea is worth persuing – as i said about the number of lanes, i can live with being in the minority on the proven(?) number 4).
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 15 UTC
@Ruffhaus - I believe hirnsaege is talking about adding an extra OZ by splitting CIO in two, thereby actually adding SeaLanes to the map. I think that this might be a good idea. Looking at the map CIO is the only sea region that stretches fully from one continent to another (well almost). All other major oceans on the map are split by at least 2 OZs.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
25 Jan 15 UTC
Something like this?
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
26 Jan 15 UTC
@kaner: yes, that's what i meant.

it's difficult to tell where to put the thick red line exactly ... options could be
– the way you have it drawn >> separates REU, MDS, SOB and DIE from the east completely. to me this looks okay on first sight when comparing it to reality?
– or touching DIE zone in the north but keep it the way you have it in the south? >> keeps DIE connected to the east somewhat.
– or touching REU zon in the south and keep the connection in the north as shown (making that a diagonal, no vertical) >> keeps REU connected to the east (representing the fact that a globe gets narrower towards the poles).

also not sure about how many lanes (3 or 4) and how to do their orientation exactly ... this determines many tactical details, though the finer granulated it gets, the less important the details are as there are just plenty of options, none game deciding (that's the nature of this variant i guess, can't change that – not liking that would mean better not playing it).
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 15 UTC
Actually it's probably better to connect DIE to the eastern half - this giving Australia access to DIE as per normal, as well as REU via SIO.

The amount of Sea Lanes are arbitrary at this point - 3 or 4 - as well as their orientation.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Jan 15 UTC
like this:
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
26 Jan 15 UTC
looks good to me in general – much more like the zones in the atlantics now. still possible to get through (as there are now even more places to populate with fleets), but no "super fast travel" or a "super influence center" anymore.

The alternative would be to draw the line between REU and NIOs border, giving Australia access to REU but not DIE – that's a detail in balancing i guess, depending on what's more important globally: encourage wars between australia and africa, or have the region fight upon DIE.

number of lanes and orientation is something i can't really judge in detail ... maybe with having more experience from other areas etc. and how they play this can be optimized further.

(on a side note: if DIE stays split in half as it is drawn now, i like how the border there is turned in a way the DIE-sealane does not border NIO anymore)

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160 replies
qznc (1237 D)
11 Aug 15 UTC
Academic Paper on Diplomacy

"We found that there are subtle but consistent patterns in how people communicate when they are going to betray."
7 replies
Beobo (1014 D)
20 Aug 15 UTC
Leningrad builds
Can you build two fleets in Leningrad/st Petersburg?ie build a fleet in north coast and another fleet in. Leningrad south coast?thanks!
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Aug 15 UTC
Pause for holiday in GameID=23791
I need a pause for gunboat game between 22/08/15-31/08/15 thanks.
1 reply
tja52 (990 D)
12 Aug 15 UTC
Europe 1939 Placement
How does placement work on this map? Waiting for our game to start and curious. Are there set positions? I see no listing.
0 replies
dhaeman (985 D)
06 Jul 15 UTC
Email Notifications
Is it possible to receive email notifications for game updates and/or (more importantly) when someone messages you?
4 replies
tiger (1653 D)
31 May 13 UTC
Advertise for sitters here!
This thread will help you find sitters for your games when you are unable to make moves!
121 replies
rodgersd09 (987 D)
22 Feb 15 UTC
VDiplomacy Points
What on earth are these (V) things? Sorry if this has already been asked, but I couldn't see it anywhere, and I've never noticed them before!
74 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Aug 15 UTC
1 player slot open, Modern variant
no point bidding and players are anonymous - Password: greyjoy - URL: - Game ID: 23824
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Aug 15 UTC
Replacement needed for Ukraine
Aberration V, PPSC, Gunboat, Anon, Spring 1901
24 hours from this post. gameID=23765
3 replies
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