Finished: 03 AM Sun 26 May 19 UTC
Private За свободную Ичкерию (я шуч
1 day /phase
Pot: 25 D - Autumn, 2002, Finished
Caucasia, Rulebook press, Anon, WTA, Hidden draw votes
2 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Progressor (1180 D)

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07 May 19 UTC Spring, 1999: ...у, товарищ майор, не сажайте меня на бутылку)
07 May 19 UTC Spring, 1999: Ноги на ширине плеч иииии раз и два и три и четыре
07 May 19 UTC Spring, 1999: Ненадо было физру пргуливать
08 May 19 UTC Spring, 1999: Comrades, did Russia answer you?
08 May 19 UTC Spring, 1999: GameMaster: Chechnya voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Spring, 2000" the votes will be cleared.
09 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: GameMaster: Chechnya voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Autumn, 2000" the votes will be cleared.
09 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: GameMaster: NMR from Russia. Send the country in CD.
09 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: GameMaster: Missing orders for Autumn, 1999 (Diplomacy) from a country with 2 or more SCs. Extending phase.The game will continue after this phase even if you do not find a replacement.
09 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: GameMaster: Per 2/3 majority vote the gamephase got extended by 4 days.
(Voters: Georgia / Armenia / Chechnya)
09 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: OMG
11 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: Чет на первом ходу игра и затухла
15 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: GameMaster: NMR from Azerbaijan. Send the country in CD.
15 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: GameMaster: Missing orders for Autumn, 1999 (Retreats) from a country with 2 or more SCs. Extending phase.The game will continue after this phase even if you do not find a replacement.
15 May 19 UTC Autumn, 1999: GameMaster: Chechnya voted for a Cancel. If everyone votes Cancel all points will be refunded and the game will be deleted from the database.
19 May 19 UTC Spring, 2001: GameMaster: Game was extended due to at least 1 member failing to enter orders and having an excused missed turn available. This has un-readied all orders.
21 May 19 UTC Spring, 2002: ээээ, тут нельзя сделать флот армении, абидна
23 May 19 UTC Ого какая активная игра
23 May 19 UTC Я смотрю, всем интересно
23 May 19 UTC Да после слива двух стран всем пох
23 May 19 UTC Я аутские приказы дал, просто доедай и закончим