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IRL politics
What's the etiquette regarding discussing IRL politics and ethics over here? Would love to engage in some healthy debate, and I definitely am not asking just because I have due homework regarding certain political and ethical issues haha
JohnyD (2012 D)
23 May 23 UTC
I don't think there is a rule outside of being respectful towards your peers. Discussion on any topic can become toxic if the participants are assholes.
Ask your questions and we'll tell you if it's offensive. :d
Thanks! First topic I suppose would be about nuclear warfare and it's development. Let's say one lives in a country that has not produced such weapons, and that country is not in the best of relations with some others that do have those weapons, then should they invest on creation of nuclear weapons themselves to, I guess, level the playing field?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
That depends upon whether one's country is under the US nuclear umbrella and then whether one's country has signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. One of the early institutional heart attack moments of Donald Trump's Presidency came when he asked why Japan, South Korea and Taiwan did not just develop nuclear weapons and allow the US to withdraw most of its grounds forces from China's perimeter.
thanks for the response, I did not know those treaties existed! but for the sake of the argument, let's say that the country is not under those treaties. Heck, let's say that the treaty didn't exist, and we're just going by the ethics and morality of developing a weapon of mass destruction for warfare/to prevent warfare itself.

Or maybe I should rephrase the question: should one try to develop nuclear arms just to prevent war, purely because everyone else around them has said weapons?

it's a rather interesting homework given to us, and a rather icky topic to hand to us who do plan to take the Hippocratic oath sometime in the future. I think I have an argument at hand (purely because Vinland Saga's lessons have poisoned me), but I'm fairly curious to the other side of the argument
It's rather easy to claim to be altruistic and optimistic. Be all "Violence is never the answer and developing weapons is not the right way!" but is the path towards lesser bloodshed only accessible with a dangerous weapon in hand?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
Well, the Hippocratic Oath used to include an explicit prohibition on performing abortions. So it is already established to be relativistic and subservient to the fashions of situational ethics.
yet another interesting issue! I have no qualms with abortion that is true, but I am still extremely conflicted with nuclear weapons haha
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
My point was simply that such things are not rooted in some fixed moral system.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
23 May 23 UTC
Much more interesting than this hypothetical question is the question of what do you do with a active nuclear power plant in an active war zone and there are enemies inside that shoot at you?
@gopher27 i don't disagree at all! Though I myself am still trying to figure out where to actually draw the line

@GOD is that in reference to something occurring today? My goodness that is a loaded question you gave me... If death is the only outcome, and the fate of a future you won't get to experience lies in your hands, what would one do...

It depends on the enemies I'd guess, as well as the location of this power plant. Would I sacrifice my country or an area of that country just to get back at those who took my life? I wouldn't have the heart to press that button, but I'm not sure if I'd feel the same if that actually happens to md
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
Threaten to induce a meltdown to make your enemies retreat? Ultimate suicide bomb?
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
23 May 23 UTC
No just hypothetical but let’s assume that it’s also the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe.

Also I’ve read today that the Iranians have decided to answer your original question by establishing more resources to get to the bomb.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
23 May 23 UTC
@gopher we don’t do suicide bombs in Europe
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
Didn't a female pilot pitch kamikazes to Hitler during the war and offer to recruit female pilots for the suicide missions?
JohnyD (2012 D)
23 May 23 UTC
I'm with the belief "Mutually assured destruction" is a thing. It is the only reason we are not currently looking at a full scale NATO invasion of Russia and why they moved against a neutral nation.

There have been conflicts between nuclear powers, but nobody wants to be the first to use the bomb since 1945. It will be a diplomatic death (and probably a literal one).

My opinion is that the A bomb and the effort of the west to combine their economies (the EU with the help of the US), so we can't attack each other, are two of the most important reasons why there was barely any war conflicts in Europe since WW2. The main accidents were outside the EU (Greece-Turkey, Yugoslavia, the civil wars of eastern Europe and now - RussiaVsUkraine).

Unfortunately, overreaction is a thing. It is possible that we won't be so lucky in the future and an A bomb can be dropped.

The vital question for me is: what then? How are we as a society going to treat the user?
Synarus (938 D)
24 May 23 UTC
@Gopher there is significant historical debate regarding the Hippocratic Oath and the forbidding of abortion. Other Hippocratic texts from 275 AD detail and allow abortions. In fact, it appears there were more then one Hippocratic school of thought. Which more points to the fact that History is merely a narrative someone writes down and pretends to be a monolith.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 May 23 UTC
@Synarus...I fail to grasp the relevance of your statement to the validity of mine.
Mikey99 (1441 D)
24 May 23 UTC
The only reason why North Korea hasn't gone the way of Libya and Syria etc, is because North Korean knew that have the Bomb was the only card that the US respects. The joint agreement with Iran was working until Trump threw a tanty and pretty much scrapped that deal. Much as Bush jnr scrapped the arrangement with North Korea that Clinton had negotiated.
JohnyD (2012 D)
24 May 23 UTC
@Mikey99 And NK have the backing of China and Russia. Otherwise it didn't matter if they develop the bomb, if their people die from starvation.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 May 23 UTC
In what ways are the paths of Libya and Syria similar?

The Iran Nuclear Deal was hardly working. I would argue that it was illegal under US law any way.

Clinton did not negotiate the deal with North Korea. Jimmy Carter interjected himself into the situation and allowed North Korea to assert that a deal had been agreed to, which the Clinton Administration was not willing to invest the time, attention and political capital to undo. Similarly, it was basically just paying off an extortionist, and North Korea violated the spirit of nearly every element. China shutdown a pipeline for maintenance cutting off energy to North Korea during the Bush era to force a stronger deal.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
24 May 23 UTC
Libya and Syria have both plunged into civil war for several years, albeit with opposing outcomes.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 May 23 UTC
One country faced an external intervention and the other did not. Wasn't the conversational thread about nuclear weapons shielding one's country from external interventions?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 May 23 UTC
In other news:
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
24 May 23 UTC
Huh. Both have had planes from a host of nations dropping bombs on perceived or real military targets, which one is supposed to be the one without external intervention?
Synarus (938 D)
24 May 23 UTC
@gop[her, just a lot of people sharing their opinions instead of facts, and presenting "facts" as facts, when really many non-scientific facts are just myths that we create to reinforce patriarchal, religious, political or economic systems of control.

For example, science has proven shared moral beliefs across countries, ethnicities, etc, there is a fixed moral baseline, but that conflicts with Capitalism or geo-political concerns so instead we justify things as subjective, when historical actions can and should be viewed objectively. Almost every culture and faith comes up with "thou shalt not murder", but its the violence of the elites that creates exceptions. Those exceptions are made-up, we all know what murder is, and we all know war is murder.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 May 23 UTC
@GOD...Libya clearly faced a serious external intervention at the beginning while the state was still functioning and the regime largely still in power with the clear purpose of toppling the regime. Syria largely dissolved as a functioning state into a brutal civil war and into the resulting vacuum various actors from all side deployed proxies. The point of the discussion was about the power of nuclear weapons to shield regimes from external intervention. And I genuinely thought intervention into Libya was a horrible idea on that principle alone. Qaddafi surrendered and dismantled a serious nuclear weapons program, and game theoretical commitment to the declared strategy in a time consistent manner was vital to future credibility regrading such issues. I would go so far as to say that intervention in Libya rendered pointless all future American policy around nuclear non-proliferation (and disarmament), which the last decade in Ukraine has reiterated.

@Synarus...Which "science" would that be? Haidt may be correct about any number of things, but I would not classify him as a "scientist". But I feel compelled to add that it must be blissful to live in a fantasy world where noble subalterns are unacquainted with self-rationalized murderous violence. The crew of the Bounty murdered each other to the last man on Pitcairn Island as I would have expected them to. The leading cause of death for men among hunter/gathers in a pre-capitalist and pre-geopolitical framework was violent murder.

But it is worth noting that the surviving children on Pitcairn Island ended up adopting a particularly harsh, Puritanical form of Christianity that very tightly defined behavioral morality. Adam Smith was by vocation actually an academic moral philosopher with a theological bent. His magnum opus was actually a book about morality. The positive reception of that book got him hired by Charles Townsend (unintended father of the American Revolution) to serve as tutor and chaperone for his son on a Grand Tour. The pension that was his reward funded his writing of The Wealth of Nations as an avocational side project. One of Smith's assertions within his day job was that individuals who live more perilous lives, less insulated from the shocks to life and livelihood, tend to embrace more austere and harshly moralistic religions.
Oh wow, thanks to everyone that has contributed to this forum so far. I'll get back to this if I can to have an opinion on the matters
JECE (1534 D)
26 May 23 UTC
Coffee and keyboards and popcorn
@JohnyD I also believe that a MAD situation is a good way to cancel it out, and thus ultimately negate the use of it. Supposedly, and may I say theoretically?, it is a way to hinder war as a whole. But I do think underreaction is also a potent killer, just as much as overreaction. Do please enlighten me on the Russo-Ukrainian war because I don't have the facts straight. I heard that there aren't many interventions being handed? What is stopping the US from threatening Russia with the bomb? What do you think prominent leaders should do in the situation at hand?

Also for everyone else, I would appreciate some form of citations here and there because there are a lot of sentences being thrown around that I don't even know where to start XD. NK being backed by China and Russia, is that an obvious thing? A conspiracy? Or something of an open secret? Or is it just putting 2 and 2 together?
CoffeeAndKeyboards (1715 D)
29 May 23 UTC
I opened this forum for a debate. Now I'm being more aware of my own ignorance the more I read XD
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 May 23 UTC
The more one learns the more one knows what one does not know...the better one should understand the enormity of one's own ignorance.
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
29 May 23 UTC
On NK just look up how the state survived the Korean War (millions of Chinese soldiers).
Samj (1766 D)
06 Jun 23 UTC
@CoffeeAndKeyboards Back to your original question... There are so many different variables that would have to be considered in your scenario. Does your country have financial, industrial, or natural resources in a quantity that would make a neighbor want to annex/subjugate it? Is it strategically located? Is there a history of conflict between you and the nations you are concerned about? I don't believe any of the current nuclear powers would use them simply because they "do not like" the leadership/people of another country. I think having the weapons available would make you a likely target of a first strike. Personally, I believe that every country that owns nuclear ICBMs has them aimed at multiple countries, according to the threat they feel from that country and the area that would need to be covered. Once those started to fly, I think all would be launched (in cycles to create the greatest damage) and those with better defense systems would hope that some survive. The use of a smaller payload tactical missile or "dirty bomb" MAY keep the retaliation at that smaller scale, but I doubt it. I know the Soviet doctrine included them while I was in army intelligence in the 80s. If you are concerned with one of the nuclear 'super powers', creating a small arsenal of them yourself would only ensure that your nation was one of the first ones annihilated. I just feel that 'most' nations would be less likely to use them against a nation that does not have them. Now, if you are worried about a neighbor that has a lunatic in charge of those weapons, having your own wouldn't probably deter him/her. Instead it would likely provoke them. There are enough of those weapons in the world, your best bet would be working on a relationship that would put you in a position to have a common defense treaty with a nation willing to cover you under their nuclear umbrella. You still may get annihilated if there is a world-wide nuclear holocaust, but more than likely it would be the fallout that would get you, instead of direct hits. Just an additional thought on the matter, I think the biggest danger is if a single power manages to create either a way to disable their opponents missiles across the board, or creates a defense system that has at least a 80-90% reliability. If that happens, they may feel secure in lighting them up. That's one person's opinion you asked for. That's as general as I could make it without getting into any specific political situations.
Bonatogether (1179 D)
07 Jun 23 UTC
Tangentially off of Samj's final point - isn't it then the case that any country with functioning missile defense systems keep it an absolute secret, to the best of their ability? because if you remove the 'mutual' of MAD, then you've suddenly removed the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons
JohnyD (2012 D)
07 Jun 23 UTC
@Coffee The US is a leader in the world nuclear de-escalation efforts. If they start threatening Russia with bombs, they lose all credibility for the foreseeable future.
@Samj said it well, it's probably best to be under someone's nuclear umbrella and worry only about conventional wars.
The A bomb usage is considered by the modern world as inexcusable with the exception being retaliation to a nuclear strike. Whoever uses them aggressively will probably going to be treated harsher than the allies did the nazi leaders (with the exception of the recruited ones, obviously).
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
07 Jun 23 UTC
Update to my previous hypothetical scenario: what if one of the warring parties drains the lake providing cooling water to the power plant?
Samj (1766 D)
12 Jun 23 UTC
Depending on the geography of your "hypothetical" situation... That could have dire ramifications for other neighboring countries as well if one entity is trying to create a nuclear meltdown. There is no controlling exactly where and to what extent it would effect a region. They could possibly plan according to expected weather/wind patterns, but there are just too many variables for any 'sane' nation to risk it if they also border the one being sabotaged. When dealing with a power hungry despot though, all bets are off. It's time to rally all the possibly effected countries nearby (and their allies as well) to make a clear statement to the aggressor that creating a disaster of those proportions would not be forgiven and would likely be punished by the world community. (I know, there may be a bloc of nations that really doesn't care about that). Hmmm... we were able to get food and candy to West Berlin... Maybe we could keep enough water coming in as well? I'm sure there are spec ops teams around who would be happy to knock out the 'draining' facilities.
Samj (1766 D)
14 Jun 23 UTC
I know there are certain insinuations and it may be inferred that Coffee's line of questions is actually about current events. To be clear, my responses were to the "hypothetical" situations in the original questions, not to actual events occurring now.
My comment about supplying water to refill supplies does not work in the event of a dam break. This was brought to my attention, so I thought I would make it more clear.

39 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Jun 23 UTC
Happy those who celebrate.
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 May 23 UTC
Aussie Mafia Defend your degeneracy, if you can
Mustard in mashed potatoes?
37 replies
Henrylynn2021 (980 D)
25 May 23 UTC
Is it possible to start a game by myself?
I want to start a game where I control all of the powers. I want to test moves/strategy. Is it possible to start a sandbox or a game by myself?
6 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 May 23 UTC
Texas invades France
I found this today and got sucked in. Curious about European cultural reaction.
4 replies
David Hood (976 D)
26 May 23 UTC
May 2023 Deadline News is Out!
Diplomacy Broadcast Network has just released the latest edition of its Diplomacy news show. Interviews with Keith Worstell (Superstition) about Nexus, Randy Lawrence-Hurt about how acting and Diplomacy can be similar, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy. Link:
0 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
22 May 23 UTC
Please take over open positions
A player has left the site and 23 games in a fit of rage. Please consider taking up the positions to save the games. Time has been added to ensure a smooth takeover.
25 replies
CBro27 (1436 D)
25 May 23 UTC
Stats bug?
Was just looking at my stats, and my “all games” show 30 total games played, but the “variants” stats show 33. Any ideas on why this is?
2 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
13 May 23 UTC
Anyone watching the final tonight?
63 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
22 May 23 UTC
God help me, a positive word about Fox News
The Wall Street Journal published an article over the weekend that mentioned in passing the fact that Epstein changed his will shortly before dying to list Bill Gates's personal "Science Advisor" (presumably Myhrvold's replacement) as the executor of his will. This was news to me, and Google indicates that Fox News was the only major American media organization to cover this fact in 2019.
1 reply
MacMillanwu (1000 D X)
20 May 23 UTC
Preparations for NBA 2K23 Appraisement
Preparations for NBA 2K23 Appraisement 6. ablution on Friday, April 7th, at 8AM PT/11AM ET/4PM BST. Breach acquainted for what we accepting in store!? The NBA 2K series game has been popular for many years, the next work NBA 2K23 is on the schedule now. In NBA 2K23 MyTEAM. If you need NBA 2K23 MT, Buy it at
0 replies
MacMillanwu (1000 D X)
20 May 23 UTC
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0 replies
MacMillanwu (1000 D X)
20 May 23 UTC
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DonnaStella123 (1000 D X)
20 May 23 UTC
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1 reply
DonnaStella123 (1000 D X)
20 May 23 UTC
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DonnaStella123 (1000 D X)
20 May 23 UTC
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0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 May 23 UTC
Any European Basketball Fans?
The NY Post lists Victor Wembanyama at 7'5" and only 210 pounds. He clearly seemed to want to go to San Antonio, which might be a sign of maturity and intelligence while now seeming a metaphysical certainty. Superficially, he looks to have a VERY narrow frame from shoulders through the hips. I do not associate my gut reaction to the look of him with physical durability or long careers.
5 replies
Flame (1073 D)
15 May 23 UTC
Forum bug found
There is a bug which allow to write empty (with spaces or Line Break-symbols) replies and themes.
7 replies
Dipperjay (1638 D)
13 May 23 UTC
Caspian Sea in Modern variant
Question about the Modern variant: can a fleet on the north coast of Iran move into the Caspian Sea? The original variant description states that the Rostov canal is the *only* way to get a fleet into the Caspian Sea. But I find it rather odd that a fleet on the Iran north coast would not be allowed to go there (I have confirmed that building a fleet there is possible, that is not my question).
5 replies
Porphyry (1014 D)
09 May 23 UTC
Any takers for playing Africa variant?
This thread is to gauge interest in playing the Africa variant.
6 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
12 May 23 UTC
Cleaning up gmaes lost in pause
About hald of our active games are currently paused. For oversight, I will start drawing games having been pause for more than half a year. If for whatever reason you are in such a game and would not like to have it paused, please write so in the mod forum.
7 replies
Argyle Poblano (1880 D)
09 May 23 UTC
Any Toki Pona speakers?
Just wondering if there's any crossover between the Toki Pona community and vdip :)

(toki pona is a conlang for those confused)
3 replies
Avocado (1364 D)
08 May 23 UTC
New Divided States Map
I felt like making a Divided States map which I named “Well, rip us” (for obvious reasons). If anyone who is reading this hasn’t joined, they should as this could be really fun.
0 replies
kendall (1719 D)
04 May 23 UTC
Etiquette of readying your moves
I’ve notice that a lot of people stop readying their moves—even retreats—when the game isn’t going their way any more. Is there a strategic explanation for this or is just to pout?
16 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
30 Apr 23 UTC
Throwing the game
Since messages from people complaining about this have reached us quite a lot in the last weeks:
16 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
26 Apr 23 UTC
New Rulebook Edition
The new Renegade edition of the rules is now available at
19 replies
Chinese 2020-2021 Diplomacy League is so exciting!
The Chinese Diplomacy League games have been in "New games" for two years..? -_-
Unless I'm missing something about the Chinese way of playing Diplomacy, maybe it could be a good thing to delete these games? :)
4 replies
finnrobertson15 (1000 D)
17 Apr 23 UTC
Two New Variants: Classic - Arabia & 1939 (My first two)
My first two variants. Let me know what you think, and how I can improve either one or variant creation in general :)
29 replies
David Hood (976 D)
26 Apr 23 UTC
April 2023 Deadline News is out, from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network
New Deadline episode released - Dipcon/Dixiecon memories, David E. Cohen interview, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:
0 replies
Flame (1073 D)
19 Feb 23 UTC
Minor power variant dev-team
Who is willing or capable to join to make a new variant called "Minor power"?
26 replies
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