The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Mali (mal) move to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) move to Congo (con). (fail)
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Mali (mal).
The army at Calgary (clg) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Mauritania (mau) via convoy.
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) move to Uruguay (uru). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa). (fail)
The army at Curitiba (ctb) move to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The army at Monterey (mon) move to Guadalajara (gdl). (fail)
The army at Sweden (swe) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The army at Marseilles (mar) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) move to Michoacan (mch). (fail)
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Labrador Sea (lab) move to Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Medellin (med) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Azores - east sea lane (Est. azo) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) move to Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Lagos (lag). (fail)
The army at Veracruz (vcz) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at Azores - south sea lane (Sth. azo) move to Mid North Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. mna).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) move to Veracruz (vcz). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) support hold to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The army at Rondonia (ron) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Santander (stn) support hold to Bogota (bog).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Hamburg (ham).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The army at Beni (bni) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Honduras (hon) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Loreto (lor) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The army at Acre (acr) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Dakar (dak) support move to Mali (mal) from Mauritania (mau).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) support move to Ghana (gha) from Mali (mal).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The army at Ivory Coast (ivo) support move to Ghana (gha) from Mali (mal).
The army at Finland (fin) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to Congo (con) from Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) support move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) from Gulf of Panama (gop).
The army at Morocco (mor) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) support move to Mesopotamia (msp) from Curitiba (ctb).
The army at Burgundy (bur) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Guatamala (gml) support move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) from Panama (pan). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) support move to Ghana (gha) from Mali (mal).
The fleet at Lima (lim) support move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) from Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The army at Idaho (ida) support move to Vancouver (van) from Calgary (clg).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast) support move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) from Panama (pan).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support move to Guadalajara (gdl) from Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) convoy to Mauritania (mau) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) disband.
The army at Azerbaijan (aze) hold.
The army at Ethiopia (eth) hold.
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) hold.
The army at Tombouctou (tom) hold.
The army at Minsk (msk) hold.
The army at Austria (aus) hold.
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) hold.
The fleet at Algiers (alg) hold.
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) hold.
The fleet at Somalia (som) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) hold.
The fleet at Istanbul (ist) hold.
The army at Ahaggar (aha) hold.
The fleet at Red Sea (red) hold.
The fleet at Ionian Sea (ion) hold.
The fleet at Mombasa (mom) hold.
The fleet at Tanzania (tan) hold.
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) hold.
The army at Baghdad (bag) hold.
The fleet at Oman (oma) hold.
The army at Izmir (izm) hold.
The army at Lithuania (lit) hold.
The army at Rome (rom) hold.
The army at Murmansk (mur) hold.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) hold.
The army at Ghana (gha) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Volgograd (vol) hold.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd) hold.
The army at Croatia (cro) hold.
The army at Rumania (rum) hold.
The army at Budapest (bud) hold.
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Tehran (teh) hold.
The army at Kiev (kie) hold.
The fleet at Eritrea (eri) hold.
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat). (fail)
The army at Kwara (kwa) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Niger (ngr) support hold to Tombouctou (tom).
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Kano (kno) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Tripoli (tri) support hold to Grand Erg Oriental (geo).
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Apulia (apu) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Chaco (chc) support hold to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Chaco (chc) disband.
The army at Ghana (gha) disband.
The army at Hawaii (hi) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) hold.
The army at Afghanistan (afg) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold.
The army at Kashmir (kas) hold.
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) hold.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Khorasan (kho) hold.
The army at Thar Desert (thr) hold.
The army at Baluchestan (blc) hold.
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) hold.
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The army at Mendoza (mdz) move to La Rioja (lrj).
The army at Cordoba (crd) move to Chaco (chc).
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) move to Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab).
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) move to Amundsen Sea (amu).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) move to Galapagos (glp).
The army at Anchorage (anc) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Siberia (sib) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) move to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The army at Rajasthan (raj) move to Yemen (yem) via convoy.
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) move to Rajasthan (raj).
The army at Calcutta (cal) move to Delhi (del).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) support hold to Mesopotamia (msp).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) support hold to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp) support hold to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch). (fail)
The army at Sucre (suc) support hold to La Paz (lpz).
The army at Rosario (rsr) support hold to Mesopotamia (msp).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support hold to Sucre (suc).
The army at Atacama (ata) support hold to Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) support hold to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) support hold to Mozambique Channel (mzb).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) support hold to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Mozambique Channel (mzb) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support hold to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support hold to Uruguay (uru). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) support hold to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) support hold to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from South Central Pacific Ocean (scp).
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) support move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) from South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Siberia (sib).
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) support move to Chaco (chc) from Cordoba (crd).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) support move to Chaco (chc) from Cordoba (crd). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to Vancouver (van) from Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support move to Los Angeles (la) from North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) support move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) from South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) from South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) convoy to Yemen (yem) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) convoy to Yemen (yem) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) disband.
The fleet at Lubango (lub) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat). (fail)
The army at Zambia (zam) move to Zimbabwe (zim).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support hold to Durban (dur).
The fleet at Angola (ang) support hold to Kinshasa (kin).
The fleet at Mozambique (moz) support hold to Durban (dur).
The fleet at Kinshasa (kin) support hold to Congo (con).
The army at Dar Es Salaam (dar) support hold to Mozambique (moz).
The fleet at Durban (dur) support hold to Mozambique (moz).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Congo (con).
The army at Kivu (kiv) support hold to Kinshasa (kin).
The army at Botswana (bot) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at Namibia (nam) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Congo (con) support hold to Kinshasa (kin). (fail)
Spring, 2131 :
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Sao Paulo (sao).
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb) move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb).
The army at Calgary (clg) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Azores (azo) move to Cape Verde Islands (cpv) via convoy.
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) via convoy.
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa). (fail)
The army at Fortaleza (for) move to Recife (rec).
The army at Monterey (mon) move to Guadalajara (gdl). (fail)
The army at Sweden (swe) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) move to La Paz (lpz). (fail)
The army at Marseilles (mar) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) move to Santa Cruz (scz). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) move to Uruguay (uru). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The army at Paraguay (pgy) move to Chaco (chc). (fail)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Labrador Sea (lab).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) move to Azores - east sea lane (Est. azo).
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Azores - east sea lane (Est. azo) move to Azores - south sea lane (Sth. azo).
The army at Dakar (dak) support hold to Mali (mal).
The army at Mali (mal) support hold to Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The army at Mauritania (mau) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Santander (stn) support hold to Medellin (med).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Ivory Coast (ivo) support hold to Mali (mal).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Morocco (mor) support hold to Mauritania (mau).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Hamburg (ham).
The army at Beni (bni) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Honduras (hon) support hold to Nicaragua (nic).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Loreto (lor) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support hold to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Veracruz (vcz) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The army at Acre (acr) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The army at Rondonia (ron) support move to Santa Cruz (scz) from Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The army at Curitiba (ctb) support move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from Sao Paulo (sao).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) support move to Angola Basin (anb) from St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Finland (fin) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support move to Santa Cruz (scz) from Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at Medellin (med) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Panama (pan).
The army at Burgundy (bur) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala (gml) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Panama (pan). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) support move to Angola Basin (anb) from St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) support move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) from Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb).
The fleet at Lima (lim) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) support move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) from Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) support move to Angola Basin (anb) from St Helena (sth).
The army at Idaho (ida) support move to Vancouver (van) from Calgary (clg).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Panama (pan).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support move to Guadalajara (gdl) from Monterey (mon).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) convoy to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from Sao Paulo (sao).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) convoy to Cape Verde Islands (cpv) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) convoy to Cape Verde Islands (cpv) from Azores (azo).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) disband.
The army at Azerbaijan (aze) hold.
The army at Ethiopia (eth) hold.
The army at Austria (aus) hold.
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) hold.
The fleet at Somalia (som) hold.
The fleet at Istanbul (ist) hold.
The army at Ahaggar (aha) hold.
The fleet at Red Sea (red) hold.
The fleet at Mombasa (mom) hold.
The fleet at Tanzania (tan) hold.
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) hold.
The army at Baghdad (bag) hold.
The fleet at Oman (oma) hold.
The army at Izmir (izm) hold.
The army at Rome (rom) hold.
The army at Murmansk (mur) hold.
The army at Volgograd (vol) hold.
The army at Croatia (cro) hold.
The army at Rumania (rum) hold.
The army at Budapest (bud) hold.
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Tehran (teh) hold.
The army at Kiev (kie) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Kwara (kwa) move to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) move to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr). (fail)
The army at Kano (kno) move to Kwara (kwa). (fail)
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The army at Ghana (gha) move to Mali (mal). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd) move to Gulf of Sirte (sir). (fail)
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) support hold to Tombouctou (tom).
The army at Niger (ngr) support hold to Tombouctou (tom).
The army at Rosario (rsr) support hold to Chaco (chc). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Minsk (msk) support hold to Lithuania (lit).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Tripoli (tri) support hold to Grand Erg Oriental (geo).
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Apulia (apu) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Tombouctou (tom) support move to Mali (mal) from Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Ionian Sea (ion) support move to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) from Gulf of Sirte (sir).
The army at Chaco (chc) support move to Mesopotamia (msp) from Buenos-Aries (bue). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) retreat to Eritrea (eri).
The army at Rosario (rsr) disband.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) hold.
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) hold.
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Afghanistan (afg) hold.
The army at Siberia (sib) hold.
The fleet at Reunion (reu) hold.
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) hold.
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold.
The army at Kashmir (kas) hold.
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) hold.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Khorasan (kho) hold.
The army at Thar Desert (thr) hold.
The army at Baluchestan (blc) hold.
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) hold.
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) hold.
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) hold.
The army at Calcutta (cal) hold.
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) hold.
The army at Hawaii (hi) move to Michoacan (mch) via convoy. (fail)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) move to Amundsen Sea (amu).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc).
The army at Pampas (pam) move to Rosario (rsr).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) move to Mesopotamia (msp).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat). (fail)
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) move to North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The fleet at Mozambique Channel (mzb) move to Mozambique (moz). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Madras (mdr) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) move to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The army at Rajasthan (raj) move to Durban (dur) via convoy. (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa). (fail)
The army at Cordoba (crd) support hold to Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) support hold to Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) support hold to East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp) support hold to Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch). (fail)
The army at Sucre (suc) support hold to La Paz (lpz).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) support hold to Chaco (chc).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support hold to Uruguay (uru). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) support move to Mesopotamia (msp) from Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd).
The army at Mendoza (mdz) support move to Rosario (rsr) from Pampas (pam).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support move to Lima (lim) from Arequipa (arq). (fail)
The army at Atacama (ata) support move to Lima (lim) from Arequipa (arq).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to Durban (dur) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) support move to Gulf of Aden (gad) from Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) support move to Gulf of Aden (gad) from Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support move to Gulf of Aden (gad) from Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) from Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) support move to Gulf of Aden (gad) from Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) support move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) from South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) from South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) convoy to Durban (dur) from Rajasthan (raj). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) convoy to Durban (dur) from Rajasthan (raj). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) convoy to Durban (dur) from Rajasthan (raj). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) convoy to Durban (dur) from Rajasthan (raj). (fail)
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) convoy to Durban (dur) from Rajasthan (raj). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) disband.
The army at Kisangani (kis) move to Kivu (kiv).
The army at Angola (ang) move to Zambia (zam).
The fleet at Congo (con) move to Gulf of Guinea (gog). (fail)
The fleet at Lubango (lub) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support hold to Durban (dur).
The fleet at Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) support hold to Angola Basin (anb). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Mozambique (moz) support hold to Durban (dur). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Dar Es Salaam (dar) support hold to Mozambique (moz).
The fleet at Durban (dur) support hold to Mozambique (moz). (fail)
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Botswana (bot) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at Namibia (nam) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) retreat to Angola (ang).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) retreat to Kinshasa (kin).
Autumn, 2130 :
The army at Azores (azo) hold.
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The army at Dakar (dak) move to Mali (mal).
The army at Calgary (clg) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Sao Paulo (sao).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb).
The army at Maranhao (mrn) move to Fortaleza (for).
The army at Monterey (mon) move to Michoacan (mch). (fail)
The army at Sweden (swe) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The army at Marseilles (mar) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The army at Beni (bni) move to La Paz (lpz). (fail)
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Curitiba (ctb) move to Mesopotamia (msp).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat). (fail)
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) move to North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) move to Yucatan Basin (yub).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa).
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Lagos (lag). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to St Helena (sth). (fail)
The army at Veracruz (vcz) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Azores - east sea lane (Est. azo).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The army at Rondonia (ron) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Santander (stn) support hold to Medellin (med).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Morocco (mor) support hold to Mauritania (mau).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Ruhr (ruh). (fail)
The army at Honduras (hon) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Loreto (lor) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support hold to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) support hold to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The army at Acre (acr) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The fleet at Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from St Helena (sth). (fail)
The army at Mauritania (mau) support move to Mali (mal) from Dakar (dak). (fail)
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) support move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Ghana (gha) support move to Mali (mal) from Dakar (dak). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support move to La Paz (lpz) from Beni (bni). (fail)
The army at Finland (fin) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support move to Michoacan (mch) from Monterey (mon).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) support move to Mesopotamia (msp) from Curitiba (ctb).
The army at Yukon (yuk) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Medellin (med) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Panama (pan).
The army at Burgundy (bur) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Guatamala (gml) support move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) from Nicaragua (nic). (fail)
The fleet at Lima (lim) support move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa).
The army at Idaho (ida) support move to Vancouver (van) from Calgary (clg).
The army at Ghana (gha) retreat to Ivory Coast (ivo).
Build army at Dakar (dak).
Build army at Belo Horizonte (blh).
Build fleet at Recife (rec).
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The army at Ethiopia (eth) hold.
The army at Minsk (msk) hold.
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) hold.
The fleet at Algiers (alg) hold.
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) hold.
The fleet at Somalia (som) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) hold.
The fleet at Istanbul (ist) hold.
The fleet at Red Sea (red) hold.
The fleet at Ionian Sea (ion) hold.
The fleet at Mombasa (mom) hold.
The fleet at Mozambique Channel (mzb) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Baghdad (bag) hold.
The fleet at Oman (oma) hold.
The army at Izmir (izm) hold.
The army at Rome (rom) hold.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) hold.
The army at Volgograd (vol) hold.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd) hold.
The army at Rumania (rum) hold.
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Moscow (mos) hold.
The army at Tehran (teh) hold.
The army at Kiev (kie) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) hold.
The army at Tombouctou (tom) move to Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The army at Austria (aus) move to Munich (mun). (fail)
The army at Libya (lib) move to Ahaggar (aha).
The army at Mali (mal) move to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat). (fail)
The army at Croatia (cro) move to Austria (aus). (fail)
The army at Rosario (rsr) support hold to Chaco (chc).
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) support hold to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Kano (kno) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Tripoli (tri) support hold to Grand Erg Oriental (geo).
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Apulia (apu) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Chaco (chc) support hold to Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The army at Kwara (kwa) support move to Ghana (gha) from Mali (mal).
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Tombouctou (tom).
The army at Niger (ngr) support move to Ghana (gha) from Mali (mal).
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) support move to Munich (mun) from Austria (aus).
The army at Budapest (bud) support move to Austria (aus) from Croatia (cro).
The fleet at Mozambique Channel (mzb) retreat to Tanzania (tan).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) disband.
Build army at Azerbaijan (aze).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) hold.
The army at Afghanistan (afg) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold.
The army at Kashmir (kas) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) hold.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Khorasan (kho) hold.
The army at Thar Desert (thr) hold.
The army at Baluchestan (blc) hold.
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) hold.
The army at Rajasthan (raj) hold.
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) hold.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) move to East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp).
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) move to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp).
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. nep) move to East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp).
The army at Anchorage (anc) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) move to Pampas (pam).
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Santa Cruz (scz). (fail)
The army at Atacama (ata) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The army at Siberia (sib) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south east sea lane (S.E. flk) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) move to Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) move to Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) move to Mozambique Channel (mzb).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) move to Madras (mdr).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) move to Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat). (fail)
The army at Dhaka (dha) move to Calcutta (cal).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The army at Mendoza (mdz) support hold to Cordoba (crd).
The army at Cordoba (crd) support hold to Mendoza (mdz).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) support hold to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support hold to Sucre (suc). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) support hold to Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The army at Sucre (suc) support move to Santa Cruz (scz) from Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) from South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to Vancouver (van) from Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) support move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support move to Los Angeles (la) from North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support move to Mozambique Channel (mzb) from Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Nicaragua (nic) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Siberia (sib).
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub). (fail)
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) support move to Lima (lim) from Atacama (ata).
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) support move to Mozambique Channel (mzb) from Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) support move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) from South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) support move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) from South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support move to Mozambique Channel (mzb) from Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
Build army at Buenos-Aries (bue).
Build army at Hawaii (hi).
Build fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail)
The army at Equateur (equ) move to Kisangani (kis).
The fleet at Congo (con) move to Gulf of Guinea (gog). (fail)
The fleet at Lubango (lub) support hold to Namibia (nam).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support hold to Durban (dur).
The fleet at Mozambique (moz) support hold to Durban (dur).
The army at Dar Es Salaam (dar) support hold to Mozambique (moz).
The fleet at Durban (dur) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Botswana (bot) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at Namibia (nam) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Angola (ang) support hold to Lubango (lub).
The fleet at Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) support move to Gulf of Guinea (gog) from Congo (con). (fail)
The army at Lagos (lag) support move to Ghana (gha) from Kwara (kwa). (fail)
Spring, 2130 :
The army at Manaus (man) move to Rondonia (ron).
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Dakar (dak) move to Mali (mal). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The army at Calgary (clg) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Portugal (por) move to Azores (azo) via convoy.
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The army at Panama (pan) move to Barranquilla (brn).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The army at Para (pra) move to Maranhao (mrn).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) move to Santander (stn).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Sweden (swe) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The army at Ivory Coast (ivo) move to Ghana (gha).
The army at Marseilles (mar) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Dakar (dak). (fail)
The army at Beni (bni) move to La Paz (lpz). (fail)
The army at Curitiba (ctb) move to Paraguay (pgy). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The army at Paraguay (pgy) move to Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Medellin (med) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The fleet at Guatamala (gml) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Angola Basin (anb). (fail)
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) move to Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Lagos (lag). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa).
The army at Veracruz (vcz) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Morocco (mor) support hold to Mauritania (mau).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Hamburg (ham).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support hold to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Loreto (lor) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support hold to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The army at Acre (acr) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Mauritania (mau) support move to Mali (mal) from Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) support move to Ghana (gha) from Ivory Coast (ivo).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support move to La Paz (lpz) from Beni (bni).
The army at Finland (fin) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) support move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) support move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) from St Helena (sth).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support move to Paraguay (pgy) from Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The army at Honduras (hon) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Burgundy (bur) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) support move to Ghana (gha) from Ivory Coast (ivo).
The fleet at Lima (lim) support move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop). (fail)
The army at Idaho (ida) support move to Vancouver (van) from Calgary (clg).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast) support move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) from Guatamala (gml).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) convoy to Azores (azo) from Portugal (por).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) convoy to Azores (azo) from Portugal (por).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) retreat to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat). (fail)
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) hold.
The fleet at Algiers (alg) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) hold.
The fleet at Ionian Sea (ion) hold.
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) hold.
The army at Murmansk (mur) hold.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) hold.
The army at Mali (mal) hold.
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd) hold.
The army at Budapest (bud) hold.
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) hold.
The army at Khartoum (kha) move to Ethiopia (eth).
The army at Kano (kno) move to Kwara (kwa).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) move to St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Aegean Sea (aeg) move to Istanbul (ist).
The army at Egypt (egy) move to Libya (lib).
The army at Jordan (jor) move to Baghdad (bag).
The army at Chad (cha) move to Kano (kno).
The army at Istanbul (ist) move to Izmir (izm).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat).
The army at Bulgaria (bul) move to Rumania (rum).
The army at L'viv (lvi) move to Kiev (kie).
The army at Niger (ngr) support hold to Mali (mal).
The army at Rosario (rsr) support hold to Mesopotamia (msp).
The army at Tombouctou (tom) support hold to Mali (mal).
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Minsk (msk) support hold to Lithuania (lit).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Austria (aus) support hold to Prague (prg).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) support hold to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) support hold to Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at Somalia (som) support hold to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support hold to Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Red Sea (red) support hold to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at Mombasa (mom) support hold to Somalia (som).
The fleet at Mozambique Channel (mzb) support hold to Madagascar (mds).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Lagos (lag). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Oman (oma) support hold to Persian Gulf (peg).
The army at Tripoli (tri) support hold to Grand Erg Oriental (geo).
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Rome (rom) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Volgograd (vol) support hold to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The army at Croatia (cro) support hold to Venice (ven).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Apulia (apu) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to Volgograd (vol).
The army at Chaco (chc) support hold to Gran Chaco (gra).
The army at Tehran (teh) support hold to Khorasan (kho).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) retreat to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat). (fail)
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) disband.
The fleet at Ghana (gha) disband.
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) hold.
The army at Afghanistan (afg) hold.
The army at Siberia (sib) hold.
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold.
The army at Kashmir (kas) hold.
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) hold.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Khorasan (kho) hold.
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) hold.
The army at Thar Desert (thr) hold.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) hold.
The army at Baluchestan (blc) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) hold.
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) hold.
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) hold.
The army at Rajasthan (raj) hold.
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) hold.
The army at Dhaka (dha) hold.
The fleet at Medan (mdn) move to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Perth (per) move to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at Santiago (snt) move to Mendoza (mdz).
The fleet at Hawaii (hi) move to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp).
The fleet at Tahiti (tah) move to Central Pacific Ocean (cpo).
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) move to Chile Basin (chb).
The fleet at North Central Pacific Ocean (ncp) move to North East Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. nep).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Weddell Sea (wed).
The army at Atacama (ata) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south east sea lane (S.E. flk) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) move to Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) move to Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) move to Madagascar (mds).
The army at Cordoba (crd) support hold to Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) support hold to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd).
The army at Sucre (suc) support hold to La Paz (lpz).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) support hold to Uruguay (uru).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) support hold to Cordoba (crd). (fail)
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) support hold to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) support hold to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support move to Lima (lim) from Atacama (ata). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from Weddell Sea (wed).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support move to Madagascar (mds) from Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu).
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) support move to Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) from Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from Weddell Sea (wed).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support move to Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) from Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support move to Lima (lim) from Atacama (ata).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support move to Lima (lim) from Atacama (ata).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) support move to Lima (lim) from Atacama (ata).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to Madagascar (mds) from Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support move to Lima (lim) from Atacama (ata). (fail)
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The army at Kisangani (kis) move to Equateur (equ).
The fleet at Lubango (lub) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Mozambique (moz) support hold to Durban (dur).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb). (fail)
The army at Dar Es Salaam (dar) support hold to Mozambique (moz).
The fleet at Durban (dur) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Botswana (bot) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at Namibia (nam) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The army at Angola (ang) support hold to Lubango (lub).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Congo (con) support hold to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb).
Autumn, 2129 :
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Acapulco (aca). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Guatamala (gml) retreat to Belize (blz).
Destroy the unit at Belize (blz).
The army at Recife (rec) move to Dakar (dak) via convoy.
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb).
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Mali (mal). (fail)
The army at Calgary (clg) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Portugal (por) move to Mauritania (mau) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The army at Barranquilla (brn) move to Panama (pan).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Tocantins (tct) move to Para (pra).
The army at Santander (stn) move to Barranquilla (brn).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Uruguay (uru). (fail)
The army at Sweden (swe) move to Finland (fin). (fail)
The army at Dakar (dak) move to Ivory Coast (ivo).
The army at Marseilles (mar) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The army at Finland (fin) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) move to North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat).
The army at Anchorage (anc) move to Siberia (sib). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to St Helena (sth).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) move to Yucatan Basin (yub).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Eastern North Sea (ens).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Medellin (med) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at English Channel (eng) move to Bay of Biscay (bis).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. nwg) move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast) move to Guatamala (gml).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb). (fail)
The fleet at Lima (lim) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The army at Vancouver (van) move to Idaho (ida).
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast).
The army at Acre (acr) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support hold to Paraguay (pgy). (fail)
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Hamburg (ham).
The army at Beni (bni) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) support hold to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) support move to Ivory Coast (ivo) from Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Norway (nwy) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Finland (fin).
The army at Morocco (mor) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Portugal (por).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The army at Honduras (hon) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Nicaragua (nic).
The army at Curitiba (ctb) support move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support move to Lima (lim) from Acre (acr).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Loreto (lor) support move to Lima (lim) from Acre (acr).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Finland (fin).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) support move to Finland (fin) from Sweden (swe).
The army at Burgundy (bur) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) support move to Ivory Coast (ivo) from Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) support move to Nicaragua (nic) from Panama (pan).
The army at Veracruz (vcz) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Nicaragua (nic).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) support move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat) from Norwegian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. nwg).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Nicaragua (nic).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) convoy to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) convoy to Dakar (dak) from Recife (rec).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) convoy to Mauritania (mau) from Portugal (por). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) convoy to Dakar (dak) from Recife (rec).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) disband.
The army at Anchorage (anc) disband.
Build army at Manaus (man).
Build fleet at Vancouver (van).
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Algiers (alg) hold.
The fleet at Reunion (reu) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Rosario (rsr) move to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The army at Tombouctou (tom) move to Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) move to St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth). (fail)
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) move to Dakar (dak). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Israel (isr) move to Egypt (egy).
The army at Syria (syr) move to Jordan (jor).
The army at Libya (lib) move to Chad (cha).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) move to Oman (oma).
The army at Benghazi (ben) move to Tripoli (tri) via convoy.
The army at Ankara (ank) move to Istanbul (ist).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat). (fail)
The army at Azerbaijan (aze) move to Volgograd (vol).
The fleet at Egypt (egy) move to Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd).
The army at Istanbul (ist) move to Bulgaria (bul).
The army at Izmir (izm) move to Apulia (apu) via convoy.
The army at Niger (ngr) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Minsk (msk) support hold to L'viv (lvi).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Austria (aus) support hold to Prague (prg).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Somalia (som) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at Red Sea (red) support hold to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at Mombasa (mom) support hold to Mozambique Channel (mzb).
The fleet at Mozambique Channel (mzb) support hold to Mozambique (moz).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Lagos (lag). (fail)
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) support hold to Warsaw (war).
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to Warsaw (war).
The army at Rome (rom) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Croatia (cro) support hold to Venice (ven).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Budapest (bud) support hold to Austria (aus).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Tehran (teh) support hold to Khorasan (kho).
The army at L'viv (lvi) support hold to Minsk (msk).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) support hold to Somalia (som). (fail)
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Tombouctou (tom).
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) support move to Oman (oma) from Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara).
The army at Mali (mal) support move to Dakar (dak) from Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail)
The army at Chaco (chc) support move to Mesopotamia (msp) from Rosario (rsr).
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) convoy to Tripoli (tri) from Benghazi (ben).
The fleet at Aegean Sea (aeg) convoy to Apulia (apu) from Izmir (izm).
The fleet at Ionian Sea (ion) convoy to Apulia (apu) from Izmir (izm).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) retreat to Madagascar (mds).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) disband.
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) disband.
Build army at Kano (kno).
Build army at Khartoum (kha).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) hold.
The army at Kashmir (kas) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Khorasan (kho) hold.
The army at Thar Desert (thr) hold.
The army at Baluchestan (blc) hold.
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) hold.
The army at Rajasthan (raj) hold.
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) hold.
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu) move to Amundsen Sea (amu).
The army at Hawaii (hi) move to Anchorage (anc) via convoy.
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Santa Cruz (scz). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) move to Reunion (reu).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south east sea lane (S.E. flk) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) move to Gulf of Aden (gad). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) move to Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) move to Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) move to Diego Garcia (die).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) move to Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) move to North Indian Ocean (nio). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to Sri Lanka (sri).
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio). (fail)
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The army at Assam (asm) move to Dhaka (dha).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) support hold to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd). (fail)
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) support hold to Uruguay (uru).
The army at Atacama (ata) support hold to La Paz (lpz).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) support hold to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The army at Kazan (kzn) support hold to Moscow (mos).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) support hold to Kazan (kzn).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support hold to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) support hold to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The army at Sucre (suc) support move to Santa Cruz (scz) from Gran Chaco (gra).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support move to Santa Cruz (scz) from Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support move to Reunion (reu) from Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Hawaii (hi).
The army at Siberia (sib) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Hawaii (hi).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) from South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) support move to Nicaragua (nic) from Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support move to Gulf of Aden (gad) from Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to Reunion (reu) from Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support move to Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) from Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) support move to Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) from Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio).
The fleet at North Central Pacific Ocean (ncp) convoy to Anchorage (anc) from Hawaii (hi).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) convoy to Anchorage (anc) from Hawaii (hi).
Build army at Cordoba (crd).
Build army at Santiago (snt).
Build fleet at Melbourne (mel).
Build fleet at Tahiti (tah).
Build fleet at Hawaii (hi).
Build fleet at Perth (per).
Build fleet at Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Kinshasa (kin) move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb).
The army at Zambia (zam) move to Dar Es Salaam (dar).
The army at Bangui (ban) move to Cameroon (cam).
The army at Equateur (equ) move to Kisangani (kis).
The fleet at Lubango (lub) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Mozambique (moz) support hold to Durban (dur).
The fleet at Durban (dur) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Botswana (bot) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at Namibia (nam) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The army at Angola (ang) support hold to Lubango (lub).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Congo (con) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) from Kinshasa (kin).
Spring, 2129 :
The army at Guatamala (gml) move to Honduras (hon). (fail)
The army at Recife (rec) move to Ivory Coast (ivo) via convoy. (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The army at Azores (azo) move to Mauritania (mau) via convoy.
The army at San Antonio (san) move to Coahuila (coa).
The army at Belgium (bel) move to Portugal (por) via convoy.
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The army at Cuiaba (cui) move to Tocantins (tct).
The army at Santander (stn) move to Bogota (bog). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Denmark (den) move to Sweden (swe).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Bogota (bog) move to Ecuador (ecu). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa). (fail)
The army at Beni (bni) move to La Paz (lpz). (fail)
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Curitiba (ctb) move to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The army at Ecuador (ecu) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) move to Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to St Helena (sth). (fail)
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) move to Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) move to Skagerrak (ska).
The fleet at Medellin (med) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) move to Norwegian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. nwg).
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Lima (lim) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) move to Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) move to Gulf of Guinea (gog).
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The army at Veracruz (vcz) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan).
The army at Calgary (clg) support hold to Vancouver (van).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support hold to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Hamburg (ham).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support hold to Dakar (dak).
The army at Anchorage (anc) support hold to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The army at Yukon (yuk) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Vancouver (van) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Dakar (dak) support move to Ivory Coast (ivo) from Recife (rec). (fail)
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support move to La Paz (lpz) from Beni (bni).
The army at Marseilles (mar) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Burgundy (bur).
The army at Finland (fin) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Morocco (mor) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from St Helena (sth).
The army at Honduras (hon) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Loreto (lor) support move to Lima (lim) from Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) support move to Mesopotamia (msp) from Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Seattle (sea).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) support move to Gulf of Guinea (gog) from Angola Basin (anb).
The army at Acre (acr) support move to Lima (lim) from Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) convoy to Ivory Coast (ivo) from Recife (rec). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) convoy to Ivory Coast (ivo) from Recife (rec). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) convoy to Portugal (por) from Belgium (bel).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) convoy to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at English Channel (eng) convoy to Portugal (por) from Belgium (bel).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) disband.
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) disband.
The army at Austria (aus) hold.
The fleet at Algiers (alg) hold.
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) hold.
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Reunion (reu) hold.
The fleet at Aegean Sea (aeg) hold.
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) hold.
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) hold.
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) hold.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) hold.
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Tehran (teh) hold.
The army at Tripoli (tri) move to Grand Erg Oriental (geo).
The army at Rosario (rsr) move to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Dakar (dak). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) move to Angola Basin (anb). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) move to Somalia (som).
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd) move to Gulf of Sirte (sir).
The army at Jordan (jor) move to Israel (isr).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) move to Red Sea (red).
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) move to Ionian Sea (ion).
The fleet at Mozambique Channel (mzb) move to Mombasa (mom).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) move to Mozambique Channel (mzb).
The army at Baghdad (bag) move to Syria (syr).
The army at Khartoum (kha) move to Libya (lib).
The army at Egypt (egy) move to Benghazi (ben).
The army at Kurdistan (kur) move to Ankara (ank).
The army at Tabriz (tab) move to Azerbaijan (aze).
The fleet at Red Sea (red) move to Egypt (egy).
The army at Serbia (ser) move to Croatia (cro).
The army at Izmir (izm) move to Istanbul (ist).
The army at Adana (ada) move to Izmir (izm).
The army at Rumania (rum) move to L'viv (lvi).
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) move to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The army at Niger (ngr) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Minsk (msk) support hold to Warsaw (war).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail)
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Rome (rom) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Budapest (bud) support hold to Austria (aus).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Tombouctou (tom) support move to Grand Erg Oriental (geo) from Tripoli (tri).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support move to Dakar (dak) from Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The army at Mali (mal) support move to Dakar (dak) from Mauritania (mau).
The army at Chaco (chc) support move to Mesopotamia (msp) from Rosario (rsr).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) retreat to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) disband.
The army at Mauritania (mau) disband.
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold.
The army at Kashmir (kas) hold.
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) hold.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Khorasan (kho) hold.
The army at Thar Desert (thr) hold.
The army at Rajasthan (raj) hold.
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) hold.
The army at Assam (asm) hold.
The fleet at Temuco (tem) move to Magallanes (mag).
The fleet at Midway Island (mdw) move to North Central Pacific Ocean (ncp).
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) move to Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu).
The army at Hawaii (hi) move to Acapulco (aca) via convoy. (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) move to Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA).
The army at La Rioja (lrj) move to Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) move to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk). (fail)
The army at Siberia (sib) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south east sea lane (S.E. flk) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk). (fail)
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) move to Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) move to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) move to North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to North East Pacific Ocean (nep).
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) move to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) move to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) move to Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to Weddell Sea (wed).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) move to Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) support hold to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch).
The army at Sucre (suc) support hold to La Paz (lpz).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) support hold to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Khorasan (kho).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support hold to Somali Basin (sob).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The army at Baluchestan (blc) support hold to Afghanistan (afg).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) support hold to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support move to Lima (lim) from Arequipa (arq). (fail)
The army at Atacama (ata) support move to Gran Chaco (gra) from La Rioja (lrj).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support move to South West Indian Ocean (swi) from Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Siberia (sib). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) from South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) from Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) from Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed) support move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) from Amundsen Sea (amu).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Siberia (sib).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) from South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) from Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) support move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) from South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) move to Kinshasa (kin).
The fleet at Congo (con) move to Angola Basin (anb).
The army at Katanga (kat) move to Zambia (zam).
The army at Cameroon (cam) move to Bangui (ban).
The army at Bangui (ban) move to Equateur (equ).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Mozambique (moz) support hold to Durban (dur).
The fleet at Durban (dur) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Botswana (bot) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at Namibia (nam) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The army at Angola (ang) support hold to Lubango (lub).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Lubango (lub) support move to Angola Basin (anb) from Congo (con).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) support move to Angola Basin (anb) from Congo (con). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) retreat to Congo (con).
Autumn, 2128 :
The army at Guatamala (gml) hold.
The army at Belgium (bel) move to Burgundy (bur). (fail)
The army at Goias (goi) move to Belo Horizonte (blh).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) move to Cuiaba (cui).
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) move to Santander (stn).
The army at Coahuila (coa) move to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail)
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The army at Denmark (den) move to Sweden (swe). (fail)
The army at St Helena (sth) move to Dakar (dak) via convoy.
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu). (fail)
The army at Finland (fin) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The army at Rondonia (ron) move to Mato Grosso (mgr).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Curitiba (ctb) move to Paraguay (pgy). (fail)
The fleet at Portugal (por) move to Bay of Biscay (bis).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena).
The army at Vancouver (van) move to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to St Helena (sth). (fail)
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The army at Paraguay (pgy) move to Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The fleet at Sweden (swe) move to Finland (fin). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) move to Western North Sea (wns).
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) move to Algiers (alg). (fail)
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Ghana (gha). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Monterey (mon) move to Corpus Christi (ccr).
The fleet at Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb) move to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Labrador Sea (lab) move to Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna).
The army at Veracruz (vcz) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The army at Montana (mt) move to Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Eastern North Sea (ens).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan). (fail)
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The army at Beni (bni) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Loreto (lor) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) support hold to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The army at Acre (acr) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support move to Gran Chaco (gra) from Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Marseilles (mar) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Burgundy (bur).
The army at Norway (nwy) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Finland (fin).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) support move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support move to Paraguay (pgy) from Curitiba (ctb).
The army at Honduras (hon) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support move to Morocco (mor) from Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Finland (fin).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support move to Dakar (dak) from St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support move to Dakar (dak) from St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support move to Monterey (mon) from Coahuila (coa).
The army at Yukon (yuk) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Medellin (med) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Panama (pan).
The fleet at English Channel (eng) support move to Bay of Biscay (bis) from Portugal (por).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Spain (spa).
The fleet at Lima (lim) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) convoy to Dakar (dak) from St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) convoy to Dakar (dak) from St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) retreat to Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
Build army at Calgary (clg).
Build army at San Antonio (san).
Build army at Azores (azo).
Build army at Recife (rec).
Build fleet at St Helena (sth).
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The army at Dakar (dak) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Algiers (alg) hold.
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) hold.
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Kurdistan (kur) hold.
The army at Lithuania (lit) hold.
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) hold.
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Adana (ada) hold.
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) hold.
The army at Tombouctou (tom) move to Grand Erg Oriental (geo). (fail)
The army at Austria (aus) move to Munich (mun). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) move to St Helena (sth). (fail)
The fleet at Madras (mdr) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Egypt (egy) move to Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd).
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd) move to Aegean Sea (aeg).
The army at Saudi Arabia (sau) move to Jordan (jor).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) move to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The army at Rajasthan (raj) move to Baghdad (bag) via convoy.
The army at Eritrea (eri) move to Khartoum (kha).
The army at Jordan (jor) move to Egypt (egy).
The army at Tehran (teh) move to Tabriz (tab).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) move to Red Sea (red).
The army at Rumania (rum) move to Serbia (ser).
The army at Syria (syr) move to Izmir (izm).
The army at L'viv (lvi) move to Budapest (bud).
The army at Khorasan (kho) move to Tehran (teh).
The army at Odessa (ode) move to Rumania (rum).
The army at Morocco (mor) move to Grand Erg Oriental (geo). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Minsk (msk) support hold to Lithuania (lit).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support hold to Dakar (dak). (fail)
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) support hold to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail)
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) support hold to Madagascar (mds). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The army at Rome (rom) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at Mali (mal) support hold to Dakar (dak).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Prague (prg) support move to Munich (mun) from Austria (aus).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) support move to Curitiba (ctb) from Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd). (fail)
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) support move to Munich (mun) from Austria (aus).
The army at Chaco (chc) support move to Gran Chaco (gra) from La Rioja (lrj).
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) convoy to Baghdad (bag) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) convoy to Baghdad (bag) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) retreat to Mozambique Channel (mzb).
The army at Dakar (dak) retreat to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) disband.
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) disband.
The army at Morocco (mor) disband.
Build army at Rosario (rsr).
Build army at Niger (ngr).
Build army at Tripoli (tri).
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) hold.
The army at Siberia (sib) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold.
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) hold.
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) hold.
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) hold.
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) hold.
The army at Assam (asm) hold.
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) move to Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu). (fail)
The army at Hawaii (hi) move to Michoacan (mch) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Sucre (suc).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) move to Patagonia (pat). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) move to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at La Rioja (lrj) move to Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) move to Afghanistan (afg).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) move to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south east sea lane (S.E. flk).
The army at Nepal (npl) move to Kashmir (kas).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) move to Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to Ross Sea (ros).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) move to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) move to Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) move to Somali Basin (sob).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to Amundsen Sea (amu).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) move to Khorasan (kho).
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The army at Afghanistan (afg) move to Baluchestan (blc).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The army at Kashmir (kas) move to Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) move to Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The army at Andhra Pradesh (adh) move to Maharashtra (mhr).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) move to Magallanes (mag). (fail)
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Atacama (ata) support hold to La Paz (lpz).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support move to Michoacan (mch) from Hawaii (hi).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support move to Sucre (suc) from Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) support move to Curitiba (ctb) from Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Acapulco (aca) from Michoacan (mch).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support move to Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) from Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support move to Somali Basin (sob) from Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Acapulco (aca).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support move to Rajasthan (raj) from Kashmir (kas).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support move to Somali Basin (sob) from Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support move to Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) from Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) convoy to Michoacan (mch) from Hawaii (hi). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) convoy to Michoacan (mch) from Hawaii (hi). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) disband.
The army at Anchorage (anc) disband.
Build fleet at Midway Island (mdw).
Build fleet at Temuco (tem).
Do not use build order.
The army at Angola (ang) hold.
The fleet at Lubango (lub) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) move to Congo (con).
The army at Kinshasa (kin) move to Katanga (kat).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to Durban (dur).
The army at Lagos (lag) move to Cameroon (cam).
The army at Cameroon (cam) move to Bangui (ban).
The army at Namibia (nam) move to Botswana (bot).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) move to Namibia (nam).
The army at Kwara (kwa) move to Lagos (lag).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Gulf of Guinea (gog).
The fleet at Mozambique (moz) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support move to Durban (dur) from South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The fleet at Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb) support move to Gulf of Guinea (gog) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
Spring, 2128 :
The army at Mexico City (mxc) move to Veracruz (vcz). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Guatamala (gml) support move to Veracruz (vcz) from Mexico City (mxc). (fail)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) disband.
The army at St Helena (sth) hold.
The army at Belgium (bel) move to Burgundy (bur). (fail)
The army at Brasilia (bra) move to Goias (goi).
The fleet at Fortaleza (for) move to Recife (rec).
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Sao Paulo (sao).
The army at Cuiaba (cui) move to Mato Grosso (mgr).
The army at Manaus (man) move to Amazon Basin (amz).
The army at San Antonio (san) move to Coahuila (coa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail)
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd). (fail)
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The army at Holland (hol) move to Denmark (den) via convoy.
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) move to Sucre (suc). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Finland (fin) move to Eastern Germany (egr) via convoy. (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The army at Azores (azo) move to Mauritania (mau) via convoy.
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa). (fail)
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) move to Rondonia (ron).
The army at Beni (bni) move to La Paz (lpz). (fail)
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Portugal (por) move to Spain (spa) (South Coast). (fail)
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Monterey (mon) move to Mexico City (mxc).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) move to Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The fleet at Sweden (swe) move to Finland (fin). (fail)
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) move to English Channel (eng).
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) move to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Gulf of Guinea (gog).
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) move to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) move to Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv).
The fleet at Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat). (fail)
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Labrador Sea (lab).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Sweden (swe). (fail)
The army at Yucatan (yuc) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support hold to Panama (pan).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support hold to Dakar (dak).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Loreto (lor) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Lima (lim) support hold to Ecuador (ecu). (fail)
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) support hold to Panama (pan). (fail)
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Montana (mt) support hold to Vancouver (van).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) support hold to Nicaragua (nic).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at Acre (acr) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Marseilles (mar) support move to Piedmont (pie) from Burgundy (bur).
The army at Norway (nwy) support move to Finland (fin) from Sweden (swe).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Rio De Janeiro (rio).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support move to Curitiba (ctb) from Sao Paulo (sao).
The army at Munich (mun) support move to Eastern Germany (egr) from Finland (fin).
The army at Honduras (hon) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Yucatan (yuc).
The army at Vancouver (van) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Yukon (yuk).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Spain (spa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Dakar (dak) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Spain (spa).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support move to Monterey (mon) from Corpus Christi (ccr).
The fleet at Medellin (med) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Spain (spa).
The fleet at Morocco (mor) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Panama (pan) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The army at Veracruz (vcz) support move to Mexico City (mxc) from Monterey (mon).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support move to Monterey (mon) from Corpus Christi (ccr).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) convoy to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) convoy to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) convoy to Eastern Germany (egr) from Finland (fin). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) convoy to Denmark (den) from Holland (hol).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) retreat to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at Morocco (mor) disband.
The fleet at Dakar (dak) disband.
The army at Tombouctou (tom) hold.
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) hold.
The fleet at Madras (mdr) hold.
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) hold.
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) hold.
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) hold.
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) hold.
The army at Murmansk (mur) hold.
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) hold.
The army at Tehran (teh) hold.
The army at L'viv (lvi) hold.
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Khorasan (kho) hold.
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) hold.
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Red Sea (red) move to Egypt (egy).
The fleet at Egypt (egy) move to Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd).
The army at Oman (oma) move to Saudi Arabia (sau).
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) move to Rajasthan (raj).
The army at Rajasthan (raj) move to Eritrea (eri) via convoy.
The army at Baghdad (bag) move to Jordan (jor).
The army at Tabriz (tab) move to Kurdistan (kur).
The army at Odessa (ode) move to Rumania (rum).
The army at Israel (isr) move to Syria (syr).
The army at Syria (syr) move to Adana (ada).
The army at Donets'k (don) move to Odessa (ode).
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) move to Morocco (mor).
The army at Venice (ven) support hold to Austria (aus).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Minsk (msk) support hold to Lithuania (lit).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Austria (aus) support hold to Prague (prg).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) support hold to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail)
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Rome (rom) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi). (fail)
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Chaco (chc) support hold to Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support move to Morocco (mor) from Grand Erg Oriental (geo).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support move to Dakar (dak) from Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Mali (mal) support move to Dakar (dak) from Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara) convoy to Eritrea (eri) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) convoy to Eritrea (eri) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) disband.
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) disband.
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) disband.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) hold.
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) hold.
The fleet at Temuco (tem) move to Magallanes (mag).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp).
The fleet at Uruguay (uru) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa). (fail)
The army at Hawaii (hi) move to Acapulco (aca) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Sucre (suc). (fail)
The army at Santiago (snt) move to La Rioja (lrj).
The fleet at Perth (per) move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Xinjiang (xin) move to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) move to Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) move to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The army at Assam (asm) move to Nepal (npl).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) move to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) move to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) move to St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth). (fail)
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) move to Nicaragua (nic) (West Coast). (fail)
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) move to North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) move to Khorasan (kho). (fail)
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk).
The army at Kashmir (kas) move to Afghanistan (afg).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) move to North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep).
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) move to Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) move to North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to Arabian Sea (ara).
The army at Nepal (npl) move to Kashmir (kas).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Magwe (mgw) move to Andhra Pradesh (adh) via convoy.
The army at Tibet (tib) move to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Patagonia (pat).
The army at Atacama (ata) support hold to La Paz (lpz).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) support hold to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The army at Kazan (kzn) support hold to Moscow (mos).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) support hold to Kazan (kzn).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) support move to Patagonia (pat) from Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support move to Sucre (suc) from Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) support move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio) from Perth (per).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support move to South West Indian Ocean (swi) from Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean (swi) from Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support move to Arabian Sea (ara) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support move to Guatamala (gml) from Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) support move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) from Uruguay (uru). (fail)
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support move to Rajasthan (raj) from Maharashtra (mhr).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support move to South West Indian Ocean (swi) from Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) convoy to Acapulco (aca) from Hawaii (hi). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) convoy to Acapulco (aca) from Hawaii (hi). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) convoy to Andhra Pradesh (adh) from Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) disband.
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Angola Basin - east sea lane (Est. anb).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Kinshasa (kin) support hold to Angola (ang).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Namibia (nam) support hold to Cape Town (cap).
The army at Angola (ang) support hold to Lubango (lub).
The army at Kwara (kwa) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Lubango (lub) support move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) from South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat).
The fleet at Cape Town (cap) support move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat) from South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) retreat to Mozambique (moz).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) disband.
Autumn, 2127 :
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) move to Guatamala Basin (gub). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Guatamala (gml) move to Veracruz (vcz). (fail)
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support move to Guatamala Basin (gub) from Acapulco (aca). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support move to Veracruz (vcz) from Guatamala (gml).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) disband.
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) disband.
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The fleet at Fortaleza (for) move to Recife (rec).
The army at Denmark (den) move to Hamburg (ham).
The army at Belgium (bel) move to Holland (hol).
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to St Helena (sth) via convoy.
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) move to Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop).
The army at Azores (azo) move to Mauritania (mau) via convoy. (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth).
The army at Cuiaba (cui) move to Mato Grosso (mgr).
The army at Hamburg (ham) move to Munich (mun).
The army at La Paz (lpz) move to Sucre (suc). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) move to Portugal (por).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to Eastern Germany (egr). (fail)
The army at Coahuila (coa) move to Monterey (mon).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Holland (hol) move to Western North Sea (wns).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) move to Algiers (alg). (fail)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb) move to Angola Basin (anb). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Baltic Sea (bal). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The army at Marseilles (mar) support hold to Burgundy (bur).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Honduras (hon) support hold to Nicaragua (nic).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The army at Loreto (lor) support hold to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) support hold to Finland (fin).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Montana (mt) support hold to Vancouver (van).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The army at Acre (acr) support hold to Lima (lim).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Finland (fin) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support move to Munich (mun) from Hamburg (ham).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support move to Dakar (dak) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The army at Sao Paulo (sao) support move to Curitiba (ctb) from South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The army at Vancouver (van) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Yukon (yuk).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) support move to St Helena (sth) from Belo Horizonte (blh).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support move to Dakar (dak) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) support move to Gran Chaco (gra) from Santa Cruz (scz). (fail)
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support move to Monterey (mon) from Coahuila (coa).
The fleet at Medellin (med) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Panama (pan).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) support move to Hamburg (ham) from Denmark (den).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Spain (spa).
The army at Burgundy (bur) support move to Munich (mun) from Hamburg (ham).
The fleet at Morocco (mor) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo). (fail)
The fleet at Lima (lim) support move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) from Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) support move to Monterey (mon) from Coahuila (coa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The army at Veracruz (vcz) support move to Monterey (mon) from Coahuila (coa). (fail)
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support move to Monterey (mon) from Coahuila (coa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) convoy to St Helena (sth) from Belo Horizonte (blh).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) convoy to Mauritania (mau) from Azores (azo). (fail)
The army at La Paz (lpz) retreat to Beni (bni).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) disband.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) disband.
Build army at San Antonio (san).
Build army at Manaus (man).
Build army at Cuiaba (cui).
Build army at Belo Horizonte (blh).
Build army at Barranquilla (brn).
Build army at Brasilia (bra).
Build army at Belgium (bel).
Build fleet at Fortaleza (for).
Build fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The army at Munich (mun) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) hold.
The fleet at Reunion (reu) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) hold.
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) hold.
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) hold.
The army at Murmansk (mur) hold.
The army at Dakar (dak) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Moscow (mos) move to Minsk (msk).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) move to Madras (mdr).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) move to Red Sea (red).
The fleet at Red Sea (red) move to Egypt (egy).
The army at Rajasthan (raj) move to Oman (oma) via convoy.
The fleet at Madras (mdr) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) move to Somali Basin (sob).
The army at Calcutta (cal) move to Maharashtra (mhr).
The army at Delhi (del) move to Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) move to Arabian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. ara).
The army at Baluchestan (blc) move to Baghdad (bag) via convoy.
The army at Tehran (teh) move to Tabriz (tab).
The army at Ashgabat (ash) move to Tehran (teh).
The fleet at Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob) move to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The army at Donets'k (don) move to Odessa (ode).
The army at Jordan (jor) move to Israel (isr).
The army at Kiev (kie) move to L'viv (lvi).
The army at Baghdad (bag) move to Syria (syr).
The army at Kazan (kzn) move to Moscow (mos).
The army at Chaco (chc) move to Paraguay (pgy). (fail)
The army at Afghanistan (afg) move to Khorasan (kho).
The army at Volgograd (vol) move to Donets'k (don).
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) move to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Mauritania (mau) support hold to Dakar (dak). (fail)
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) support hold to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Atlas Mountains (ats).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support hold to Dakar (dak). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) support hold to Tunisia (tun).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Gulf of Guinea (gog).
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) support hold to Munich (mun). (fail)
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) support hold to Madagascar (mds). (fail)
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Rome (rom) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The fleet at Atlas Mountains (ats) support hold to Algiers (alg).
The army at Mali (mal) support hold to Dakar (dak).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) support move to St Helena (sth) from Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb). (fail)
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support move to Morocco (mor) from Grand Erg Oriental (geo). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) support move to Somali Basin (sob) from Diego Garcia (die).
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) convoy to Baghdad (bag) from Baluchestan (blc).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) convoy to Oman (oma) from Rajasthan (raj).
The army at Munich (mun) retreat to Austria (aus).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) disband.
The army at Dakar (dak) disband.
Build army at Venice (ven).
Build army at Tombouctou (tom).
Do not use build order.
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Santa Cruz (scz). (fail)
The army at Uruguay (uru) move to Buenos-Aries (bue).
The army at Sucre (suc) move to La Paz (lpz).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) move to Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) move to North East Pacific Ocean (nep).
The army at Mendoza (mdz) move to Santiago (snt).
The fleet at Perth (per) move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio). (fail)
The army at Qinghai (qng) move to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Siberia (sib) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) move to Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi). (fail)
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) move to Kazan (kzn).
The army at Tibet (tib) move to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) move to Somali Basin (sob). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) move to South West Indian Ocean (swi). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio). (fail)
The fleet at Magwe (mgw) move to Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) move to Michoacan (mch).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) move to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sat).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Weddell Sea (wed).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) move to Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa). (fail)
The army at Omsk (oms) move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The army at Anchorage (anc) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) move to Turkmenistan (tur).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) move to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat).
The army at Kashmir (kas) move to Thar Desert (thr).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) move to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) move to Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob).
The army at Xinjiang (xin) move to Kashmir (kas).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) move to North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) move to Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu). (fail)
The fleet at Medan (mdn) move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Assam (asm) move to Nepal (npl).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The army at Mandalay (mdl) move to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) move to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) support hold to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support move to Michoacan (mch) from Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub).
The army at Atacama (ata) support move to La Paz (lpz) from Sucre (suc).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk) support move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) from Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Acapulco (aca) from Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Siberia (sib).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop).
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean (swi) from Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to Vancouver (van) from Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) support move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat) from Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) from Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio).
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) support move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) from Omsk (oms).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support move to Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) from Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) support move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) from Weddell Sea (wed).
Build army at Hawaii (hi).
Build fleet at Uruguay (uru).
Build fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit).
Build fleet at Temuco (tem).
The army at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) move to Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to St Helena (sth). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Lubango (lub) move to Namibia (nam).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi). (fail)
The army at Kinshasa (kin) support hold to Angola (ang).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Angola (ang) support hold to Kinshasa (kin).
The army at Kwara (kwa) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) from Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to St Helena (sth) from Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) retreat to South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) retreat to Patagonia (pat).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) disband.
The army at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) disband.
Build fleet at Lubango (lub).
Spring, 2127 :
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) hold.
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) hold.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Mexico City (mxc) hold.
The army at Guatamala (gml) hold.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) disband.
The army at Azores (azo) hold.
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Maranhao (mrn) move to Fortaleza (for).
The army at Denmark (den) move to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The army at Goias (goi) move to Belo Horizonte (blh).
The fleet at Ecuador (ecu) move to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The army at Marseilles (mar) move to Piedmont (pie). (fail)
The army at Finland (fin) move to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) move to Bogota (bog).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat). (fail)
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Ruhr (ruh).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to St Helena (sth).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) move to Curitiba (ctb). (fail)
The army at Cuiaba (cui) move to Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd). (fail)
The army at Hamburg (ham) move to Munich (mun). (fail)
The army at Barranquilla (brn) move to Honduras (hon) via convoy.
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Sao Paulo (sao).
The army at Bogota (bog) move to Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nat) move to Bay of Biscay (bis).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat).
The army at Vancouver (van) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The army at Loreto (lor) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena).
The fleet at Veracruz (vcz) move to Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) move to Finland (fin). (fail)
The army at Bordeaux (bdx) move to Burgundy (bur).
The fleet at Morocco (mor) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) move to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The fleet at Lima (lim) move to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp). (fail)
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) move to Corpus Christi (ccr).
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Angola Basin (anb). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail)
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The army at Monterey (mon) move to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Montana (mt) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Sweden (swe). (fail)
The army at Sucre (suc) move to Atacama (ata). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Honduras (hon) move to Yucatan Basin (yub).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Sonora (son).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) support hold to Panama (pan).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Morocco (mor).
The army at Belgium (bel) support move to Ruhr (ruh) from Burgundy (bur).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) from Recife (rec).
The fleet at Panama (pan) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) from Recife (rec).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa).
The army at La Paz (lpz) support move to Atacama (ata) from Sucre (suc).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support move to Sao Paulo (sao) from Belo Horizonte (blh).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) support move to St Helena (sth) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) support move to St Petersburg (stp) from Finland (fin).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) support move to Curitiba (ctb) from Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd).
The army at Yukon (yuk) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Medellin (med) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Holland (hol) support move to Hamburg (ham) from Denmark (den).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) support move to Hamburg (ham) from Denmark (den).
The fleet at Catalonia (cat) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) support move to St Helena (sth) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The army at Acre (acr) support move to Lima (lim) from Loreto (lor).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Veracruz (vcz) from Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) convoy to Honduras (hon) from Barranquilla (brn).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) disband.
The army at Sucre (suc) disband.
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) disband.
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) hold.
The fleet at Reunion (reu) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) hold.
The fleet at Sao Paulo (sao) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu) hold.
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) hold.
The army at Dakar (dak) hold.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) hold. (dislodged)
The army at St Petersburg (stp) hold.
The army at Ashgabat (ash) hold.
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold.
The army at Tombouctou (tom) move to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) move to Sri Lanka (sri).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio).
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) move to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) move to Red Sea (red).
The army at Maharashtra (mhr) move to Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) move to Madras (mdr).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) move to Somali Basin (sob). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) move to Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu).
The army at Calcutta (cal) move to Oman (oma) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Nepal (npl) move to Delhi (del).
The fleet at Madras (mdr) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The army at Karachi (kar) move to Baluchestan (blc).
The army at Khorasan (kho) move to Tehran (teh).
The army at Sicily (sic) move to Rome (rom).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob).
The army at Volgograd (vol) move to Donets'k (don).
The army at Saudi Arabia (sau) move to Jordan (jor).
The army at Donets'k (don) move to Kiev (kie).
The army at Shiraz (shi) move to Baghdad (bag) via convoy.
The army at Islamabad (isl) move to Afghanistan (afg).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) move to Volgograd (vol).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) move to Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The army at Prague (prg) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Warsaw (war) support hold to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Ruhr (ruh). (fail)
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) support hold to Curitiba (ctb).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Munich (mun). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) support hold to St Helena (sth). (fail)
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support hold to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) support hold to Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) support hold to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Ivory Coast (ivo).
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) support hold to Munich (mun).
The army at Lithuania (lit) support hold to Warsaw (war).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to St Petersburg (stp). (fail)
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Mali (mal) support hold to Dakar (dak).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Chaco (chc) support hold to Gran Chaco (gra). (fail)
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Tombouctou (tom).
The fleet at Persian Gulf (peg) convoy to Baghdad (bag) from Shiraz (shi).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) convoy to Oman (oma) from Calcutta (cal). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) convoy to Oman (oma) from Calcutta (cal). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) retreat to Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) retreat to Atlas Mountains (ats).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) disband.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) disband.
The fleet at Sao Paulo (sao) disband.
The army at Ruhr (ruh) disband.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) hold.
The army at Qinghai (qng) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) hold.
The army at Hawaii (hi) move to Guadalajara (gdl) via convoy.
The army at Cordoba (crd) move to Gran Chaco (gra).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) move to Uruguay (uru).
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Sucre (suc).
The army at Temuco (tem) move to Mendoza (mdz).
The army at Uruguay (uru) move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) move to Perth (per).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - south west sea lane (S.W. flk).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) move to North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The army at Omsk (oms) move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The army at Yunan (yun) move to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) move to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) move to Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) move to Medan (mdn). (fail)
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) move to Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) move to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) move to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to Somali Basin (sob). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat).
The army at Pavlodar (pav) move to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) move to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) move to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Almaty (alm) move to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) move to Michoacan (mch). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu) move to Weddell Sea (wed).
The army at Tibet (tib) move to Kashmir (kas).
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) move to Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Magwe (mgw) move to Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob).
The fleet at Arequipa (arq) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The fleet at Padang (pad) move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Medan (mdn) move to North Indian Ocean (nio). (fail)
The army at Mandalay (mdl) move to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio).
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) move to Mandalay (mdl).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) move to Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu).
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) support hold to Atacama (ata).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The army at Atacama (ata) support move to Sucre (suc) from Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) support move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa) from South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio) from Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support move to Guadalajara (gdl) from Hawaii (hi).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support move to Bay of Bengal (bob) from Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) from Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) support move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) from Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The army at Xinjiang (xin) support move to Kashmir (kas) from Tibet (tib).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support move to Uzbekistan (uzb) from Almaty (alm).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) from Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) convoy to Guadalajara (gdl) from Hawaii (hi).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) convoy to Guadalajara (gdl) from Hawaii (hi).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) retreat to Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp).
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) hold.
The army at Lagos (lag) hold.
The army at Cameroon (cam) hold.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The army at Angola (ang) hold.
The army at Kwara (kwa) hold.
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat) move to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support hold to St Helena (sth). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to St Helena (sth). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support hold to Angola Basin (anb). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) retreat to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) retreat to Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
Autumn, 2126 :
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) hold.
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) hold.
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The army at Mexico City (mxc) hold.
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Guatamala (gml) hold.
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) disband.
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) disband.
The army at Azores (azo) hold.
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Belem (blm) move to Maranhao (mrn).
The army at Picardy (pic) move to Belgium (bel).
The army at Minas Gerais (mng) move to Goias (goi).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) move to Santa Cruz (scz).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The army at Finland (fin) move to Eastern Germany (egr) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Finland (fin). (fail)
The army at Santander (stn) move to Amazon Basin (amz).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Ruhr (ruh). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The army at Goias (goi) move to Cuiaba (cui).
The army at Holland (hol) move to Hamburg (ham).
The army at La Paz (lpz) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to North Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nat).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) move to Rio De Janeiro (rio).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The army at Vancouver (van) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) move to Paraguay (pgy).
The fleet at Medellin (med) move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Belgium (bel) move to Holland (hol).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) move to Catalonia (cat).
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa).
The fleet at Lima (lim) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) move to Yucatan (yuc). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena). (fail)
The fleet at Dakar (dak) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Honduras (hon) move to Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Angola Basin - south sea lane (Sth. anb).
The army at Montana (mt) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Chaco (chc). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Belize (blz) move to Honduras (hon).
The army at Yucatan (yuc) move to Guatamala (gml). (fail)
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support hold to Panama (pan).
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Bordeaux (bdx) support hold to Marseilles (mar).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to Baja (baj). (fail)
The army at Denmark (den) support move to Hamburg (ham) from Holland (hol).
The fleet at Ecuador (ecu) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Medellin (med).
The army at Marseilles (mar) support move to Catalonia (cat) from Spain (spa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) from Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Panama (pan) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Medellin (med).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) support move to Paraguay (pgy) from Santa Cruz (scz).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) from Dakar (dak).
The army at Belo Horizonte (blh) support move to Rio De Janeiro (rio) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van).
The army at Loreto (lor) support move to Lima (lim) from La Paz (lpz).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Veracruz (vcz) support move to Yucatan (yuc) from Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) support move to Finland (fin) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Yukon (yuk) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) support move to Hamburg (ham) from Holland (hol).
The fleet at Morocco (mor) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena). (fail)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) support move to Nicaragua (nic) from Honduras (hon).
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) support move to Holland (hol) from Belgium (bel).
The army at Acre (acr) support move to Lima (lim) from La Paz (lpz).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) convoy to Eastern Germany (egr) from Finland (fin). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) retreat to South West Atlantic - south east sea lane (S.E. swa).
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) retreat to Sucre (suc).
Build fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast).
Build fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
Build fleet at Recife (rec).
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
Do not use build order.
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) hold.
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) hold.
The army at Murmansk (mur) hold.
The army at Hamburg (ham) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) hold.
The army at Piedmont (pie) hold.
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) move to Paraguay (pgy). (fail)
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) move to Persian Gulf (peg).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) move to Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) move to Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob).
The fleet at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) move to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio). (fail)
The fleet at Madras (mdr) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) move to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The army at Calcutta (cal) move to Maharashtra (mhr).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) move to North Indian Ocean (nio). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) move to Madagascar (mds).
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) move to Sao Paulo (sao).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio). (fail)
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) move to Reunion - west sea lane (Wst. reu).
The army at Dhaka (dha) move to Calcutta (cal).
The army at Assam (asm) move to Nepal (npl).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) move to Madras (mdr).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) move to Karachi (kar).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) move to Khorasan (kho).
The army at Moscow (mos) move to Lithuania (lit).
The army at Libya (lib) move to Sicily (sic) via convoy.
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) move to Arabian Sea (ara).
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) move to Ashgabat (ash).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) move to North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio).
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) move to Volgograd (vol).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) move to Sri Lanka (sri). (fail)
The army at Oman (oma) move to Saudi Arabia (sau).
The army at Volgograd (vol) move to Donets'k (don).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Afghanistan (afg) move to Shiraz (shi).
The army at Perm (prm) move to Kazan (kzn).
The army at Kashmir (kas) move to Islamabad (isl).
The army at Ufa (ufa) move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) move to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) move to Somali Basin - east sea lane (Est. sob). (fail)
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Ruhr (ruh).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat) support hold to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail)
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) support hold to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) support hold to Piedmont (pie).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Warsaw (war) support move to Lithuania (lit) from Eastern Germany (egr). (fail)
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support move to Dakar (dak) from Mauritania (mau).
The army at Mali (mal) support move to Dakar (dak) from Mauritania (mau).
The army at Chaco (chc) support move to Paraguay (pgy) from Mesopotamia (msp). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Sirte (sir) convoy to Sicily (sic) from Libya (lib).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) disband.
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) disband.
The army at Hamburg (ham) disband.
Build army at Moscow (mos).
Build army at Tombouctou (tom).
Build army at Prague (prg).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) hold.
The army at Tibet (tib) hold.
The army at Mendoza (mdz) move to Cordoba (crd).
The army at Pampas (pam) move to Buenos-Aries (bue).
The army at La Rioja (lrj) move to Gran Chaco (gra).
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) move to Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab).
The fleet at Hawaii (hi) move to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp).
The army at Magallanes (mag) move to Temuco (tem).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) move to Uruguay (uru).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) move to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) move to Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) move to Rangoon (ran).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The fleet at Padang (pad) move to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) move to Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu).
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) move to Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at Chile Basin - north east sea lane (N.E. chb) move to Arequipa (arq).
The fleet at Perth (per) move to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Palembang (plm) move to Padang (pad).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu) move to Weddell Sea (wed).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. amu) move to Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) move to Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio).
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) move to Ross Sea (ros).
The army at Qinghai (qng) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) support hold to Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) support hold to Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab).
The army at Omsk (oms) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) support hold to Atacama (ata).
The army at Pavlodar (pav) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) support hold to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Xinjiang (xin) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support hold to North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Medan (mdn) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The army at Atacama (ata) support move to Gran Chaco (gra) from La Rioja (lrj).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) from North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) support move to Central Indian Ocean (cio) from Perth (per).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Padang (pad).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) support move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) from Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu).
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) support move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa) from Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The army at Mandalay (mdl) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Rangoon (ran).
The fleet at Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama - south sea lane (Sth. gop) from Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Darwin (dwn).
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Rangoon (ran).
Build army at Hawaii (hi).
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The army at Angola (ang) hold.
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Cape Town (cap) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) via convoy.
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sat).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi). (fail)
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Kwara (kwa) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) support move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) from Cape Town (cap). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) convoy to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) from Cape Town (cap).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) retreat to Gulf of Guinea (gog).
Spring, 2126 :
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) hold.
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) hold.
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) support hold to Nicaragua (nic). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) disband.
The army at Azores (azo) hold.
The fleet at Trinidad and Tobago (trd) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Belem (blm) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa). (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Denmark (den) via convoy.
The army at Paris (par) move to Picardy (pic).
The army at Brasilia (bra) move to Minas Gerais (mng).
The army at Tocantins (tct) move to Mato Grosso (mgr).
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The fleet at Medellin (med) move to Ecuador (ecu).
The army at Catalonia (cat) move to Marseilles (mar).
The army at Edinburgh (edi) move to Norway (nwy) via convoy.
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Fortaleza (for) move to Recife (rec).
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Ruhr (ruh). (fail)
The army at Cuiaba (cui) move to Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd).
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Mali (mal). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Belgium (bel) move to Holland (hol).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa). (fail)
The army at La Paz (lpz) move to Atacama (ata). (fail)
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) move to Belo Horizonte (blh).
The army at Vancouver (van) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa) move to Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv). (fail)
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) move to Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) move to Sucre (suc). (fail)
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Medellin (med).
The fleet at English Channel (eng) move to Belgium (bel).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) move to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The fleet at Morocco (mor) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) move to Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail)
The fleet at Ecuador (ecu) move to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) move to Yucatan Basin (yub).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa) move to South West Atlantic - south west sea lane (S.W. swa).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The army at San Antonio (san) move to Monterey (mon).
The army at Montana (mt) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Paraguay (pgy) move to Gran Chaco (gra).
The army at Monterey (mon) move to Yucatan (yuc) via convoy.
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) support hold to Finland (fin).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Belize (blz).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The fleet at Belize (blz) support hold to Honduras (hon).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Sonora (son).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Finland (fin) support move to Murmansk (mur) from Barents Sea (bar).
The army at Santander (stn) support move to Medellin (med) from Panama (pan).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) support move to Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv) from Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena).
The army at Goias (goi) support move to Belo Horizonte (blh) from Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The army at Bogota (bog) support move to Ecuador (ecu) from Medellin (med).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg) support move to Norway (nwy) from Edinburgh (edi).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Morocco (mor).
The army at Loreto (lor) support move to Lima (lim) from Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) support move to Denmark (den) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support move to Monterey (mon) from San Antonio (san).
The fleet at Veracruz (vcz) support move to Monterey (mon) from San Antonio (san).
The army at Yukon (yuk) support move to Anchorage (anc) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Morocco (mor).
The army at Bordeaux (bdx) support move to Marseilles (mar) from Catalonia (cat).
The fleet at Dakar (dak) support move to Ivory Coast (ivo) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) support move to Holland (hol) from Belgium (bel).
The army at Acre (acr) support move to Lima (lim) from Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) convoy to Norway (nwy) from Edinburgh (edi).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) convoy to Yucatan (yuc) from Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) convoy to Denmark (den) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Mauritania (mau) disband.
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) hold.
The army at Assam (asm) hold.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) hold.
The army at Warsaw (war) move to Lithuania (lit). (fail)
The army at Rosario (rsr) move to Mesopotamia (msp).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat) move to South Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sat).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd) move to Gulf of Sirte (sir).
The army at Perm (prm) move to Moscow (mos).
The army at Egypt (egy) move to Libya (lib).
The fleet at Denmark (den) move to Baltic Sea (bal). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Tombouctou (tom) move to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv) move to Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at St Petersburg (stp) move to Lithuania (lit). (fail)
The army at Ashgabat (ash) move to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Magwe (mgw) move to Oman (oma) via convoy.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) move to Volgograd (vol).
The army at Marseilles (mar) move to Piedmont (pie).
The army at Ufa (ufa) move to Perm (prm).
The army at Cordoba (crd) move to Chaco (chc).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) move to Ufa (ufa).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Ruhr (ruh).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Holland (hol). (fail)
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) support hold to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support hold to Perth (per). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Calcutta (cal) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio).
The army at Eastern Germany (egr) support hold to Hamburg (ham).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Holland (hol). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio). (fail)
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Holland (hol) support hold to Ruhr (ruh). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Kashmir (kas) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Ivory Coast (ivo).
The army at Mali (mal) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Tombouctou (tom).
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Tombouctou (tom).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) convoy to Oman (oma) from Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) convoy to Oman (oma) from Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) convoy to Oman (oma) from Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) retreat to Madras (mdr).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv) disband.
The army at Holland (hol) disband.
The fleet at Denmark (den) disband.
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Tibet (tib) hold.
The army at Xinjiang (xin) hold.
The fleet at Palembang (plm) hold.
The army at Mandalay (mdl) hold.
The army at Temuco (tem) move to Mendoza (mdz).
The army at Patagonia (pat) move to Pampas (pam).
The army at Valparaiso (val) move to La Rioja (lrj).
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) move to Hawaii (hi).
The army at Samoa (sam) move to Magallanes (mag) via convoy.
The army at Atacama (ata) move to Sucre (suc). (fail)
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) move to Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu).
The fleet at Jakarta (jak) move to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) move to Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) move to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu) move to Weddell Sea (wed).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) move to Baja (baj). (fail)
The fleet at Medan (mdn) move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to Atacama (ata). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) move to Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp).
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) move to Patagonia (pat).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp).
The fleet at Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb) move to Chile Basin - north east sea lane (N.E. chb).
The fleet at Perth (per) move to Central Indian Ocean (cio). (fail)
The fleet at Riau (ria) move to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Lima (lim) move to Ecuador (ecu). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) move to Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - south east sea lane (S.E. pit) move to Amundsen Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. amu).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The army at Qinghai (qng) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The army at Omsk (oms) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Padang (pad) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The army at Pavlodar (pav) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support hold to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) support move to Pampas (pam) from Patagonia (pat).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Ecuador (ecu) from Lima (lim).
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) support move to Java Trench (jvt) from Jakarta (jak).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean (cio) from Perth (per).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) support move to Central Indian Ocean (cio) from Perth (per).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from Melbourne (mel).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) support move to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) from Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) from Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed) support move to Weddell Sea (wed) from Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) support move to Baja (baj) from Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub).
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Medan (mdn).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) convoy to Magallanes (mag) from Samoa (sam).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) convoy to Magallanes (mag) from Samoa (sam).
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) convoy to Magallanes (mag) from Samoa (sam).
The fleet at Lima (lim) retreat to Galapagos - north east sea lane (N.E. glp).
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Namibia (nam) move to Lubango (lub).
The army at Lubango (lub) move to Angola (ang).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Kwara (kwa) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support move to South West Atlantic (swa) from South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
Autumn, 2125 :
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) hold.
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop) hold.
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Nicaragua (nic). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) support hold to Bahia (bah).
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) support hold to Honduras (hon).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch).
The army at Bahia (bah) support hold to Belo Horizonte (blh).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support hold to Belo Horizonte (blh).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) support hold to Rio De Janeiro (rio).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) disband.
Destroy the unit at Bahia (bah).
Destroy the unit at Belo Horizonte (blh).
Destroy the unit at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
Destroy the unit at Weddell Sea (wed).
Destroy the unit at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The army at Azores (azo) hold.
The army at Bordeaux (bdx) move to Catalonia (cat).
The army at Norway (nwy) move to Finland (fin).
The army at Edinburgh (edi) move to Holland (hol) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Santander (stn) move to Medellin (med). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. wsa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Maranhao (mrn) move to Fortaleza (for).
The army at Picardy (pic) move to Burgundy (bur).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv). (fail)
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) move to Cuiaba (cui).
The army at Mauritania (mau) move to Grand Erg Oriental (geo). (fail)
The army at Tocantins (tct) move to Goias (goi).
The army at Beni (bni) move to La Paz (lpz).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) move to Medellin (med). (fail)
The army at Goias (goi) move to Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to Eastern North Sea (ens). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Edmonton (edm) move to Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. wsa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena).
The fleet at Finland (fin) move to Baltic Sea (bal).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Gulf of Panama (gop). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) move to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The fleet at Portugal (por) move to Spain (spa) (South Coast).
The army at Paris (par) move to Bordeaux (bdx).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) move to Barranquilla (brn). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail)
The fleet at Medellin (med) move to Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) move to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic - north east sea lane (N.E. swa).
The fleet at Belize (blz) move to Honduras (hon).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Denmark (den). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) move to Belize (blz).
The army at Acre (acr) move to Lima (lim). (fail)
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support hold to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support hold to Paraguay (pgy).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at English Channel (eng) support hold to Belgium (bel).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) support move to Honduras (hon) from Belize (blz).
The army at Belgium (bel) support move to Holland (hol) from Edinburgh (edi).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support move to Dakar (dak) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The army at Bogota (bog) support move to Ecuador (ecu) from Medellin (med).
The army at Loreto (lor) support move to Ecuador (ecu) from Medellin (med).
The fleet at Veracruz (vcz) support move to Yucatan (yuc) from Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) support move to Baltic Sea (bal) from Finland (fin).
The fleet at Morocco (mor) support move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) from Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) support move to Honduras (hon) from Belize (blz).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) support move to Spain (spa) from Portugal (por).
The army at Montana (mt) support move to Vancouver (van) from Edmonton (edm).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) support move to Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) from Goias (goi).
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) convoy to Holland (hol) from Edinburgh (edi). (fail)
Build army at Tocantins (tct).
Build army at Brasilia (bra).
Build army at Paris (par).
Build army at Norway (nwy).
Build fleet at Medellin (med).
Build fleet at Recife (rec).
Build fleet at Belem (blm).
Build fleet at Trinidad and Tobago (trd).
The fleet at Dakar (dak) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Denmark (den) hold.
The army at Murmansk (mur) hold.
The army at Spain (spa) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) move to Rosario (rsr).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to South Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sat).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) move to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd).
The fleet at Egypt (egy) move to Eastern Mediterranean Sea (emd).
The fleet at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The army at Prague (prg) move to Eastern Germany (egr).
The army at Jordan (jor) move to Egypt (egy).
The army at Niger (ngr) move to Tombouctou (tom).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena). (fail)
The army at Mali (mal) move to Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The army at Magwe (mgw) move to Somalia (som) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Marseilles (mar).
The army at Gran Chaco (gra) move to Cordoba (crd).
The army at Ruhr (ruh) support hold to Holland (hol).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support hold to Dakar (dak). (fail)
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Calcutta (cal) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support hold to Assam (asm).
The army at Assam (asm) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Perm (prm) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Holland (hol). (fail)
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support hold to Spain (spa). (fail)
The army at St Petersburg (stp) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) support hold to Almaty (alm).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio).
The army at Ashgabat (ash) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) support hold to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Ufa (ufa) support hold to Perm (prm).
The army at Holland (hol) support hold to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The army at Kashmir (kas) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) support move to Tombouctou (tom) from Niger (ngr). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) convoy to Somalia (som) from Magwe (mgw). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) convoy to Somalia (som) from Magwe (mgw). (fail)
The army at Spain (spa) disband.
The fleet at Dakar (dak) disband.
Build army at Munich (mun).
Build army at Warsaw (war).
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) hold.
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) hold.
The army at Samoa (sam) hold.
The army at Atacama (ata) hold.
The army at Buenos-Aries (bue) hold.
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) hold.
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) hold.
The army at Qinghai (qng) hold.
The army at Siberia (sib) hold.
The fleet at Jakarta (jak) hold.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) hold.
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) hold.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The army at Yunan (yun) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) hold.
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) hold.
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) hold.
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) hold.
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu) hold.
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) hold.
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) hold.
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) hold.
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) hold.
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu) hold.
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub) hold.
The fleet at Medan (mdn) hold.
The fleet at Padang (pad) hold.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) hold.
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) hold.
The fleet at Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) hold.
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) hold.
The army at Pavlodar (pav) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) hold.
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) hold.
The fleet at Ecuador (ecu) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) hold.
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) hold.
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) hold.
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) hold.
The army at Almaty (alm) hold.
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) hold.
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) hold.
The army at Tibet (tib) hold.
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) hold.
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) hold.
The army at Xinjiang (xin) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) hold.
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb) hold.
The fleet at Perth (per) hold.
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) hold.
The fleet at Palembang (plm) hold.
The fleet at Riau (ria) hold.
The army at Mandalay (mdl) hold.
The fleet at Lima (lim) hold.
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) hold.
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) hold.
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - south east sea lane (S.E. pit) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) hold.
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) hold.
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) hold.
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) hold.
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) hold.
The fleet at Ecuador (ecu) disband.
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) disband.
Build army at Valparaiso (val).
Build army at Patagonia (pat).
Build army at Temuco (tem).
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The army at Cameroon (cam) hold.
The army at Namibia (nam) hold.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The fleet at Durban (dur) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support hold to Weddell Sea (wed).
The army at Kwara (kwa) support hold to Ghana (gha). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to St Helena (sth) from Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support move to St Helena (sth) from Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
Spring, 2125 :
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) hold.
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) hold.
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) hold.
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Bahia (bah) hold.
The army at Ecuador (ecu) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Nicaragua (nic). (fail)
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) support hold to Honduras (hon).
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Michoacan (mch).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support hold to Belo Horizonte (blh).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Nicaragua (nic).
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) support hold to Rio De Janeiro (rio).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) retreat to Gulf of Panama - north sea lane (Nth. gop).
The army at Ecuador (ecu) disband.
The army at Azores (azo) hold.
The army at Ireland (ire) move to Bordeaux (bdx) via convoy.
The army at Iceland (ice) move to Norway (nwy) via convoy.
The army at Edinburgh (edi) move to Holland (hol) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) move to Santander (stn).
The fleet at Guyana (guy) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. wsa).
The fleet at Jamaica (jam) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Trinidad and Tobago (trd) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Belem (blm) move to Maranhao (mrn).
The army at London (lon) move to Picardy (pic) via convoy.
The army at Manaus (man) move to Mato Grosso (mgr).
The army at Dakar (dak) move to Mali (mal). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa).
The army at Brasilia (bra) move to Goias (goi).
The army at Medellin (med) move to Bogota (bog).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Edmonton (edm) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Bogota (bog) move to Loreto (lor).
The fleet at Fortaleza (for) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa).
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. wsa).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) move to Murmansk (mur). (fail)
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to Finland (fin).
The army at Rondonia (ron) move to Santa Cruz (scz).
The fleet at Norway (nwy) move to Sweden (swe).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. nwg) move to Eastern North Sea (ens).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Mauritania (mau) move to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Panama (pan) move to Medellin (med).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail)
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Belize (blz) move to Honduras (hon). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa).
The army at Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd) move to Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Veracruz (vcz) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Baja (baj).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Baja (baj) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) from Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv).
The army at Tocantins (tct) support move to Mato Grosso (mgr) from Manaus (man).
The army at Belgium (bel) support move to Holland (hol) from Edinburgh (edi).
The army at Beni (bni) support move to Santa Cruz (scz) from Rondonia (ron).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The army at Barranquilla (brn) support move to Medellin (med) from Panama (pan).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg) support move to Norway (nwy) from Iceland (ice).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) support move to Morocco (mor) from Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support move to Morocco (mor) from Mauritania (mau).
The army at Paris (par) support move to Picardy (pic) from London (lon).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support move to Morocco (mor) from Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) support move to Honduras (hon) from Belize (blz).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) support move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) from Jamaica (jam).
The army at Montana (mt) support move to Vancouver (van) from Edmonton (edm).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) support move to Sweden (swe) from Norway (nwy).
The army at Acre (acr) support move to Loreto (lor) from Bogota (bog).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) convoy to Norway (nwy) from Iceland (ice).
The fleet at English Channel (eng) convoy to Picardy (pic) from London (lon).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) convoy to Bordeaux (bdx) from Ireland (ire).
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) convoy to Holland (hol) from Edinburgh (edi). (fail)
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) retreat to Portugal (por).
The army at Dakar (dak) retreat to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Paraguay (pgy) move to Mesopotamia (msp).
The army at Munich (mun) move to Ruhr (ruh).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Red Sea (red) move to Egypt (egy).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Sao Paulo (sao).
The army at Warsaw (war) move to Prague (prg).
The army at Baghdad (bag) move to Jordan (jor).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) move to Denmark (den).
The army at Libya (lib) move to Niger (ngr).
The fleet at Ionian Sea (ion) move to Tyrrhenian Sea (tyr).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Finland (fin) move to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Magwe (mgw) move to Somalia (som) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Picardy (pic) move to Burgundy (bur).
The army at Catalonia (cat) move to Spain (spa).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) move to Gran Chaco (gra).
The army at Morocco (mor) move to Mauritania (mau). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Calcutta (cal) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support hold to Gulf of Guinea (gog). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support hold to Assam (asm).
The army at Assam (asm) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Perm (prm) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Hamburg (ham) support hold to Holland (hol).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Ashgabat (ash) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Ufa (ufa) support hold to Perm (prm).
The army at Kashmir (kas) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support move to Dakar (dak) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) support move to Sao Paulo (sao) from South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio). (fail)
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support move to Spain (spa) from Catalonia (cat).
The army at Mali (mal) support move to Dakar (dak) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The army at Holland (hol) support move to Ruhr (ruh) from Munich (mun). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) convoy to Somalia (som) from Magwe (mgw). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) convoy to Somalia (som) from Magwe (mgw). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) retreat to Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv).
The army at Morocco (mor) retreat to Grand Erg Oriental (geo).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) disband.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) disband.
The army at Samoa (sam) hold.
The fleet at Jakarta (jak) hold.
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) hold.
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) hold.
The fleet at Medan (mdn) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Tibet (tib) hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) hold.
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) hold.
The army at Xinjiang (xin) hold.
The army at Mandalay (mdl) hold.
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The fleet at Hawaii (hi) move to Central Pacific Ocean (cpo).
The army at Tahiti (tah) move to Atacama (ata) via convoy.
The army at Patagonia (pat) move to Buenos-Aries (bue).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu) move to Weddell Sea (wed). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) move to Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp).
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile - south sea lane (Sth. arc) move to Amundsen Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. amu).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) move to Guatamala Basin - north sea lane (Nth. gub).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp) move to Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed). (fail)
The fleet at Lima (lim) move to Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Temuco (tem) move to Magallanes (mag).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp) move to East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) move to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The fleet at Valparaiso (val) move to Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb).
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) move to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) move to Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) move to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) support hold to Perth (per).
The army at Qinghai (qng) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) support hold to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Omsk (oms) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at Padang (pad) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Pavlodar (pav) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Palembang (plm) support hold to Padang (pad).
The fleet at Riau (ria) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from Melbourne (mel).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support move to Ecuador (ecu) from Lima (lim).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from Melbourne (mel).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean (nep).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) from Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) from Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed) support move to Weddell Sea (wed) from Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support move to Lima (lim) from Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean (nep). (fail)
The fleet at Perth (per) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) convoy to Atacama (ata) from Tahiti (tah).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) convoy to Atacama (ata) from Tahiti (tah).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - south east sea lane (S.E. pit) convoy to Atacama (ata) from Tahiti (tah).
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) convoy to Atacama (ata) from Tahiti (tah).
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The army at Namibia (nam) hold.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) move to Weddell Sea (wed). (fail)
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) move to Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The fleet at Durban (dur) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi). (fail)
The army at Lagos (lag) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The army at Cameroon (cam) support hold to Lagos (lag).
The army at Kwara (kwa) support hold to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support move to Weddell Sea (wed) from South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
Autumn, 2124 :
The fleet at Barranquilla (brn) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) hold.
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) hold.
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) hold.
The fleet at Honduras (hon) hold.
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) hold.
The fleet at Temuco (tem) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) hold.
The fleet at Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast) hold.
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) hold.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The army at Panama (pan) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Bahia (bah) hold.
The army at Mexico City (mxc) hold.
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) hold.
The army at Ecuador (ecu) hold.
The army at Guatamala (gml) hold.
The army at Veracruz (vcz) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Belize (blz) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) hold.
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) disband.
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) disband.
The fleet at Temuco (tem) disband.
The fleet at Barranquilla (brn) disband.
The army at Veracruz (vcz) disband.
The army at Panama (pan) disband.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) disband.
The army at Belize (blz) disband.
Destroy the unit at Archipielago of Chile (arc).
Destroy the unit at Mato Grosso (mgr).
The army at Suriname (snm) move to Manaus (man).
The army at Azores (azo) move to Dakar (dak) via convoy.
The army at Para (pra) move to Tocantins (tct).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv).
The army at Acre (acr) move to Beni (bni).
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) move to Barranquilla (brn).
The army at Tocantins (tct) move to Brasilia (bra).
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Edmonton (edm) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) move to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The fleet at Denmark (den) move to Baltic Sea (bal).
The army at Manaus (man) move to Rondonia (ron).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) move to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Norway (nwy) move to Sweden (swe). (fail)
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Jamaica (jam) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Norwegian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. nwg).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The army at Ireland (ire) move to Paris (par) via convoy.
The fleet at Guantanamo (gno) move to Yucatan Basin (yub).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Ivory Coast (ivo). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Panama (pan).
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) move to Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Belize (blz).
The army at Chihuahua (chu) move to Sonora (son).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The army at Goias (goi) move to Mato Grosso Do Sul (mgd).
The army at Sonora (son) move to Baja (baj).
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) move to Acre (acr).
The army at Belgium (bel) support hold to Holland (hol). (fail)
The army at Bogota (bog) support hold to Medellin (med).
The fleet at Fortaleza (for) support hold to Recife (rec).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) support hold to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) support hold to Belgium (bel).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The army at Medellin (med) support move to Panama (pan) from Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) support move to Norway (nwy) from Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg).
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) support move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) from Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Norway (nwy) from Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg).
The fleet at English Channel (eng) support move to Paris (par) from Ireland (ire).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) support move to Ivory Coast (ivo) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Mauritania (mau) support move to Dakar (dak) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support move to Dakar (dak) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) support move to Barranquilla (brn) from Maracaibo (mcb).
The fleet at Recife (rec) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) from Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa).
The army at Montana (mt) support move to Vancouver (van) from Edmonton (edm).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) support move to Baltic Sea (bal) from Denmark (den).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Belize (blz) from Yucatan Basin (yub).
The army at Monterey (mon) support move to Veracruz (vcz) from Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) convoy to Dakar (dak) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) convoy to Paris (par) from Ireland (ire).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) retreat to Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) disband.
Build army at London (lon).
Build army at Azores (azo).
Build army at Chihuahua (chu).
Build army at Maracaibo (mcb).
Build army at Edinburgh (edi).
Build army at Iceland (ice).
Build army at Ireland (ire).
Build fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
Build fleet at Belem (blm).
Build fleet at Trinidad and Tobago (trd).
Build fleet at Jamaica (jam).
Build fleet at Guyana (guy).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) hold.
The army at Magwe (mgw) hold.
The army at Morocco (mor) hold.
The army at Munich (mun) move to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) move to Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Gulf of Aden (gad) move to Red Sea (red).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Sao Paulo (sao). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Ghana (gha).
The army at Minsk (msk) move to Warsaw (war).
The army at Saudi Arabia (sau) move to Baghdad (bag).
The army at Khartoum (kha) move to Libya (lib).
The fleet at Aegean Sea (aeg) move to Ionian Sea (ion).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa).
The army at Hamburg (ham) move to Holland (hol). (fail)
The army at Catalonia (cat) move to Spain (spa). (fail)
The army at Holland (hol) move to Belgium (bel). (fail)
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support hold to Dakar (dak). (fail)
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Calcutta (cal) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) support hold to Sweden (swe). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Assam (asm) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Perm (prm) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) support hold to Baltic Sea (bal). (fail)
The army at Murmansk (mur) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support hold to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The army at Finland (fin) support hold to Sweden (swe).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Ashgabat (ash) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) support hold to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Ufa (ufa) support hold to Perm (prm).
The army at Santa Cruz (scz) support hold to Mato Grosso (mgr).
The army at Kashmir (kas) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio). (fail)
The fleet at Dakar (dak) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Mali (mal) support move to Ghana (gha) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio). (fail)
The army at Picardy (pic) support move to Belgium (bel) from Holland (hol).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) disband.
The fleet at Dakar (dak) disband.
Build army at Paraguay (pgy).
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) hold.
The fleet at Medan (mdn) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Mandalay (mdl) hold.
The army at Magallanes (mag) move to Patagonia (pat).
The fleet at Tahiti (tah) move to Pitcairn Island (pit).
The fleet at Hawaii (hi) move to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to South West Indian Ocean (swi). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) move to Gulf of Panama (gop).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) move to Amundsen Sea - south sea lane (Sth. amu).
The fleet at Coral Sea (crl) move to Tasman Sea (tas).
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. cpo) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) move to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) move to Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) move to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) move to Chile Basin (chb).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc). (fail)
The fleet at Bio Bio (bio) move to Temuco (tem).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) move to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) move to Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp).
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) move to Ross Sea (ros).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to Valparaiso (val).
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) move to Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp).
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - south west sea lane (S.W. pit) move to Pitcairn Island - south east sea lane (S.E. pit).
The fleet at Samoa (sam) move to South Pacific Ocean (spo).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The army at Qinghai (qng) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Jakarta (jak) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) support hold to Perth (per).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) support hold to Strait of Malacca (stm).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at Padang (pad) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Pavlodar (pav) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The army at Tibet (tib) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) support hold to Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Xinjiang (xin) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The fleet at Perth (per) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Palembang (plm) support hold to Padang (pad).
The fleet at Riau (ria) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile - south sea lane (Sth. arc) support move to Temuco (tem) from Bio Bio (bio).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean (swi) from Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at Lima (lim) support move to Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) from Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support move to Gulf of Panama (gop) from Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp) support move to Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) from South Central Pacific Ocean (scp).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) retreat to Weddell Sea - south sea lane (Sth. wed).
Build army at Tahiti (tah).
Build army at Samoa (sam).
Build fleet at Hawaii (hi).
Build fleet at Melbourne (mel).
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The army at Namibia (nam) hold.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The fleet at Durban (dur) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi). (fail)
The army at Angola (ang) move to Kinshasa (kin).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The army at Cameroon (cam) move to Lagos (lag).
The army at Congo (con) move to Cameroon (cam).
The army at Lagos (lag) move to Kwara (kwa).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) support move to Ghana (gha) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) from Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) from Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa). (fail)
Spring, 2124 :
The fleet at Barranquilla (brn) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) hold.
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Recife (rec) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Temuco (tem) hold.
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) hold.
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) hold.
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) hold.
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Panama (pan) hold.
The army at Bahia (bah) hold.
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) hold.
The army at Medellin (med) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Tocantins (tct) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Veracruz (vcz) hold.
The army at Belize (blz) hold.
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) hold.
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) hold.
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) support hold to Guatamala (gml).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Belize (blz). (fail)
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Recife (rec) retreat to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The army at Medellin (med) retreat to Ecuador (ecu).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) retreat to Nicaragua (nic) (East Coast).
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) disband.
The army at Tocantins (tct) disband.
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) disband.
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) disband.
The army at Azores (azo) hold.
The army at Guyana (guy) move to Suriname (snm).
The army at Belem (blm) move to Para (pra).
The army at London (lon) move to Belgium (bel) via convoy.
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) move to Acre (acr).
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) move to Barranquilla (brn). (fail)
The army at Para (pra) move to Tocantins (tct).
The army at Santander (stn) move to Medellin (med).
The fleet at Labrador Sea (lab) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Edmonton (edm) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) move to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to Barents Sea (bar).
The fleet at Denmark (den) move to Sweden (swe). (fail)
The army at Manaus (man) move to Mato Grosso (mgr). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) move to Norway (nwy).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Iceland (ice) move to Ireland (ire) via convoy.
The fleet at Dakar (dak) move to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Guantanamo (gno) move to Yucatan Basin (yub). (fail)
The fleet at Aruba (aru) move to Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Dakar (dak). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Recife (rec).
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Honduras (hon). (fail)
The army at New Mexico (nmx) move to Chihuahua (chu).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa). (fail)
The army at Bolivar (blv) move to Amazon Basin (amz).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) support hold to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Spain (spa) (South Coast) support hold to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena). (fail)
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) support hold to Spain (spa).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Guantanamo (gno).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg) support move to Norway (nwy) from Eastern North Sea (ens).
The army at Bogota (bog) support move to Medellin (med) from Santander (stn).
The fleet at Fortaleza (for) support move to Recife (rec) from Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Jamaica (jam) support move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) from Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support move to Mauritania (mau) from Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) support move to Belgium (bel) from London (lon).
The army at Montana (mt) support move to Vancouver (van) from Edmonton (edm).
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) support move to Sweden (swe) from Denmark (den).
The army at Goias (goi) support move to Tocantins (tct) from Para (pra).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Guantanamo (gno).
The fleet at English Channel (eng) convoy to Belgium (bel) from London (lon).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) convoy to Ireland (ire) from Iceland (ice).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) retreat to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) hold.
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) hold.
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Sao Paulo (sao) move to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa). (fail)
The fleet at Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara) move to Gulf of Aden (gad).
The army at Moscow (mos) move to Minsk (msk).
The army at Oman (oma) move to Saudi Arabia (sau).
The army at Eritrea (eri) move to Khartoum (kha).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Istanbul (ist) move to Aegean Sea (aeg).
The army at St Petersburg (stp) move to Finland (fin).
The army at Paris (par) move to Picardy (pic).
The army at Catalonia (cat) move to Spain (spa). (fail)
The army at Belgium (bel) move to Holland (hol).
The army at Paraguay (pgy) move to Santa Cruz (scz).
The army at Munich (mun) support hold to Hamburg (ham).
The fleet at Tunisia (tun) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Calcutta (cal) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) support hold to Sweden (swe).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Assam (asm) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Perm (prm) support hold to Komi (kom).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) support hold to Baltic Sea (bal). (fail)
The army at Norway (nwy) support hold to Sweden (swe). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The army at Mauritania (mau) support hold to Morocco (mor). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) support hold to Almaty (alm).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Ashgabat (ash) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Perm (prm).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Magwe (mgw) support hold to Shan Plateau (shn).
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) support hold to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Ufa (ufa) support hold to Perm (prm).
The army at Kashmir (kas) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Morocco (mor) support hold to Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Ivory Coast (ivo) support move to Dakar (dak) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) support move to Curitiba (ctb) from Sao Paulo (sao).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) support move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The army at Hamburg (ham) support move to Holland (hol) from Belgium (bel).
The army at Norway (nwy) retreat to Murmansk (mur).
The army at Mauritania (mau) retreat to Mali (mal).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) hold.
The fleet at Medan (mdn) hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) hold.
The army at Mandalay (mdl) hold.
The army at Aukland (auk) move to Magallanes (mag) via convoy.
The fleet at Samoa (sam) move to Tahiti (tah).
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) move to Hawaii (hi).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska - south sea lane (Sth. GOA) move to Gulf of Alaska - east sea lane (Est. GOA).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) move to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp) move to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Soloman Islands - south sea lane (Sth. sol) move to Coral Sea (crl).
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. cpo) move to Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. cpo).
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) move to Archipielago of Chile - south sea lane (Sth. arc).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at Tahiti (tah) move to Pitcairn Island (pit).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. scp) move to South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp).
The fleet at Lima (lim) move to Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) move to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) move to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) move to Chile Basin (chb).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp) move to Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp).
The fleet at Tahiti - south east sea lane (S.E. tah) move to Pitcairn Island - south west sea lane (S.W. pit).
The fleet at Soloman Islands (sol) move to Samoa (sam).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The army at Qinghai (qng) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Jakarta (jak) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) support hold to Perth (per).
The army at Omsk (oms) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) support hold to Strait of Malacca (stm).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Padang (pad) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Pavlodar (pav) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Anchorage (anc) support hold to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The army at Tibet (tib) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Xinjiang (xin) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The fleet at Perth (per) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz).
The fleet at Palembang (plm) support hold to Padang (pad).
The fleet at Riau (ria) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) support move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) from Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Bio Bio (bio) support move to Chile Basin (chb) from Pitcairn Island (pit).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) support move to Guatamala Basin (gub) from East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support move to Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) from South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean (nep). (fail)
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from Tasman Sea (tas).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) convoy to Magallanes (mag) from Aukland (auk).
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) convoy to Magallanes (mag) from Aukland (auk).
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) convoy to Magallanes (mag) from Aukland (auk).
The army at Angola (ang) hold.
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The army at Namibia (nam) hold.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The fleet at Durban (dur) move to South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi). (fail)
The fleet at Lagos (lag) move to Gulf of Guinea (gog).
The army at Congo (con) move to Cameroon (cam).
The army at Kinshasa (kin) move to Congo (con).
The army at Cameroon (cam) move to Lagos (lag).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support hold to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support hold to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to Gulf of Guinea (gog) from Lagos (lag).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) retreat to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
Autumn, 2123 :
The fleet at Barranquilla (brn) hold.
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) hold.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) hold.
The army at Tocantins (tct) hold.
The army at Veracruz (vcz) hold.
The army at Belize (blz) hold.
The fleet at Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc).
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) move to Guatamala Basin (gub). (fail)
The fleet at Bahia (bah) move to Recife (rec).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Patagonia (pat). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) move to South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to Magallanes (mag). (fail)
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) move to Jamaica (jam). (fail)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - north east sea lane (N.E. pit) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at Samoa (sam) move to Tahiti (tah). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) move to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The army at Bogota (bog) move to Medellin (med).
The fleet at Iceland (ice) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Belize (blz).
The army at Panama (pan) support hold to Barranquilla (brn).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support hold to Tocantins (tct).
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) support hold to Rio De Janeiro (rio).
The fleet at Temuco (tem) support move to Archipielago of Chile (arc) from Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb).
The army at Fortaleza (for) support move to Recife (rec) from Bahia (bah). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit) support move to Tahiti (tah) from Samoa (sam). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) support move to Curitiba (ctb) from South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Fortaleza (for) retreat to Bahia (bah).
The fleet at Samoa (sam) retreat to Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. cpo).
The fleet at Iceland (ice) disband.
Destroy the unit at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa).
Destroy the unit at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
Destroy the unit at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
Destroy the unit at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
Destroy the unit at Pitcairn Island - north east sea lane (N.E. pit).
Destroy the unit at Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit).
Destroy the unit at Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. cpo).
The army at Manaus (man) move to Amazon Basin (amz).
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) move to Barranquilla (brn). (fail)
The army at Para (pra) move to Tocantins (tct). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. nwg) move to Norwegian Sea - east sea lane (Est. nwg).
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Edmonton (edm) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) move to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd). (fail)
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) move to Bogota (bog).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Fortaleza (for).
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to Norway (nwy). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) move to Mauritania (mau). (fail)
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena). (fail)
The fleet at Skagerrak (ska) move to Denmark (den).
The army at Suriname (snm) move to Manaus (man).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Jamaica (jam).
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) move to English Channel (eng).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Portugal (por) move to Spain (spa) (South Coast).
The army at Baffin Island (baf) move to Iceland (ice) via convoy.
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Dakar (dak).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa).
The fleet at Belem (blm) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Cienfuegos (cie) move to Yucatan Basin (yub).
The army at Utah (uta) move to New Mexico (nmx).
The fleet at Edinburgh (edi) move to Western North Sea (wns).
The fleet at Norway (nwy) move to Sweden (swe). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Minas Gerais (mng) move to Goias (goi).
The army at Guyana (guy) move to Bolivar (blv).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Aruba (aru) support hold to Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la). (fail)
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The army at Santander (stn) support move to Bogota (bog) from Amazon Basin (amz).
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) support move to Jamaica (jam) from Yucatan Basin (yub).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) support move to Denmark (den) from Skagerrak (ska).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) support move to Iceland (ice) from Baffin Island (baf).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena) support move to Dakar (dak) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa).
The fleet at Guantanamo (gno) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Cienfuegos (cie).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) support move to Barranquilla (brn) from Maracaibo (mcb).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) support move to Spain (spa) from Portugal (por).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) support move to Fortaleza (for) from Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The army at Montana (mt) support move to Vancouver (van) from Edmonton (edm).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Cienfuegos (cie).
The fleet at Labrador Sea (lab) convoy to Iceland (ice) from Baffin Island (baf).
The fleet at Norway (nwy) retreat to Skagerrak (ska).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) retreat to Gulf of Guinea (gog).
Build army at London (lon).
Build army at Belem (blm).
Build army at Azores (azo).
Build army at Guyana (guy).
Build fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) hold.
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) hold.
The army at Paris (par) hold.
The army at Spain (spa) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Belgium (bel) hold.
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) move to South West Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. swi).
The fleet at Dakar (dak) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa). (fail)
The fleet at Madras (mdr) move to Arabian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ara).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Denmark (den) move to Skagerrak (ska). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Kazan (kzn) move to Moscow (mos).
The army at Rajasthan (raj) move to Oman (oma) via convoy.
The army at Murmansk (mur) move to Norway (nwy).
The army at Somalia (som) move to Eritrea (eri).
The fleet at Ghana (gha) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Black Sea (bla) move to Istanbul (ist).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa).
The army at Holland (hol) move to Hamburg (ham).
The army at Komi (kom) move to St Petersburg (stp).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) move to Komi (kom).
The army at Mesopotamia (msp) move to Paraguay (pgy).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Calcutta (cal) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) support hold to Darwin (dwn). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Assam (asm) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to South West Indian Ocean (swi).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Perm (prm) support hold to Ufa (ufa).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support hold to Spain (spa). (fail)
The army at Mauritania (mau) support hold to Morocco (mor). (fail)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio). (fail)
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The army at Ashgabat (ash) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support hold to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Magwe (mgw) support hold to Shan Plateau (shn). (fail)
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Ufa (ufa) support hold to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The army at Kashmir (kas) support hold to Xinjiang (xin). (fail)
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) support hold to Aktyubinsk (akt). (fail)
The army at Morocco (mor) support hold to Mauritania (mau).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Sweden (swe) support move to Norway (nwy) from Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) convoy to Oman (oma) from Rajasthan (raj).
The fleet at Curitiba (ctb) retreat to Sao Paulo (sao).
The army at Spain (spa) retreat to Catalonia (cat).
The fleet at Denmark (den) retreat to Baltic Sea (bal).
The fleet at Dakar (dak) retreat to Ivory Coast (ivo).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) disband.
Build army at Munich (mun).
Build fleet at Tunisia (tun).
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) hold.
The fleet at Fiji (fij) move to Samoa (sam).
The army at Qinghai (qng) move to Xinjiang (xin). (fail)
The fleet at Jakarta (jak) move to Java Trench (jvt). (fail)
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) move to Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab).
The fleet at Midway Island (mdw) move to Central Pacific Ocean (cpo).
The fleet at North Central Pacific Ocean (ncp) move to Gulf of Alaska - south sea lane (Sth. GOA).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp) move to Guatamala Basin (gub). (fail)
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio). (fail)
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) move to Andaman Sea (and). (fail)
The fleet at Coral Sea (crl) move to Soloman Islands - south sea lane (Sth. sol).
The army at Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye (srd) move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) move to Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. cpo).
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) move to Patagonia (pat). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - east sea lane (Est. gab) move to Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. scp) move to Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp) move to Lima (lim).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) move to Bio Bio (bio).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn). (fail)
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) move to North Indian Ocean (nio). (fail)
The army at Xinjiang (xin) move to Uzbekistan (uzb). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) move to San Francisco (sf). (fail)
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp) move to Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio). (fail)
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) move to Magwe (mgw). (fail)
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio). (fail)
The fleet at New Caledonia (ncd) move to Soloman Islands (sol).
The army at Siberia (sib) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) support hold to Strait of Malacca (stm).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) support hold to Pitcairn Island (pit).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) support hold to Perth (per). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Tahiti (tah) support hold to Pitcairn Island (pit). (fail)
The army at Pavlodar (pav) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The fleet at Palembang (plm) support hold to Padang (pad).
The fleet at Riau (ria) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at Tahiti - south east sea lane (S.E. tah) support hold to Tahiti (tah).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The army at Omsk (oms) support move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) from Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye (srd).
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) support move to Java Trench (jvt) from Jakarta (jak).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support move to Andaman Sea (and) from Isthmus of Kra (kra).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Guatamala Basin (gub). (fail)
The fleet at Medan (mdn) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Padang (pad) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Guatamala Basin (gub). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) support move to Guatamala Basin (gub) from East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Guatamala Basin (gub). (fail)
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) support move to Samoa (sam) from Fiji (fij).
The army at Tibet (tib) support move to Xinjiang (xin) from Qinghai (qng).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Shan Plateau (shn).
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) support move to San Francisco (sf) from North East Pacific Ocean (nep). (fail)
The fleet at Perth (per) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Darwin (dwn).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support move to Uzbekistan (uzb) from Xinjiang (xin).
The army at Mandalay (mdl) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Shan Plateau (shn).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Darwin (dwn).
Build army at Aukland (auk).
Build fleet at Darwin (dwn).
The army at Lubango (lub) move to Angola (ang).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The army at Cape Town (cap) move to Miami (mia) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Kinshasa (kin) move to Congo (con).
The army at Angola (ang) move to Kinshasa (kin).
The army at Namibia (nam) move to Newfoundland (nwf) via convoy. (fail)
The army at Botswana (bot) move to Lubango (lub).
The army at Congo (con) move to Cameroon (cam).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support hold to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
Build fleet at Lagos (lag).
Build fleet at Durban (dur).
Spring, 2123 :
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The army at Tocantins (tct) hold.
The army at Veracruz (vcz) hold.
The army at Belize (blz) hold.
The fleet at Valparaiso (val) move to Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb).
The fleet at Acapulco (aca) move to Guatamala Basin (gub). (fail)
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Bahia (bah).
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) move to Pitcairn Island (pit). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed).
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) move to South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa).
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) move to South Atlantic Ocean (sat). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) move to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa). (fail)
The army at Jamaica (jam) move to Panama (pan) via convoy.
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The army at Maranhao (mrn) move to Fortaleza (for).
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) move to Manaus (man). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) move to Bolivar (blv). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. nwg) move to Iceland (ice).
The fleet at Barranquilla (brn) support hold to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Belize (blz).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) support move to Guatamala Basin (gub) from Acapulco (aca). (fail)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - north east sea lane (N.E. pit) support move to Pitcairn Island (pit) from Archipielago of Chile (arc).
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) support move to Pitcairn Island (pit) from Archipielago of Chile (arc). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit) support move to Pitcairn Island (pit) from Pitcairn Island - north east sea lane (N.E. pit). (fail)
The fleet at Rio De Janeiro (rio) support move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) from South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support move to Manaus (man) from Amazon Basin (amz).
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) support move to Bahia (bah) from Recife (rec).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) convoy to Panama (pan) from Jamaica (jam).
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) retreat to Weddell Sea (wed).
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) retreat to Temuco (tem).
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) retreat to Bogota (bog).
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean (spo) retreat to Samoa (sam).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) retreat to South West Atlantic (swa).
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) disband.
The army at Caracas (crc) move to Maracaibo (mcb).
The army at Belem (blm) move to Para (pra).
The army at Bolivar (blv) move to Santander (stn).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nat) move to Norwegian Sea - south sea lane (Sth. nwg).
The fleet at Vancouver (van) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The army at Edmonton (edm) move to Vancouver (van). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena).
The army at Roraima (ror) move to Amazon Basin (amz).
The fleet at Antilles (ant) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Labrador Sea - east sea lane (Est. lab) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The fleet at Azores (azo) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena).
The fleet at Norway (nwy) move to Skagerrak (ska).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb). (fail)
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to Western North Sea (wns).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) move to Portugal (por).
The army at Nunavut (nun) move to Baffin Island (baf).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ena).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. wsa) move to Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. wsa) move to Belem (blm).
The fleet at Cienfuegos (cie) move to Yucatan Basin (yub). (fail)
The army at Idaho (ida) move to Utah (uta).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nat) move to Edinburgh (edi).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) move to Norway (nwy).
The army at Bahia (bah) move to Minas Gerais (mng).
The army at Guyana (guy) move to Bolivar (blv). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) support hold to Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Suriname (snm) support hold to Manaus (man).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Manaus (man) support move to Amazon Basin (amz) from Roraima (ror).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) support move to Cascadia Basin (cas) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Labrador Sea (lab) support move to Norwegian Sea (nwg) from Labrador Sea - east sea lane (Est. lab).
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) support move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) support move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena) from Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) support move to Skagerrak (ska) from Norway (nwy).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) support move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena) from Azores (azo).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Guantanamo (gno) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Cienfuegos (cie).
The fleet at Aruba (aru) support move to Maracaibo (mcb) from Caracas (crc).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) from Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) support move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) from Yucatan Basin (yub).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) support move to Portugal (por) from Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) support move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) from Antilles (ant).
The army at Montana (mt) support move to Vancouver (van) from Edmonton (edm).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Cienfuegos (cie).
The army at Somalia (som) hold.
The fleet at Black Sea (bla) hold.
The army at Paris (par) hold.
The army at Spain (spa) hold.
The army at Belgium (bel) hold.
The army at Morocco (mor) hold.
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) move to Curitiba (ctb).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to Medan (mdn). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) move to St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa). (fail)
The army at Kazan (kzn) move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn). (fail)
The army at Nepal (npl) move to Assam (asm).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) move to Kashmir (kas). (fail)
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) move to Sweden (swe).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa).
The army at Komi (kom) move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) move to North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) move to Kyzylorda (kyz). (fail)
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) move to Omsk (oms). (fail)
The fleet at Magwe (mgw) move to Bay of Bengal (bob).
The army at Assam (asm) move to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Volgograd (vol) move to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) move to Mesopotamia (msp).
The army at Kashmir (kas) move to Uzbekistan (uzb). (fail)
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) move to Kazakhstan (kaz). (fail)
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Algiers (alg) support hold to Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd).
The fleet at Dakar (dak) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Denmark (den) support hold to Eastern North Sea (ens).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Holland (hol) support hold to Belgium (bel).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) support hold to Spain (spa).
The army at Mauritania (mau) support hold to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support hold to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Assam (asm).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. msa) from Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa). (fail)
The army at Calcutta (cal) support move to Assam (asm) from Nepal (npl).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Madras (mdr) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Assam (asm).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support move to Bay of Bengal (bob) from Magwe (mgw).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support move to Uzbekistan (uzb) from Kashmir (kas).
The army at Perm (prm) support move to Omsk (oms) from Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Rajasthan (raj) support move to Kashmir (kas) from Thar Desert (thr).
The army at Murmansk (mur) support move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) from Komi (kom).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Ashgabat (ash) support move to Aktyubinsk (akt) from Volgograd (vol).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support move to Uzbekistan (uzb) from Kashmir (kas).
The army at Ufa (ufa) support move to Omsk (oms) from Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) retreat to Ghana (gha).
The fleet at Midway Island (mdw) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The fleet at Medan (mdn) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The army at Tibet (tib) hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) hold.
The army at Xinjiang (xin) hold.
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) hold.
The army at Mandalay (mdl) hold.
The fleet at Samoa (sam) move to Fiji (fij).
The army at Khabarovsk (khb) move to Siberia (sib).
The fleet at Hawaii (hi) move to North Central Pacific Ocean (ncp).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab) move to Tasman Sea (tas).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. nep) move to East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp).
The fleet at Perth (per) move to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio).
The fleet at Arafura Sea (arf) move to Coral Sea (crl).
The army at Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye (srd) move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Magallanes (mag).
The fleet at Ross Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. ros) move to Great Australian Bight - east sea lane (Est. gab).
The fleet at Tahiti (tah) move to Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit). (fail)
The fleet at Chile Basin - north west sea lane (N.W. chb) move to Galapagos - south east sea lane (S.E. glp).
The fleet at Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean - east sea lane (Est. spo) move to South Pacific Ocean (spo).
The fleet at South Australia (soz) move to Perth (per).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp) move to Chile Basin (chb). (fail)
The fleet at Tahiti - south west sea lane (S.W. tah) move to Tahiti - south east sea lane (S.E. tah).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) move to New Caledonia (ncd).
The army at Qinghai (qng) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The fleet at Jakarta (jak) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) support hold to Strait of Malacca (stm).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Padang (pad) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) support hold to Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab). (fail)
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The army at Pavlodar (pav) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. scp) support hold to Pitcairn Island (pit).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) support hold to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Omsk (oms). (fail)
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) support hold to Kazakhstan (kaz). (fail)
The fleet at Palembang (plm) support hold to Padang (pad).
The fleet at Riau (ria) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) support hold to Mandalay (mdl).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) support hold to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) support move to Perth (per) from South Australia (soz).
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) support move to South Pacific Ocean (spo) from South Pacific Ocean - east sea lane (Est. spo).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) support move to Archipielago of Chile (arc) from Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support move to Galapagos (glp) from South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp) support move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) from Central Pacific Ocean (cpo).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) support move to Chile Basin (chb) from South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) support move to Perth (per) from South Australia (soz). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. sio) from Perth (per).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) disband.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Angola (ang) hold.
The army at Namibia (nam) hold.
The army at Botswana (bot) hold.
The army at Congo (con) hold.
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to St Helena (sth).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) from Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk) from Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support move to St Helena (sth) from Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
Autumn, 2122 :
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) hold.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The army at Jamaica (jam) hold.
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) hold.
The army at Veracruz (vcz) hold.
The army at Belize (blz) hold.
The fleet at Valparaiso (val) move to Chile Basin (chb). (fail)
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) move to East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Aruba (aru) move to Golfo De Venezuela (gov). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Recife (rec) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) move to Amundsen Sea (amu). (fail)
The fleet at Patagonia (pat) move to Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa). (fail)
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp). (fail)
The fleet at Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - north east sea lane (N.E. pit) move to South Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. scp). (fail)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) move to Tahiti (tah). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The army at Fortaleza (for) move to Maranhao (mrn).
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Rio De Janeiro (rio).
The army at Amazon Basin (amz) move to Manaus (man). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. nwg) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg). (fail)
The fleet at Barranquilla (brn) support hold to Maracaibo (mcb).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Belize (blz).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) support move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) from Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) support move to Golfo De Venezuela (gov) from Aruba (aru). (fail)
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) from Recife (rec).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit) support move to Tahiti (tah) from Pitcairn Island (pit). (fail)
The army at Tocantins (tct) support move to Maranhao (mrn) from Fortaleza (for).
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) support move to Manaus (man) from Amazon Basin (amz).
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) support move to Rio De Janeiro (rio) from South West Atlantic (swa).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) retreat to South Pacific Ocean (spo).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) retreat to Acapulco (aca).
The fleet at Aruba (aru) disband.
The army at Trinidad and Tobago (trd) move to Caracas (crc).
The army at Belem (blm) move to Manaus (man). (fail)
The army at Bolivar (blv) move to Maracaibo (mcb). (fail)
The fleet at Labrador Sea (lab) move to Azores - east sea lane (Est. azo). (fail)
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nat) move to Iceland (ice). (fail)
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena) move to Azores - east sea lane (Est. azo). (fail)
The army at Manaus (man) move to Roraima (ror).
The fleet at Labrador Sea - west sea lane (Wst. lab) move to Labrador Sea - east sea lane (Est. lab).
The fleet at Labrador Sea - south sea lane (Sth. lab) move to North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) move to Norway (nwy).
The army at Yukon (yuk) move to Anchorage (anc). (fail)
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Western Caribbean Sea (wcb). (fail)
The fleet at Edinburgh (edi) move to Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to Iceland (ice). (fail)
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena).
The army at North West Territory (nwt) move to Nunavut (nun).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa).
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena). (fail)
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) move to Aruba (aru).
The fleet at Caracas (crc) move to Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ena). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. wsa) move to Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa). (fail)
The fleet at Cienfuegos (cie) move to Yucatan Basin (yub). (fail)
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) move to Recife (rec). (fail)
The army at Vancouver (van) move to Montana (mt).
The army at Maranhao (mrn) move to Fortaleza (for). (fail) (dislodged)
The army at Newfoundland (nwf) move to Guyana (guy) via convoy.
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The army at San Francisco (sf) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The army at Arizona (arz) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Nevada (nev) support hold to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Los Angeles (la) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The army at Monterey (mon) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) support move to Aruba (aru) from Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The army at Edmonton (edm) support move to Vancouver (van) from Seattle (sea).
The fleet at Azores (azo) support move to North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) from Labrador Sea - south sea lane (Sth. lab).
The army at Suriname (snm) support move to Manaus (man) from Belem (blm).
The fleet at Eastern North Sea (ens) support move to Norway (nwy) from Norwegian Sea (nwg).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) support move to Recife (rec) from Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa). (fail)
The fleet at Guantanamo (gno) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Cienfuegos (cie).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) from Cape Verde Islands (cpv).
The army at Idaho (ida) support move to Vancouver (van) from Seattle (sea).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nat) support move to Norwegian Sea (nwg) from Edinburgh (edi).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Cienfuegos (cie).
The fleet at Antilles (ant) convoy to Guyana (guy) from Newfoundland (nwf).
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) convoy to Guyana (guy) from Newfoundland (nwf).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. wsa) convoy to Guyana (guy) from Newfoundland (nwf).
The army at Maranhao (mrn) retreat to Bahia (bah).
Build army at Manaus (man).
Build fleet at Seattle (sea).
The army at Calcutta (cal) hold.
The army at Rajasthan (raj) hold.
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) hold.
The army at Somalia (som) hold.
The fleet at Black Sea (bla) hold.
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) hold.
The army at Mauritania (mau) hold.
The army at Belgium (bel) hold.
The army at Morocco (mor) hold.
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) move to North Indian Ocean (nio). (fail)
The fleet at Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob) move to Somali Basin - south sea lane (Sth. sob).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) move to Reunion (reu).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) move to Java Trench (jvt). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Denmark (den) move to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) move to Medan (mdn). (fail)
The army at Dhaka (dha) move to Magwe (mgw). (fail)
The army at Moscow (mos) move to Perm (prm).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The army at Murmansk (mur) move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The army at Holland (hol) move to Hamburg (ham). (fail)
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) move to Kyzylorda (kyz). (fail)
The army at Tehran (teh) move to Ashgabat (ash).
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) move to Omsk (oms). (fail)
The fleet at Magwe (mgw) move to Andaman Sea (and). (fail)
The army at Paris (par) move to Bordeaux (bdx). (fail)
The army at Afghanistan (afg) move to Uzbekistan (uzb). (fail)
The army at Perm (prm) move to Ufa (ufa).
The army at Spain (spa) move to Bordeaux (bdx). (fail)
The army at Ivory Coast (ivo) move to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) via convoy.
The army at Aktyubinsk (akt) move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa) support hold to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) support hold to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Nepal (npl) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support hold to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) support hold to Kashmir (kas).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) support hold to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) support move to Andaman Sea (and) from Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) support move to Andaman Sea (and) from Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at Madras (mdr) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Kazan (kzn) support move to Ufa (ufa) from Perm (prm).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio) from Reunion (reu).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio) from Reunion (reu).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support move to Uzbekistan (uzb) from Afghanistan (afg).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Komi (kom) support move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) from Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support move to Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) from Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support move to Andaman Sea (and) from Magwe (mgw).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Assam (asm) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Dhaka (dha).
The army at Volgograd (vol) support move to Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) from Aktyubinsk (akt).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from North Indian Ocean (nio).
The army at Kashmir (kas) support move to Uzbekistan (uzb) from Afghanistan (afg).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa) convoy to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from Ivory Coast (ivo).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) convoy to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from Ivory Coast (ivo).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) convoy to Rio Grande Do Sul (rgd) from Ivory Coast (ivo).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) retreat to Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
Build fleet at Dakar (dak).
Build fleet at Algiers (alg).
Build fleet at Madagascar (mds).
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) hold.
The fleet at Medan (mdn) hold.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) hold.
The fleet at Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Tibet (tib) hold.
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) hold.
The army at Xinjiang (xin) hold.
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) hold.
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) hold.
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) hold.
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) move to Great Australian Bight - north sea lane (Nth. gab).
The fleet at Coral Sea (crl) move to Arafura Sea (arf).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) move to Patagonia (pat). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. cpo) move to Tahiti (tah).
The army at Urumqi (umq) move to Pavlodar (pav).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. scp) move to Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit). (fail)
The fleet at Amundsen Sea (amu) move to Archipielago of Chile (arc). (fail)
The fleet at Chile Basin - north west sea lane (N.W. chb) move to Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp). (fail)
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp) move to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp) move to Galapagos (glp). (fail)
The fleet at Tahiti (tah) move to Pitcairn Island (pit).
The army at Ufa (ufa) move to Perm (prm). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The army at Mandalay (mdl) move to Magwe (mgw). (fail)
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp) move to Pitcairn Island - north east sea lane (N.E. pit). (fail)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) move to Southern Indian Ocean (sio). (fail)
The army at Yunan (yun) support hold to Mandalay (mdl). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. nep) support hold to East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp).
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) support hold to Strait of Malacca (stm).
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) support hold to Perth (per).
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The army at Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye (srd) support hold to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap). (fail)
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) support hold to Cascadia Basin (cas).
The fleet at Padang (pad) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Ross Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. ros) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) support hold to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp).
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) support hold to Anchorage (anc).
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) support hold to Omsk (oms).
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) support hold to Kyzylorda (kyz).
The army at Almaty (alm) support hold to Xinjiang (xin).
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) support hold to Andaman Sea (and).
The fleet at South Australia (soz) support hold to Perth (per).
The fleet at Palembang (plm) support hold to Padang (pad).
The fleet at Riau (ria) support hold to Medan (mdn).
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) support hold to Java Trench (jvt).
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) support hold to Tibet (tib).
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) support hold to Great Australian Bight (gab).
The army at Omsk (oms) support move to Perm (prm) from Ufa (ufa). (fail)
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) support move to Pitcairn Island (pit) from Tahiti (tah).
The fleet at Perth (per) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) support move to Guatamala Basin (gub) from East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp).
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) support move to Galapagos (glp) from East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp). (fail)
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean - east sea lane (Est. spo) support move to Pitcairn Island (pit) from Tahiti (tah).
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) support move to Guatamala Basin (gub) from East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp).
The fleet at Tahiti - south west sea lane (S.W. tah) support move to Pitcairn Island (pit) from Tahiti (tah).
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) disband.
The army at Ufa (ufa) disband.
Build army at Khabarovsk (khb).
Build army at Qinghai (qng).
Build fleet at Hawaii (hi).
Build fleet at Midway Island (mdw).
Build fleet at Melbourne (mel).
Build fleet at Jakarta (jak).
Build fleet at Samoa (sam).
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Angola (ang) hold.
The army at Namibia (nam) hold.
The army at Botswana (bot) hold.
The army at Congo (con) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) move to Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) move to Great Australian Bight (gab). (fail)
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support hold to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi) support move to Great Australian Bight (gab) from Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab).
Spring, 2122 :
The fleet at Galapagos (glp) hold.
The fleet at Recife (rec) hold.
The army at Guadalajara (gdl) hold.
The army at Jamaica (jam) hold.
The army at Veracruz (vcz) hold.
The army at Belize (blz) hold.
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) move to Caracas (crc). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Valparaiso (val) move to Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb). (fail)
The fleet at Aruba (aru) move to Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb). (fail)
The fleet at Magallanes (mag) move to Patagonia (pat).
The fleet at Galapagos - south west sea lane (S.W. glp) move to South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp). (fail)
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. msa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa). (fail)
The fleet at Chile Basin (chb) move to Chile Basin - north west sea lane (N.W. chb). (fail)
The fleet at Galapagos - north west sea lane (N.W. glp) move to South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp). (fail)
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk). (fail) (dislodged)
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - south west sea lane (S.W. pit) move to Pitcairn Island - north east sea lane (N.E. pit).
The fleet at Tahiti - south east sea lane (S.E. tah) move to Pitcairn Island (pit).
The fleet at Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa).
The fleet at Pitcairn Island - north west sea lane (N.W. pit) move to South Central Pacific Ocean (scp). (fail)
The fleet at South West Atlantic (swa) move to Rio De Janeiro (rio). (fail)
The army at Roraima (ror) move to Amazon Basin (amz).
The fleet at Weddell Sea (wed) move to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands (flk). (fail)
The army at Tocantins (tct) move to Para (pra). (fail)
The army at Mato Grosso (mgr) move to Para (pra). (fail)
The fleet at Belo Horizonte (blh) move to Rio De Janeiro (rio). (fail)
The fleet at Greenland (grn) move to Norwegian Sea - north sea lane (Nth. nwg).
The fleet at Gulf of Panama (gop) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin (gub) support hold to Galapagos (glp).
The fleet at Michoacan (mch) support hold to Guadalajara (gdl).
The fleet at Honduras (hon) support hold to Belize (blz).
The fleet at Western Caribbean Sea (wcb) support hold to Jamaica (jam).
The fleet at Guatamala Basin - south sea lane (Sth. gub) support hold to Guatamala Basin (gub).
The fleet at St Helena - south sea lane (Sth. sth) support hold to St Helena (sth).
The army at Fortaleza (for) support hold to Recife (rec).
The army at Mexico City (mxc) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The army at Guatamala (gml) support hold to Veracruz (vcz).
The fleet at Archipielago of Chile (arc) support move to Pitcairn Island (pit) from Tahiti - south east sea lane (S.E. tah).
The fleet at St Helena (sth) support move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) from Angola Basin - west sea lane (Wst. anb).
The army at Maracaibo (mcb) support move to Caracas (crc) from Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) retreat to Falkland Islands/South Georgia Islands - north sea lane (Nth. flk).
The fleet at Golfo De Venezuela (gov) retreat to Barranquilla (brn).
The army at Belem (blm) move to Para (pra). (fail)
The army at Guyana (guy) move to Bolivar (blv).
The fleet at Gulf of St Lawrence (gsl) move to Labrador Sea (lab).
The fleet at Puerto Rico (pr) move to Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb).
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean (nat) move to North Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nat).
The fleet at Seattle (sea) move to Cascadia Basin (cas). (fail)
The fleet at Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. ena).
The army at Manaus (man) move to Mato Grosso (mgr). (fail)
The fleet at Hudson Bay (hud) move to Labrador Sea - west sea lane (Wst. lab).
The fleet at Labrador Sea (lab) move to Labrador Sea - south sea lane (Sth. lab).
The army at Suriname (snm) move to Manaus (man). (fail)
The fleet at Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm) move to Veracruz (vcz). (fail)
The fleet at Western North Sea (wns) move to Eastern North Sea (ens).
The army at Vancouver (van) move to Yukon (yuk).
The fleet at Yucatan Basin (yub) move to Belize (blz). (fail)
The fleet at London (lon) move to Edinburgh (edi).
The fleet at Edinburgh (edi) move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv) move to Cape Verde Islands - north sea lane (Nth. cpv).
The fleet at Cape Verde Islands (cpv) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena). (fail)
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. mna) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. ena).
The fleet at Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) move to Golfo De Venezuela (gov).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. wsa) move to Cape Verde Islands - south sea lane (Sth. cpv).
The fleet at Cienfuegos (cie) move to Yucatan Basin (yub). (fail)
The fleet at Ireland (ire) move to North Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nat).
The army at Montana (mt) move to Vancouver (van).
The army at Newfoundland (nwf) move to Maranhao (mrn) via convoy.
The army at Baja (baj) move to Los Angeles (la).
The army at Labrador (lbr) move to Newfoundland (nwf).
The army at Trinidad and Tobago (trd) support hold to Caracas (crc).
The army at Coahuila (coa) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Oregon (ore) support hold to San Francisco (sf).
The fleet at Corpus Christi (ccr) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The fleet at Eastern Gulf of Mexico (egm) support hold to Yucatan (yuc).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. wsa) support hold to Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. wsa) support hold to Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa).
The army at San Antonio (san) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Zacatcas (zac) support hold to Monterey (mon).
The army at Sonora (son) support hold to Zacatcas (zac).
The army at Edmonton (edm) support move to Vancouver (van) from Montana (mt).
The fleet at Antilles (ant) support move to Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb) from Puerto Rico (pr).
The fleet at Azores (azo) support move to Labrador Sea - south sea lane (Sth. lab) from Labrador Sea (lab).
The fleet at Norwegian Sea (nwg) support move to North Atlantic Ocean (nat) from Edinburgh (edi).
The army at North West Territory (nwt) support move to Yukon (yuk) from Vancouver (van).
The fleet at Guantanamo (gno) support move to Yucatan Basin (yub) from Cienfuegos (cie).
The fleet at Caracas (crc) support move to Golfo De Venezuela (gov) from Eastern Caribbean Sea (ecb).
The fleet at Bay of Biscay (bis) support move to North Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nat) from Ireland (ire).
The army at Idaho (ida) support move to Vancouver (van) from Montana (mt).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. wsa) support move to Maranhao (mrn) from Labrador (lbr). (fail)
The army at San Francisco (sf) support move to Los Angeles (la) from Baja (baj).
The fleet at Barents Sea (bar) support move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) from Murmansk (mur).
The army at Arizona (arz) support move to Los Angeles (la) from Baja (baj).
The fleet at Yucatan (yuc) support move to Belize (blz) from Yucatan Basin (yub).
The army at Nevada (nev) support move to Los Angeles (la) from Baja (baj).
The army at Monterey (mon) support move to Veracruz (vcz) from Western Gulf of Mexico (wgm).
The fleet at Mid North Atlantic Ocean (mna) convoy to Maranhao (mrn) from Newfoundland (nwf).
The fleet at Western South Atlantic Ocean (wsa) convoy to Maranhao (mrn) from Newfoundland (nwf).
The fleet at Denmark (den) hold.
The fleet at Baltic Sea (bal) hold.
The army at Somalia (som) hold.
The fleet at Black Sea (bla) hold.
The army at Mauritania (mau) hold.
The army at Ivory Coast (ivo) hold.
The fleet at Oman (oma) move to Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at Calcutta (cal) move to Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob).
The fleet at Mombasa (mom) move to Somali Basin - west sea lane (Wst. sob).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa) move to South West Atlantic - north west sea lane (N.W. swa).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. esa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean (msa).
The fleet at Arabian Sea (ara) move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The army at Delhi (del) move to Calcutta (cal).
The fleet at Diego Garcia (die) move to North Indian Ocean (nio). (fail)
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio) move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio).
The fleet at Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. msa).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. esa) move to Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa). (fail)
The army at Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn) move to Kazan (kzn).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio).
The army at Thar Desert (thr) move to Kashmir (kas). (fail)
The army at St Petersburg (stp) move to Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa) move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa).
The army at Belgium (bel) move to Holland (hol).
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) move to Eastern North Atlantic Ocean (ena). (fail)
The army at Baghdad (bag) move to Tehran (teh).
The army at Murmansk (mur) move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) move to Magwe (mgw).
The army at Paris (par) move to Bordeaux (bdx). (fail)
The army at Spain (spa) move to Bordeaux (bdx). (fail)
The army at Burgundy (bur) move to Belgium (bel).
The army at Kashmir (kas) move to Tibet (tib). (fail)
The army at Ashgabat (ash) move to Aktyubinsk (akt).
The army at Grand Erg Oriental (geo) move to Morocco (mor).
The fleet at Madagascar (mds) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The fleet at Reunion (reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Madras (mdr) support hold to Bay of Bengal (bob).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The fleet at Reunion - east sea lane (Est. reu) support hold to Central Indian Ocean (cio).
The army at Nepal (npl) support hold to Assam (asm).
The fleet at Reunion - south sea lane (Sth. reu) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Turkmenistan (tur) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The army at Moscow (mos) support hold to Perm (prm).
The army at Komi (kom) support hold to Perm (prm).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north west sea lane (N.W. sio) support hold to Southern Indian Ocean (sio).
The army at Afghanistan (afg) support hold to Uzbekistan (uzb).
The fleet at Somali Basin (sob) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Diego Garcia (die).
The fleet at Sri Lanka (sri) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean (nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The army at Dhaka (dha) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob).
The fleet at Bay of Bengal - south sea lane (Sth. bob) support move to Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) from Calcutta (cal).
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean (sio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The army at Rajasthan (raj) support move to Kashmir (kas) from Thar Desert (thr).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio) from Arabian Sea (ara).
The fleet at Eastern South Atlantic Ocean (esa) support move to Mid South Atlantic Ocean - east sea lane (Est. msa) from Eastern South Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. esa). (fail)
The fleet at Bay of Bengal (bob) support move to Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob) from Calcutta (cal).
The army at Uzbekistan (uzb) support move to Aktyubinsk (akt) from Ashgabat (ash).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nio) support move to North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) from North Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. nio).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - north sea lane (Nth. cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The army at Assam (asm) support move to Magwe (mgw) from Bay of Bengal - north sea lane (Nth. bob).
The army at Volgograd (vol) support move to Kazan (kzn) from Orenburgskaya Oblast (orn).
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean (cio) support move to Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) from Central Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. cio).
The army at Perm (prm) support move to Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) from Murmansk (mur).
The fleet at Diego Garcia - west sea lane (Wst. die) support move to North Indian Ocean (nio) from Diego Garcia (die).
The fleet at Melbourne (mel) hold.
The army at Omsk (oms) hold.
The army at Yunan (yun) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. nep) hold.
The fleet at Java Sea (jav) hold.
The fleet at Kuala Lumpur (kua) hold.
The fleet at Darwin (dwn) hold.
The fleet at Ross Sea (ros) hold.
The fleet at Strait of Malacca (stm) hold.
The fleet at Perth (per) hold.
The fleet at Isthmus of Kra (kra) (West Coast) hold.
The fleet at Coral Sea (crl) hold.
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) hold. (dislodged)
The army at Srednesibirskoye Ploskogor'ye (srd) hold.
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean (cpo) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. nep) hold.
The fleet at Weddell Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. wed) hold.
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. ecp) hold.
The army at Los Angeles (la) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Medan (mdn) hold.
The fleet at Padang (pad) hold.
The fleet at Ross Sea - north west sea lane (N.W. ros) hold.
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean (ecp) hold.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight (gab) hold.
The fleet at Gulf of Alaska (goa) hold.
The fleet at Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. cpo) hold.
The army at Urumqi (umq) hold.
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south west sea lane (S.W. scp) hold.
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Chile Basin - north west sea lane (N.W. chb) hold.
The fleet at East Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. ecp) hold.
The fleet at Chile Basin - south east sea lane (S.E. chb) hold.
The army at Novosibirsk (nsb) hold.
The army at Anchorage (anc) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. nep) hold.
The army at Kazakhstan (kaz) hold.
The army at Almaty (alm) hold.
The fleet at North Atlantic Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. nat) hold.
The fleet at Magwe (mgw) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean (scp) hold.
The fleet at South Pacific Ocean - east sea lane (Est. spo) hold.
The army at Tibet (tib) hold.
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. scp) hold.
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Andaman Sea (and) hold.
The fleet at Rangoon (ran) hold.
The army at Xinjiang (xin) hold.
The fleet at North East Pacific Ocean (nep) hold.
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Cascadia Basin (cas) hold.
The fleet at Tahiti (tah) hold.
The army at Ufa (ufa) hold.
The fleet at South Australia (soz) hold.
The army at Kyzylorda (kyz) hold.
The fleet at Southern Indian Ocean - north east sea lane (N.E. sio) hold.
The fleet at Palembang (plm) hold.
The fleet at Riau (ria) hold.
The army at Mandalay (mdl) hold.
The fleet at South Central Pacific Ocean - south east sea lane (S.E. scp) hold.
The fleet at Timor Sea (tms) hold.
The fleet at Ross Sea - south sea lane (Sth. ros) hold.
The fleet at Tahiti - south west sea lane (S.W. tah) hold.
The army at Yukon (yuk) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab) hold.
The army at Shan Plateau (shn) hold.
The army at Lanzhou (lnz) hold.
The army at Kazan (kzn) hold. (dislodged)
The fleet at Java Trench (jvt) hold.
The fleet at Tasman Sea (tas) hold.
The fleet at Pitcairn Island (pit) retreat to Amundsen Sea (amu).
The fleet at North Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. nio) disband.
The fleet at Central Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. cio) disband.
The army at Yukon (yuk) disband.
The army at Los Angeles (la) disband.
The army at Zapadno-Sibirskaya Ravnina (zap) disband.
The fleet at Magwe (mgw) disband.
The army at Kazan (kzn) disband.
The army at Lubango (lub) hold.
The army at Cape Town (cap) hold.
The army at Kinshasa (kin) hold.
The army at Angola (ang) hold.
The army at Namibia (nam) hold.
The army at Botswana (bot) hold.
The army at Congo (con) hold.
The fleet at Great Australian Bight - south sea lane (Sth. gab) move to Great Australian Bight - west sea lane (Wst. gab). (fail)
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - west sea lane (Wst. swi) move to South West Indian Ocean - east sea lane (Est. swi).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi) move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed).
The fleet at Gulf of Guinea (gog) support hold to Angola Basin (anb).
The fleet at Angola Basin (anb) support hold to South Atlantic Ocean (sat).
The fleet at South West Indian Ocean (swi) support move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) from South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).
The fleet at South Atlantic Ocean (sat) support move to Weddell Sea - north east sea lane (N.E. wed) from South West Indian Ocean - south sea lane (Sth. swi).