A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
13 Aug 14 UTC
hey I have a question
Where is meepmeep? People on webdip said he was here. Did he like retire from vdip too?
4 replies
Meckdar (987 D X)
26 Jul 14 UTC
to those who complain of the players who play just to get a "draw", you can do this way:
18 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
10 Aug 14 UTC
Oli sir could I have your permission?
I would like to advertise your site on my groups youtube channel and I also wanted to know if I could advertise my youtube on here if that's ok if not I understand sir.
24 replies
Synapse (814 D)
10 Aug 14 UTC
More than 1 way chats
In face to face diplomacy not only can you step outside with a single person, but you can hold multiple conferences between 3,4 even 5 players.
33 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
10 Aug 14 UTC
hello webdip developers
I would like to get in touch with other webdip developers. The dev forum is inactive, so I'm hoping to get in touch with other developers here.
6 replies
DEFIANT (1311 D)
08 Aug 14 UTC
RE: Obama's Response to ISIS and the Refugees
There are 40,000 - 50,000 minority refugees, a majority of them Christian, fleeing for their lives from ISIS. And what is ISIS doing to these men, women and children. They are beheading the children and women and hanging the men. They are closing in these people.

83 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
11 Aug 14 UTC
So should I make one of my famous honest topic threads hmm?
Pretty please? :D covered with melted chocolate topped with nuts and banana slices with a cherry on want icecream now.
0 replies
pjman (661 D)
07 Aug 14 UTC
Opinioniated favorite variants
Hello all! I'm not familiar with all these variants compared to what are on Webdiplomacy. I'm looking to play some games but I'm not sure which ones are really good and which ones are not so much fun. So what's popular variant wise?
22 replies
Windir (1570 D)
05 Aug 14 UTC
"Save" and "Ready" buttons aren't working. What's wrong?
I was able to successfully fill in orders for one game of mine, but the save and ready buttons aren't working on another. Here's a link: gameID=19797
18 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
07 Aug 14 UTC
Multiple Cancelings?
So... I was in a game of Rinacemento that had not yet started. Not enough people joined. So it canceled. And canceled. And canceled. And canceled. I have NINE messages saying it canceled, BUT, I was NOT refunded 9 times! Not to mention, it still shows up in my games... which is annoying.... I WANT MY REFUND!
5 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
06 Aug 14 UTC
Perpetual Diplomacy
Is there a variant of Diplomacy that is designed to be a perpetual game? In other words, players are free to come and go as they please, but the motivation is to be the biggest player on the board, not to "win".
19 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
06 Aug 14 UTC
Glossary update
I am working on a WebDip glossary here:
Feel free to suggest additions and/or changes..
6 replies
jimbursch (0 D)
05 Aug 14 UTC
Glossary of Terms
I'm working of a Glossary for WebDip here:
Help me gather terms and definitions.
26 replies
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
27 Jul 14 UTC
Diplomacy on the Radio
I'm listening to an episode of the radio program "This American Life" about Diplomacy. Featuring the same guy who recently wrote the Diplomacy article on Grantland. Not sure if it's the current episode or a repeat, but I figured I'd mention it here for those interested. Should be available on podcast now or soon.
1 reply
jimbursch (0 D)
04 Aug 14 UTC
dev for vdip and/or webdip

I'm a php/mysql developer interested in contributing to WebDip and/or vDip.
10 replies
yaaks (1157 D)
03 Aug 14 UTC
Ftf Games
I'm trying to organize a ftf game in the Los Angeles area. Anyone interested?
4 replies
Oli, thank you for the color-blindness interface.
I have protonapia and this is awesome. That plus labeling the countries speaking global and the interactive map males it so much better and less confusing... Even on the phone (interactive doesn't let me interact but still shows what I ordered using the drop down).
14 replies
Fischfix (976 D)
09 Jul 14 UTC
Admins please Review Chat

Guys, i really enjoy this game but from time to time people are really unpolite in what they say in the chat. i hope some admins will look into this chat and take actions against cursing and inappropriate comments by slavic nations.
290 replies
daviidnavidad (920 D)
01 Aug 14 UTC
Noob question
Sorry to be a pain but what is gunboat
12 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Joining running games to compensate missed turns is not easy ...
... if there are so few games around to join.

I'd like to take over some country and compensate for some missed turns happily – i just can't find any game to join that are ...
11 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
31 Jul 14 UTC
Russian northern opening.
I have been known to order the Saint Petersburg fleet to Finland.
12 replies
New game: Call Me a Dirty So-n-So: YCHTT edition.
All the usual a-holes are welcome to join. I'll create it after 10 total people sign up. Modern Dip (unless there is an even better variant), WTA, Full Press, phase 24-48 hours, points negotiable, non-anon.
51 replies
qznc (1237 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Draft: North Sea Wars Strategy
I wrote a short review-strategy-guide draft on the North Sea Wars variant:

Feedback welcome! :)
1 reply
krellin (1031 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Testing 1...2...3...

Hmmm...Sandra Fluke said she couldn't afford the $3000/year to buy birth control (Good LORD does that chick like to f***...) but has managed to give her own Congressional campaign $100,000. Uhhhh..yeah. (By the way, birth control is like under $10/month for normal human beings...)
42 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
28 Jul 14 UTC
New default Pot-Type WTA....
As the subject suggests.
To gather a bit more feedback about this issue I changed the default from PPSC to WTA and made a big announcement about this on the gamecreation-page.
This will last for the next few month and we will see if the games get better, worse, or if nobody cares.
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Tomahaha (1170 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
"n fact there have been many cases in my experience where a 3ish supply center power actively helps the person closest to soloing:
Knowing he has no chance of winning, he tries to end the game as quickly as possible."

This is EXACTLY why we want nothing to do with PPSC and you tout it as something good? If you use this as reason to keep it, then you are simply ignorant about this game, a total and ignorant buffoon!
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Fasces, the WW4 game that you are referring to in the statisitics as having been solo'd 15 times used the 50 SC limit for a vast majority if not all of the solos. I'm not sure that anyone has ever crossed the 100 SC threshold. That doesn't mean it's impossible, just unlikely. Solos are supposed to be difficult, and on a large map like WW4 they are even more so.

This removes your concern that WTA games of such much leave players unrewarded. The reality is that WW4 games are almost always going to end in some kind of draw. The question then becomes how many players will agree to draw with each other. This mirrors the original game very well proportionately.

In any case, the rewards system that you seem to be advocating is not Diplomacy. A solo means absolute victory. If you allow a solo, then you and everyone else (save the winner) failed miserably regardless of how many SCs you have at the end. That is the game. That is what drove the requests to install this as a default. If you prefer an alternate reward system, then create a special rules game that does that.

For me, and I should think most other advocates of WTA, it absolutely NOT about the points. WTA is about the game dynamic, and about stopping a solo at all costs. This is how the game of Diplomacy is meant to be played. Your experience with and what you view as fair/unfair is constrained to this points based interface. For that matter fair and unfair are being used by you and others as rather subjective labels. Fairness is not a subjective quality. It's either fair or unfair. Were the rules follow? Was everyone provide the same opportunity at the start (this goes hand in hand with random nation assignments, naturally)? That's fair. Rewards are performance based results. There no "fair" in providing rewards for failure.

Maybe you never wish to play Diplomacy anywhere else than VDip and WebDip. But many players play in multiple communities, and heaven forbid someone actually play the real game on a table top with six other live human beings face to face. But if you ever do find yourself in this situation, and you think that you know the game based on a resume of PPSC game, you're going to be quickly disappointed, and very likely eliminated.
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
The main point of that by the way (making it 32%) was to make sure a 2nd place survive ALWAYS gives less points then a 3-way draw.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
"In the classic map with standard rules, a solo will net you 68% of the pot..."

NO, with standard rules the person who soled get's 100% of the pot, the person that had been in second place is now a loser and gets zero. That is basic rules, please stop confusing the issue. He did not "Survive" he LOST. Please refrain from the wrong use of the word "survival" you simply can not survive in a loss.
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
"Fasces, the WW4 game that you are referring to in the statisitics as having been solo'd 15 times used the 50 SC limit for a vast majority if not all of the solos. I'm not sure that anyone has ever crossed the 100 SC threshold. That doesn't mean it's impossible, just unlikely. Solos are supposed to be difficult, and on a large map like WW4 they are even more so. "
Ruffhaus that was my point. The world map is far too large to expect a 50%+1 solo, but how can you justify to me that you having 50 supply centers and me only having 49, entitles you to 100% of the pot, especially if we started on opposite ends of the map (say you were Sichuan and I was Amazon or something), giving me little control over what happens to you.
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
"He did not "Survive" he LOST. Please refrain from the wrong use of the word "survival" you simply can not survive in a loss."
I think the IOC and almost every single tournament in history would disagree. a 2nd place finish is better than a defeat, how can you argue otherwise?
Tomahaha (1170 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
and geee, there you go. Who's ignorant now?

WW4 at 50 centers can be won (I am over that myself right now)
at 100, not gonna happen.

Yet while I was correct, an attempt to make me look "ignorant" was made. That person now was called ignorant and then proven to be! ...Thanks for playing along, and now we are to take your (Proven) ignorant ideas to heart????
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
"WW4 at 50 centers can be won (I am over that myself right now)
at 100, not gonna happen."
Tomaha, you're missing my point, let me asking it
"The world map is far too large to expect a 50%+1 solo, but how can you justify to me that you having 50 supply centers and me only having 49, entitles you to 100% of the pot, especially if we started on opposite ends of the map (say you were Sichuan and I was Amazon or something), giving me little control over what happens to you."
Tomahaha (1170 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Haha, using a different game to prove your point?
We have one winner and the game stops when he reaches that total. In the sports you mention, second place is certainly better than last but those sports are quite different and I laugh at this feeble attempt to compare the two.

Here's an example using your own logic...
Olympic diving...
I score three perfect ten dives in a row, we know I can not be beat, the math is such that I simply can not lose, the winner is known. But they play to see who is second and third, etc. In Diplomacy we STOP the game when someone SOLO's (it's called a solo for a reason, he was the LONE survivor), we do not continue do we? The game ends when we have a lone victor.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
""The world map is far too large to expect a 50%+1 solo, but how can you justify to me that you having 50 supply centers and me only having 49, entitles you to 100% of the pot, especially if we started on opposite ends of the map (say you were Sichuan and I was Amazon or something), giving me little control over what happens to you."

First off, 50 centers is too few no doubt!
Let's say it was say 80 centers???

why should I take the entire pot at 80 while you are at 79?
...because I won and you lost. Why should a sprinter win the gold medal when he beat the other runner by a fraction of a second? Why did Germany win the World cup when it went to overtime and was decided by only one goal? Because they won, the other lost. It may not sound fair, oh well, that's how it works!

And further, at 80 centers, there is no way the nation with 80 centers did not have to interact with every larger power left (yes, a tiny one/two center nation far away may not have much what?) If you want control over what happens to me, then gain the power to try and take that from me, if you are of decent size, then (at 80 centers) you most certainly ARE close by, no doubt about that!!!
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
"First off, 50 centers is too few no doubt!
Let's say it was say 80 centers???"
Why are we dealing with a phony premise given most games will be 50 sc.

"Why should a sprinter win the gold medal when he beat the other runner by a fraction of a second?"
Second place got a prize

"Why did Germany win the World cup when it went to overtime and was decided by only one goal?"
Again Argentina got a second place prize.

I'm not saying give 2nd place just as much as first place. I'm saying 2nd place is still a high quality finish and should get a small reward.

You've still failed to answer my question, how can you justify treating a 2nd place finish as the same as a last place finish.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
There IS no second place!
why must you insist we have a second place?
We have a winner and a bunch of second place.

These other sports were not played to finish second, they played to win, they never helped the other teams finish ahead of them figuring second was good enough. How can I justify second with last? Let me instead ask you where you get this idea of "second place" we have ONE winner, if he solo's he takes all. I justify it because that is how the game is intended to be played and that sir IS how it is played everywhere else. How can YOU justify a second place that frankly does not exist in this game, you are manufacturing this in your mind, it is not part of the game, it is not part of the dip hobby world, it exists only ion your mind and your need for "fairness" that is not part of the game.
G-Man (2516 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Diplomacy only has win (solo), draw (equal share), and lose. Diplomacy does not have 2nd, 3rd place.... prizes/rankings. In your World scenario, if a player wins with 50 centers and does not have contact with a player who has 49 centers, the 50-center player gets the solo because they were both the fastest and first power to achieve victory conditions.
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
"These other sports were not played to finish second, they played to win, they never helped the other teams finish ahead of them figuring second was good enough."
When have I ever argued that second is good enough and that you should help someone win?

I'm arguing that second place, as they did better than most, should get some reward.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
OK we are both at an auction bidding on an antique car. I outbid you and all others. One winner and a bunch of losers. You can feel as god as you like being second place but I won and do not need to let you take it out on weekends.

We are both dating the same girl. At one time you were in the lead for her affections but (naturally) she fell more me. Does your second place allow you to sleep with her once a month?

One winner and many sad losers... not fair but the way it is.
"Does your second place allow you to sleep with her once a month?"

Depends on her morals. :-)
Tomahaha (1170 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Hmmm same here. Only those with poor game morals would ever allow a solo.
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
But morality in no way speaks to ability...
chavismo (964 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Dumb, stupid, idiotic.

Don't allow your site to be taken down and destroyed by purist gognards.
@chav - You own vDip? I thought *Oli* owned it.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Purist? So playing by the rules and standards is purist? You are calling a person who designed a great many variants a purist? One game (played by several here) a variant with improbable units and cities a purist? You call me a purist when the we4 game I designed and played here was DESIGNED to be ended by a vote... a purist? Sounds to me like someone has no freaking idea what they are talking about. If playing by the spirit of the game is purist while playing counter to the games design is not then by all means call me so. But in turn call yourself a moron.
chavismo (964 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Yes, I call you a purist, Tomahaha.
chavismo (964 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Youcanthandlethis, are you smoking crack?
chavismo (964 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
Tomahaha, perhaps you don't comprehend the English word, purist. It refers to someone, like you, who has a narrow definition of how you are permitted to do something, exactly like you cannot tolerate PPSC version of diplomacy.
chavismo (964 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
"poor game morals"

Are you f-ing kidding me?
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
I find it ironic tomaha, that one who claims changing the map and some minor rule alterations are ok, but having anything other than WTA is simply unacceptable.
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
*meant to say "not only ok but heavily encouraged"
Mercy (2131 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
I am glad that WTA is now the standard setting.

I read some discussion here whether the original board game awarded survivals or not. I'd say it didn't. I think the game was initially meant to stop only when someone got all the SC's and thus was the only winner. But the makers of the game knew that playing when you were sure you would loose wasn't entertaining, so they decided to call out the winner much earlier, namely when he has got 18 SC's, with which he was larger than all the other powers together and would win sometime anyway if the game would go on. The fact aside that this is not always true, I think this gives us enough reason to assume the original game was like WTA and not like PPSC.

With the same logic I can understand where fasces comes from. If the victory condition is less than half of the SC's, which is the standard in WWIV, there is much less reason to assume the winner would, if the game continuous, remain the largest power, and thus WTA seems to fit less in that kind of map.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
30 Jul 14 UTC
A few things
Purist... one person calls me a purist because I want the game played as it was INTENDED to be played. This is not my opinion, it is simple fact and in fact is how the game is played everywhere else. Having an argument about this only shows how foolish people can be and sorry, that too is not my opinion but rather factual. I pointed out how I am in no way a purist because I have designed many games using different maps, different rules and in the game played often here (WWIV) it was designed to be won by a group determined by vote. The game is not played here the way it was designed because of ...purists.

Then someone wants to claim its ironic that I will allow such changes but not allow for a PPSC game. Yet that is not in conflict in the least, in my games the same spirit of the game is in tact. We have a winner (or even a group of winners) and the rest are all losers. How does a map tweak on a variant change the basic principal of the game? All that person did was confirm my not being a purist in the least, thank you Feces349!

And "game morals" that applies only too aptly, yes I stand by that comment 100%.
Think about it, while the statement was of course made tongue in cheek, it certainly is apt. The morals of this game are to try and win and when that is not possible, to stop others from soloing. That is how the game is designed, it is how it is played on other websites, it is how the game is played in tournaments, it is spelled out in the rules! Therefore, any who would play counter to this is playing in a spirit that would be "immoral" as far as "game morals" go (if there were such a thing of course).

The WW4 problem at 100 sc's or less than half sc's is simple. If the game were played to half SC's to determine a winner then it would never ever be soloed and it would play for 10 years. The 100 sc mark also plays a while but it too has never been won at that level and as game mechanics go, it simply never will be either. It's easy to look at the basic game and say it works for this smaller map so it must work on a larger map as well, I get that but it simply does not work that way and history shows this to be true. Any who make that claim are simply ignorant to the facts and to history. Think about that game for a moment...
The size dictates that several powers will emerge as powerhouses from each region. That is a constant and will always happen. Now you have too many large powers able to draw stalemate lines that can not be beat. Some point to stalemates as a bad thing but the basic game is designed this way. When in the standard game we have two players compete, the game will OFTEN set up the same way. Well, that is when played WTA it does.. go to any tourney and you find the overwhelming number of games all ending in stalemates. The game is set up that way on purpose, accepting this in a standard game is somehow ok but not in a larger game where the victory condition is set to an unreasonable mark.

59 replies
krellin (1031 D)
29 Jul 14 UTC
Who is this....
...Oli? Is he knew here?

Ahhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I crack me up...
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Jul 14 UTC
Classic map. Wta. 36hrs phase. Full communication. Anon. Passworded. 40pt buy in.

15 replies
So I guess the new nazi modding policies have resulted in my staying over here now.
Their loss is your gain? Time will tell.
37 replies
Mod multis
No offense to anyone but im curious why mods are allowed to have multi accounts to test games. In this case, cant the average player have multiple accounts to experience the game played from different POVs as well?
8 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
13 Aug 13 UTC
The Amazing Team Tournament
Tourney season continues with a tournament with teams! Details below:
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