Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Kartov (1095 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
19259 The sound of silence-10 ClassicCrowded Survived 1 1001
19141 Bundy Ranch ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -36 965
19128 Crimean Apocalypse Modern2 Drawn 39 1004
19272 That game-2 Classic Won 100 1104
19797 Hablabla KnownWorld_901 Survived -27 1077
19669 The States Are Revolting! Imperial2 Defeated 0 1077
19905 Serendipity KnownWorld_901 Survived 128 1205
20244 Final Solution to the Geoffish Problem Europe1939 Defeated 0 1205
19708 the last war before we invade aliens WWIV_V6 Defeated -44 1161
21891 Fidel gets a tan in Richmond, VA Empire4 -18 1143
22709 Rush AberrationV Defeated -24 1119
22780 Double the trouble ClassicLayered Survived -31 1088
23055 Friendship is STILL Magic Classic Drawn 0 1088
23048 Euromania Modern2 Survived 4 1092
22881 KnowWorld KnownWorld_901 Defeated -9 1083
31312 Megazord Reboot Classic Drawn 12 1095