A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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HQDominator (757 D)
19 Jul 19 UTC
Discord Server
I don't use this website much but I know ya'll do, would you be interested in making a Discord for you to discuss this game on?
6 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
14 May 19 UTC
Changes to make PPSC better
Currently, the PPSC system rewards points in a solo. It has a number of perverse effects on gameplay. In the subsequent post(s), I will outline changes that could reform PPSC and reduce its detrimental impact.
69 replies
hq_dominate (955 D)
20 Jul 19 UTC
2 replies
Sky_Hopper (752 D)
16 Jul 19 UTC
Deleting an account
Hey, if I were to ever want to delete my account, how would I go about doing that?
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ubercacher16 (1837 D)
11 Jul 19 UTC
Google Translate Game
Hello everyone! I am looking for six other players to join a game of Classic(probably, another variant if more want to play), public press, where every player must send messages after putting them through several other languages and then back into English.

I am open to suggestions on exactly which languages and how many there should be.
59 replies
AKeeFaTheHun (1087 D)
18 Jul 19 UTC
Preview button not working?
I apologise if this has been covered before, I've been away for a few years. I'm trying to preview my moves and that function does not appear to be working.
4 replies
Chenggis Khan (963 D)
16 Jul 19 UTC
Fun Times
i got a huge urge to play some games. join up!
0 replies
Elipticon (736 D)
12 Jul 19 UTC
Error found in Europe 1939
I was browsing the variant list, when I noticed an error. Europe 1939 claims to have 8 players, when it actually has 9.
2 replies
Zybque (1000 D)
09 Jul 19 UTC
Update Nexus Cold War tournament
For who wants to know: 47 participants joined and were seeded in both brackets (called east and west) so everybody has two chances to reach the final. (and if the semi's have the same people in it we go straight to the final)
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Jun 19 UTC
Small improvement to the chat interface...
In an attempt to clear the chatinterface a bit I changed the tabs.
It now shows the countries you have sent or received messages by default, and groups all other in a new selector.
23 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
01 Jul 19 UTC
Decompressive Backseat Orchidectomy Restart
For those that were in this cancelled game (over the technical gaff beyond our control), I’ve recreated the game as Decompressive Bilateral Backseat Orchidectomy. Message me, G-Man, for the password. This is just a restart for the same group of players that had already been playing this game. So, no newcomers please.
5 replies
Melodius_Kitten (940 D)
29 Jun 19 UTC
Players in Yeet-11
Just a little message that I'm agreeing to the draw but there's some error when I hit draw and now I can't access the game again.

Just letting you all know in case you thought I was intentionally delaying the draw.
6 replies
Bella (865 D)
25 Jun 19 UTC
Phases Played?
Attempting to join game with minimum phases played and says I've played 0.
Bella (865 D)
25 Jun 19 UTC
Hi! Fairly new to the site and desperate to join a divided states game. Currently it is set to require 50 phases played, which I have not yet met. BUT, when I attempt to join it says "You did not play enough phases to join this game. (Required:50 / You:0)"

In my personal stats it currently says that I've completed 18 phases. Any idea why this message is saying 0? Is there some extra stipulation that has to be met before the site will "count" phases played?

Help from some veterans would be greatly appreciated.

Bella (865 D)
25 Jun 19 UTC
Update: I now have 55 phases played, but I still cannot join the game, and it says this is because I still have 0 phases played. Help please.
Frozen Dog (1638 D)
25 Jun 19 UTC
1v1 games might not count for this; I think you could need phases from larger game types.
Frozen Dog (1638 D)
25 Jun 19 UTC
For example, the game moderation requirements include a stipulation along these lines.

"You need to have at least 25 non-live games with more than 2 players completed and a reliability-rating of R97 or better to moderate a game."

If this is indeed the case though, I think it should be clarified in the 'min phases' section of game setup instructions, which are contained under 'rating requirements' and currently read;

"You can set some requirements that the players for your game need to fulfill.
Min Rating: The minimum reliability a player must have to join your game.
Min Phases: How many phases a player must have played to join your game.
This might lead to not enough people able to join your games, so choose your options wisely.

Default: No restrictions:"
Bella (865 D)
25 Jun 19 UTC
Thanks for the reply. Even if Live Games are excluded (and fair enough if they are), I do have several completed phases in games of at least 1 day phases, so I'm confused as to why it would still tell me that I have 0.

Also, do you know if there is any place visible to potential players where more detailed joining requirements might be specified? All I see is "Minimum phases played: 49."
ubercacher16 (1837 D)
26 Jun 19 UTC
Have you ever participated in a game with MORE than two players?
Bella (865 D)
26 Jun 19 UTC
I'm currently in 3 which have all had phases processed.
Bella (865 D)
26 Jun 19 UTC
But my question was really is there any place that says which types of phases count towards this requirement? Like does the game need to be completed first, etc. I'm a new here, so I'm just not sure whether I've missed something or if there's an error.
ubercacher16 (1837 D)
26 Jun 19 UTC
I believe only 3 or more player non-live games count toward "phase count" when joining a game with such restrictions. Can't find a clarification anywhere though.
Bella (865 D)
26 Jun 19 UTC
Appreciate it! I'll check back in a couple games down the road. :)
Lolim3war577 (975 D)
28 Jun 19 UTC

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ineptmule (1076 D)
25 Jun 19 UTC
Conceding/Withdrawing from a game
Sorry if this is a well-flogged dead horse, but I've looked in the 'Help' section and can't seem to find an answer to this. Is it possible to concede a game - I don't mean voting for a concede result, but for a player to unilaterally withdraw from the game deliberately?
7 replies
Elipticon (736 D)
21 Jun 19 UTC
Why can't you view anything besides the public chat in archives?
Look I understand why you can't watch it during the game, since you could Pm players the details, but after a game has ended, I want to be able to view alliances, deals, and other things that you just couldn't see in the normal chat.
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Strider (1604 D)
30 May 19 UTC
Reliability rating
I'm having trouble understanding the new system.
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
10 Jun 19 UTC
With the update to the new webdip-code we got all the new tournament-tools too. You can read about this here:

Feel free to contact us on the modforum, if you want us to create a tournament for you.
3 replies
jbeutel (1449 D)
09 Jun 19 UTC
Manifest Destiny map issue
There seems to be a mistake in the Manifest Destiny map (fleets can move between one particular sea region and an inland region, which isn’t documented as being intentional and seems to just be a problem). Is the forum the right place to report these sorts of issues?
1 reply
AJManso4 (2361 D)
28 May 19 UTC
Question about replacing civil disorders
Why would people replace someone when they’re about to be eliminated, with games with a bet of 15 or such? Wouldn’t they just be losing their 15 points?
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Dingus Supremus (934 D)
29 May 19 UTC
13 replies
Flame (1073 D)
24 May 19 UTC
Why we got this?
Is this a mistake? Or what?
I did update to the RU-server and find out that stats are not working in a correct way. I check VDip site - the same.
11 replies
Sawyermongrel (1340 D)
26 May 19 UTC
1v1 help
Trying to make a 1v1 but getting an error message that reads: <variable "delayDeadlineMaxTurn" is needed to create a game, but was not entered>but cant find a place to enter that?
any thoughts?
3 replies
mysteryman3177 (903 D)
25 May 19 UTC
Diplomacy fandom
The Diplomacy Fandom on needs active editors can anyone here check it out.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 May 19 UTC
1 SC, 0 units: a bug with the new system
Currently, I'm playing in a game where I currently have 1 SC and 0 units because my only unit was forced to disband. However, an interesting bug occurs, because the Save/Ready buttons still appear at the bottom of the screen, with no orders listed above them. Can someone fix this?
Game: gameID=37418
1 reply
Zybque (1000 D)
13 May 19 UTC
Cold War tournament
That cold war tournament I talked about: Subscriptions are open!
The first 64 players that sign up will participate. You do need to sign up to the discord server as that's the place where we try to mingle the diplomacy crowd.
3 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
13 Jan 19 UTC
Dawn of the Enlightenment Game Forming
I see there are separate threads for game recruiting, so here we are.
30 replies
ubercacher16 (1837 D)
20 May 19 UTC
Chaos Colors
See below
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Sky_Hopper (752 D)
23 May 19 UTC
Winning target SCs don't work?
I just tried to create a Classic game with the winning number of SCs as 34 and the site just didn't want to do it. Is this a bug, or a system put in place?
1 reply
LeonWalras (1105 D)
03 May 19 UTC
As I'm sure many of you are aware, we now have the classic chaos variant over at
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Grahamso1 (1912 D)
10 May 19 UTC
Two winners in a game?
What happens if a game is set with winning conditions lower than 50% of all SCs and two players reach that goal in the same season? Is it a tie? Does the game continue until one has more?
5 replies
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