Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 12 PM Fri 01 Aug 14 UTC
Classic Fast
12 hours /phase
Pot: 76 D - Autumn, 1911, Finished
Classic, Anon, PPSC, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
Joe1966 1674 -> 1703 Drawn (15 SC) 75% 86% 29
Chiragk7 973 -> 1035 Drawn (14 SC) 38% 86% 62
outofbounds 1197 -> 1248 Drawn (5 SC) 51% 86% 51
thebrit123 978 -> 959 Defeated 39% 14% -19
VonBismarck 1013 -> 993 Defeated 40% 14% -20
mxpxjohnny 978 -> 978 (loss-prevention) Defeated 39% 14% 0
cypeg 2055 -> 2000 Defeated 89% 14% -55
TheManinBlack 817 -> 787 CD 30% 0% -30

Joe1966 (Drawn / 15SCs / 1674->1703) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 83% 50% -33% 0% 65.95 0
outofbounds (Drawn / 5 SC ) 75% 50% -25% 0% 65.95 0
thebrit123 (Defeated) 83% 100% 17% 33% 65.95 3.69
VonBismarck (Defeated) 82% 100% 18% 33% 65.95 3.94
mxpxjohnny (Defeated) 83% 100% 17% 32% 65.95 3.52
cypeg (Defeated) 29% 100% 71% 33% 65.95 15.53
TheManinBlack (CD) 88% 100% 12% 33% 65.95 2.68

Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14SCs / 973->1035) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Joe1966 (Drawn / 15 SC ) 17% 50% 33% 0% 65.95 0
outofbounds (Drawn / 5 SC ) 37% 50% 13% 0% 65.95 0
thebrit123 (Defeated) 50% 100% 50% 33% 65.95 11.06
VonBismarck (Defeated) 48% 100% 52% 33% 65.95 11.5
mxpxjohnny (Defeated) 50% 100% 50% 32% 65.95 10.55
cypeg (Defeated) 8% 100% 92% 33% 65.95 20.3
TheManinBlack (CD) 59% 100% 41% 33% 65.95 9.04

outofbounds (Drawn / 5SCs / 1197->1248) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Joe1966 (Drawn / 15 SC ) 25% 50% 25% 0% 65.95 0
Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 63% 50% -13% 0% 65.95 0
thebrit123 (Defeated) 62% 100% 38% 33% 65.95 8.28
VonBismarck (Defeated) 60% 100% 40% 33% 65.95 8.7
mxpxjohnny (Defeated) 62% 100% 38% 32% 65.95 7.9
cypeg (Defeated) 12% 100% 88% 33% 65.95 19.31
TheManinBlack (CD) 71% 100% 29% 33% 65.95 6.47

thebrit123 (Defeated / 0SCs / 978->959) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Joe1966 (Drawn / 15 SC ) 17% 0% -17% 33% 65.95 -3.69
Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 33% 65.95 -11.06
outofbounds (Drawn / 5 SC ) 38% 0% -38% 33% 65.95 -8.28
VonBismarck (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 65.95 0
mxpxjohnny (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 65.95 0
cypeg (Defeated) 8% 0% -8% 0% 65.95 0
TheManinBlack (CD) 59% 100% 41% 14% 65.95 3.85

VonBismarck (Defeated / 0SCs / 1013->993) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Joe1966 (Drawn / 15 SC ) 18% 0% -18% 33% 65.95 -3.94
Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 33% 65.95 -11.5
outofbounds (Drawn / 5 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 33% 65.95 -8.7
thebrit123 (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 65.95 0
mxpxjohnny (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 65.95 0
cypeg (Defeated) 8% 0% -8% 0% 65.95 0
TheManinBlack (CD) 61% 100% 39% 14% 65.95 3.67

mxpxjohnny (Defeated / 0SCs / 978->978) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Joe1966 (Drawn / 15 SC ) 17% 0% -17% 32% 65.95 -3.52
Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 32% 65.95 -10.55
outofbounds (Drawn / 5 SC ) 38% 0% -38% 32% 65.95 -7.9
thebrit123 (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 65.95 0
VonBismarck (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 65.95 0
cypeg (Defeated) 8% 0% -8% 0% 65.95 0
TheManinBlack (CD) 59% 100% 41% 14% 65.95 3.67

cypeg (Defeated / 0SCs / 2055->2000) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Joe1966 (Drawn / 15 SC ) 71% 0% -71% 33% 65.95 -15.53
Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 92% 0% -92% 33% 65.95 -20.3
outofbounds (Drawn / 5 SC ) 88% 0% -88% 33% 65.95 -19.31
thebrit123 (Defeated) 92% 0% -92% 0% 65.95 0
VonBismarck (Defeated) 92% 0% -92% 0% 65.95 0
mxpxjohnny (Defeated) 92% 0% -92% 0% 65.95 0
TheManinBlack (CD) 95% 100% 5% 14% 65.95 0.51

TheManinBlack (CD / 0SCs / 817->787) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Joe1966 (Drawn / 15 SC ) 12% 0% -12% 33% 65.95 -2.68
Chiragk7 (Drawn / 14 SC ) 41% 0% -41% 33% 65.95 -9.04
outofbounds (Drawn / 5 SC ) 29% 0% -29% 33% 65.95 -6.47
thebrit123 (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 14% 65.95 -3.85
VonBismarck (Defeated) 39% 0% -39% 14% 65.95 -3.67
mxpxjohnny (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 14% 65.95 -3.67
cypeg (Defeated) 5% 0% -5% 14% 65.95 -0.51
