Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 10 AM Fri 19 Sep 14 UTC
For The Empire!
20 hours /phase
Pot: 50 D - Spring, 8, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
SpartacusM 974 -> 1004 Drawn (14 SC) 37% 75% 30
Didact 764 -> 796 Drawn (10 SC) 25% 75% 32
nirja 996 -> 1025 Drawn (10 SC) 38% 75% 29
GOD 1603 -> 1558 Defeated 74% 0% -45
El Cremoso 1635 -> 1589 Defeated 76% 0% -46

SpartacusM (Drawn / 14SCs / 974->1004) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Didact (Drawn / 10 SC ) 62% 50% -12% 0% 54.74 0
nirja (Drawn / 10 SC ) 49% 50% 1% 0% 54.74 0
GOD (Defeated) 19% 100% 81% 33% 54.74 14.78
El Cremoso (Defeated) 18% 100% 82% 33% 54.74 14.98

Didact (Drawn / 10SCs / 764->796) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
SpartacusM (Drawn / 14 SC ) 38% 50% 12% 0% 54.74 0
nirja (Drawn / 10 SC ) 37% 50% 13% 0% 54.74 0
GOD (Defeated) 13% 100% 87% 33% 54.74 15.94
El Cremoso (Defeated) 12% 100% 88% 33% 54.74 16.08

nirja (Drawn / 10SCs / 996->1025) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
SpartacusM (Drawn / 14 SC ) 51% 50% -1% 0% 54.74 0
Didact (Drawn / 10 SC ) 63% 50% -13% 0% 54.74 0
GOD (Defeated) 20% 100% 80% 33% 54.74 14.63
El Cremoso (Defeated) 19% 100% 81% 33% 54.74 14.84

GOD (Defeated / 0SCs / 1603->1558) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
SpartacusM (Drawn / 14 SC ) 81% 0% -81% 33% 54.74 -14.78
Didact (Drawn / 10 SC ) 87% 0% -87% 33% 54.74 -15.94
nirja (Drawn / 10 SC ) 80% 0% -80% 33% 54.74 -14.63
El Cremoso (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 54.74 0

El Cremoso (Defeated / 0SCs / 1635->1589) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
SpartacusM (Drawn / 14 SC ) 82% 0% -82% 33% 54.74 -14.98
Didact (Drawn / 10 SC ) 88% 0% -88% 33% 54.74 -16.08
nirja (Drawn / 10 SC ) 81% 0% -81% 33% 54.74 -14.84
GOD (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 54.74 0
