Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 07 PM Sun 05 Jun 11 UTC
Private Hmm, Foggy Night Isn't it?
1 day /phase
Pot: 35 D - Autumn, 1914, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Shep315 1368 -> 1402 Drawn (12 SC) 62% 83% 34
drano019 1352 -> 1387 Drawn (6 SC) 61% 83% 35
Pimlico 906 -> 963 Drawn (6 SC) 32% 83% 57
butterhead 1225 -> 1192 Resigned 53% 0% -33
ezpickins 988 -> 963 Defeated 37% 0% -25
Fenris 1291 -> 1255 Defeated 57% 0% -36
TBroadley 1155 -> 1124 Defeated 48% 0% -31

Shep315 (Drawn / 12SCs / 1368->1402) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
drano019 (Drawn / 6 SC ) 51% 50% -1% 0% 65.95 0
Pimlico (Drawn / 6 SC ) 74% 50% -24% 0% 65.95 0
butterhead (Resigned) 58% 100% 42% 33% 65.95 9.2
ezpickins (Defeated) 71% 100% 29% 33% 65.95 6.47
Fenris (Defeated) 54% 100% 46% 33% 65.95 10.02
TBroadley (Defeated) 62% 100% 38% 33% 65.95 8.35

drano019 (Drawn / 6SCs / 1352->1387) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Shep315 (Drawn / 12 SC ) 49% 50% 1% 0% 65.95 0
Pimlico (Drawn / 6 SC ) 74% 50% -24% 0% 65.95 0
butterhead (Resigned) 57% 100% 43% 33% 65.95 9.4
ezpickins (Defeated) 70% 100% 30% 33% 65.95 6.64
Fenris (Defeated) 54% 100% 46% 33% 65.95 10.22
TBroadley (Defeated) 61% 100% 39% 33% 65.95 8.54

Pimlico (Drawn / 6SCs / 906->963) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Shep315 (Drawn / 12 SC ) 26% 50% 24% 0% 65.95 0
drano019 (Drawn / 6 SC ) 26% 50% 24% 0% 65.95 0
butterhead (Resigned) 32% 100% 68% 33% 65.95 14.86
ezpickins (Defeated) 45% 100% 55% 33% 65.95 12.03
Fenris (Defeated) 29% 100% 71% 33% 65.95 15.57
TBroadley (Defeated) 36% 100% 64% 33% 65.95 14.06

butterhead (Resigned / 10SCs / 1225->1192) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Shep315 (Drawn / 12 SC ) 42% 0% -42% 33% 65.95 -9.2
drano019 (Drawn / 6 SC ) 43% 0% -43% 33% 65.95 -9.4
Pimlico (Drawn / 6 SC ) 68% 0% -68% 33% 65.95 -14.86
ezpickins (Defeated) 63% 0% -63% 0% 65.95 0
Fenris (Defeated) 46% 0% -46% 0% 65.95 0
TBroadley (Defeated) 54% 0% -54% 0% 65.95 0

ezpickins (Defeated / 0SCs / 988->963) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Shep315 (Drawn / 12 SC ) 29% 0% -29% 33% 65.95 -6.47
drano019 (Drawn / 6 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 33% 65.95 -6.64
Pimlico (Drawn / 6 SC ) 55% 0% -55% 33% 65.95 -12.03
butterhead (Resigned) 37% 0% -37% 0% 65.95 0
Fenris (Defeated) 33% 0% -33% 0% 65.95 0
TBroadley (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 0% 65.95 0

Fenris (Defeated / 0SCs / 1291->1255) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Shep315 (Drawn / 12 SC ) 46% 0% -46% 33% 65.95 -10.02
drano019 (Drawn / 6 SC ) 46% 0% -46% 33% 65.95 -10.22
Pimlico (Drawn / 6 SC ) 71% 0% -71% 33% 65.95 -15.57
butterhead (Resigned) 54% 0% -54% 0% 65.95 0
ezpickins (Defeated) 67% 0% -67% 0% 65.95 0
TBroadley (Defeated) 58% 0% -58% 0% 65.95 0

TBroadley (Defeated / 0SCs / 1155->1124) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Shep315 (Drawn / 12 SC ) 38% 0% -38% 33% 65.95 -8.35
drano019 (Drawn / 6 SC ) 39% 0% -39% 33% 65.95 -8.54
Pimlico (Drawn / 6 SC ) 64% 0% -64% 33% 65.95 -14.06
butterhead (Resigned) 46% 0% -46% 0% 65.95 0
ezpickins (Defeated) 59% 0% -59% 0% 65.95 0
Fenris (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 65.95 0
