Start: If full - Expires: 1 day, 12 hours (Sun 04 PM UTC)
I hate gunboats
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 40 D - Spring, 2101, 27 players (of 35) missing.
1 excused NMR / regain after 2 turn(s) / extend the first 1 turn(s)
19 Sep 24 UTC I also kind of hate gunboats, at least as countries that are too busy fighting for SCs to signal.Also, some people don't open the big map view and so don't see failed supports, or worse, they misinterpret the window map when it clumps up the supports in a way that makes your support for them look worse than the support your enemy gave, even though you both did the same thing. ( The last reason is more about smaller maps tho, since this doesn't matter in WWIV)
19 Sep 24 UTC Agreed on all accounts.

Personally I feel it dismisses essentially the largest part of diplomacy. Small maps, sure, I can see how it's a fun alternative, but on larger maps, especially Europa Renovatio where it's if anything more common than full press, it's literally just luck to some extent how things play out for you. Through just a desperate message alone I cant tell you how many times Ive managed to turn a situation on its head, and even more so it allows for a solid characterization of what kind of players you're dealing with. Ugh, yeah I can go on, but I think Ive sworn to myself several times that I'll never join another huge gunboat.
Sat 28 Sep UTC For me it isn’t very bed
Sat 28 Sep UTC But do you think you can fill it?
Sat 28 Sep UTC In 1day we need 30 people
Sat 28 Sep UTC Public on forum
Sat 28 Sep UTC If someone has want
Sat 28 Sep UTC Can’t you just extend it
NoMoves Toggle moves
Big map
(Anonymous), (Anonymous), (Anonymous), (Anonymous), (Anonymous), (Anonymous), (Anonymous), (Anonymous)
Minimum Reliability Rating: 70%. Minimum phases played: 19.