A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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RoxArt (1732 D)
14 May 12 UTC
semi live 3 way game?
hi anyone online for a "live" 3 way (or bigger) game?
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 May 12 UTC
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
LOL So you are in?
I am too lol
'I feel like I will lose! "
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 May 12 UTC
well i feel like it wont start cause no one is online :)
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
Ther are 17 online?!
But We may have a 1v1 game in the mean time?
Just a friendly one?
RoxArt (1732 D)
14 May 12 UTC
im going to grab some to eat now first ;)
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
Will you be back?
Shall I wait?
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
Someone please join this Semi live?!
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
Will you be back?

8 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
13 May 12 UTC
OMG... I was over at webdip recently...
and damned if they only had 3 variants to play... I feel positively spoiled for choice...
love it over here!
+ I don't have to listen to the craziness of the forums over there.
13 replies
titop1988 (1022 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
new game colombia needed for start
0 replies
titop1988 (1022 D X)
14 May 12 UTC
new game
please join
1 reply
ezpickins (1628 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Known Battle EOG
well played game by mr. L4P1D4
2 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
13 May 12 UTC
Just wanted to say that the RR system is absolutely brilliant
There's an ongoing discussion on webDip on how to help solve NMR/CD issues, and it reminded me of the RR system here. Great system! Oli did a wonderful job implementing it and all of y'all who did the theorywork (not me, sad to say I wasn't involved) really did a good job. I'm hoping to see it implemented on webDiplomacy soon.
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 May 12 UTC
Home page thread
As a compromise solution among the need to keep a reasonable level of advertisement and visibility for standard games and the need to save the games from the issues coming from talking about pre-games and on-going games on forum I’m proposing a small “upgrading” of the current home page.
5 replies
gamerx215b (1066 D)
10 May 12 UTC
Can't input a move
I'm trying to support myself into a territory, I'll give details if necessary, but it won't let me.
I input the support move, where to move to, but it won't let me pick where to support from. Any help?
8 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
06 May 12 UTC
Smoke Signal Diplomacy!
I came up with this while talking bullshit in the new variant...
So, the only way to communicate is with smoke signals: you send a message in a certain territory and everybody 1/2 territories away can read it...
What do you think people? Haven't really spent much time on this yet...
11 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 May 12 UTC
Is Gopher the biggest A@@HOLE on this site?
So in my last game, which was anon, I was told that I was universally known to be the biggest A**H**E on this site. I can't express in words my sense of accomplishment. To have such a force of personality that people who have never played me can identify me in an anon game and to be so described on a site with RoxArt and Mythos on it........feel free to vote below.
35 replies
Nonevah (804 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Is there such thing as a Featured Game
I've noticed a few mentions to "featured games" in a few posts, but I've never seen anything of the sort. Do they exist, and if they do, where would I find them?
8 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Banned multis count in stats?
Do multi's winning games after being banned count in Vdip statistics?
1 reply
joepo12 (679 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Live game - starts in 30 minutes
0 replies
Strider (1604 D)
09 May 12 UTC
anon games
How to promote anon games? With out giving away id...
26 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
11 May 12 UTC
Live Gunboat starts in 1 hour
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
10 May 12 UTC
'Winning!' EoG Thread
This space is reserved for EoGs from gameID=7006. I'll probably put mine up this afternoon.
7 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
10 May 12 UTC
Convoy possibility lists
On some maps, the convoy list can get incredibly long to the point that it's really hard to find where you want to go. Would it be possible to alphabetize those lists to make it a little easier?
2 replies
12hr turn Europe game, one space left

Someone join pl0x?
Only 1hr30 left until it begins
0 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Winning (spiteful version)
This is the mean and nasty version of Third to Last Person to post Wins. Instead of winning, the third to last person to post loses! Be mean and vindictive to others! (In a fun, friendly way.)
19 replies
War is Hell
WW4 map, pick your own countries, EoG=200.
30 replies
My first 1v1 and my first 1v1 win.
Thanks, fuzzy, for the game. Of course, i might not have gotten it had fuzzy not missed Spring 01, but he still got 2 builds that turn and it was a successful dislodgment that got a fleet behind his line that did it for me.
7 replies
BosephJennett (1204 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Who knew I was such a baller?
Suddenly, all of my games are featured games with some of the highest stakes on the server. This is surprising to me, since they all range in value from 60-150 D.
6 replies
TheWorst (1023 D)
08 May 12 UTC
Help: Extend Please
Kind of an emergency, I don't want this game ruined because of it
Extend please, some people have already made orders but haven't extended.
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
07 May 12 UTC
Variant Idea?
I was playing a gunboat (not on here) the other day, and I've realised that, although it takes away a lot of the Diplomacy aspects of the game, there is still a lot present in the Support-Holds and Support-Moves of other nations.
Would it be possible to make a classic variant where you could not support move or support hold any unit but your own?
7 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
17 Apr 12 UTC
Real Viking
3 players needed gameID=7402
VIKING Gunboat
77 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
07 May 12 UTC
Strong position open
Replacement needed gameID=6575
Fall of America 8 / 10 units
1 reply
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
07 May 12 UTC
need replacement!
Hurons are to take over, game didnt start yet...
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
06 May 12 UTC
The Classic Variants series:
A string of games of the classic map/Variants of the classic map, including Classic, Economic, FoW, 7 Islands, Custom start, 1880, 1897, and Milan...
anyone is welcome in any game, classic game link here
18 replies
OatNeil (908 D)
06 May 12 UTC
Country give-a-way
I am giving away Canada in this game: gameID=7382and India in this game: gameID=7354

Who wants them?
3 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 May 12 UTC
Fantasy War EoG
Space reserved for EoGs from gameID=6160 . I'll write mine up soon.
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