Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 01 PM Thu 05 Feb 15 UTC
The Wooden Sky
1 day /phase
Pot: 200 D - Spring, 1903, Finished
Colonial 1885, No messaging, Anon, WTA, noProcess:Sat,Sun
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
mariofantuzi 1175 -> 1241 Drawn (41 SC) 42% 83% 66
Rancher 1096 -> 1166 Drawn (32 SC) 38% 83% 70
xawa27 1073 -> 1145 Drawn (27 SC) 37% 83% 72
Varianto 1760 -> 1792 Drawn (22 SC) 75% 83% 32
Darkirius 1279 -> 1241 Defeated 49% 0% -38
lazynomad 1138 -> 1105 Defeated 40% 0% -33
Gumers 1818 -> 1761 Defeated 78% 0% -57
Jimbozig 1312 -> 1273 Defeated 51% 0% -39
CoXBoT 1177 -> 1143 Defeated 43% 0% -34
allanxo 1277 -> 1239 Defeated 48% 0% -38

mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41SCs / 1175->1241) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 55% 50% -5% 0% 75.24 0
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 56% 50% -6% 0% 75.24 0
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 21% 50% 29% 0% 75.24 0
Darkirius (Defeated) 44% 100% 56% 25% 75.24 10.53
lazynomad (Defeated) 52% 100% 48% 25% 75.24 9
Gumers (Defeated) 19% 100% 81% 25% 75.24 15.32
Jimbozig (Defeated) 42% 100% 58% 25% 75.24 10.88
CoXBoT (Defeated) 50% 100% 50% 25% 75.24 9.43
allanxo (Defeated) 44% 100% 56% 25% 75.24 10.5

Rancher (Drawn / 32SCs / 1096->1166) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 45% 50% 5% 0% 75.24 0
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 51% 50% -1% 0% 75.24 0
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 18% 50% 32% 0% 75.24 0
Darkirius (Defeated) 40% 100% 60% 25% 75.24 11.36
lazynomad (Defeated) 48% 100% 52% 25% 75.24 9.86
Gumers (Defeated) 16% 100% 84% 25% 75.24 15.81
Jimbozig (Defeated) 38% 100% 62% 25% 75.24 11.7
CoXBoT (Defeated) 45% 100% 55% 25% 75.24 10.28
allanxo (Defeated) 40% 100% 60% 25% 75.24 11.34

xawa27 (Drawn / 27SCs / 1073->1145) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 44% 50% 6% 0% 75.24 0
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 49% 50% 1% 0% 75.24 0
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 17% 50% 33% 0% 75.24 0
Darkirius (Defeated) 38% 100% 62% 25% 75.24 11.59
lazynomad (Defeated) 46% 100% 54% 25% 75.24 10.11
Gumers (Defeated) 15% 100% 85% 25% 75.24 15.94
Jimbozig (Defeated) 37% 100% 63% 25% 75.24 11.93
CoXBoT (Defeated) 44% 100% 56% 25% 75.24 10.53
allanxo (Defeated) 38% 100% 62% 25% 75.24 11.57

Varianto (Drawn / 22SCs / 1760->1792) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 79% 50% -29% 0% 75.24 0
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 82% 50% -32% 0% 75.24 0
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 83% 50% -33% 0% 75.24 0
Darkirius (Defeated) 75% 100% 25% 25% 75.24 4.67
lazynomad (Defeated) 81% 100% 19% 25% 75.24 3.63
Gumers (Defeated) 47% 100% 53% 25% 75.24 10.03
Jimbozig (Defeated) 74% 100% 26% 25% 75.24 4.94
CoXBoT (Defeated) 79% 100% 21% 25% 75.24 3.9
allanxo (Defeated) 75% 100% 25% 25% 75.24 4.65

Darkirius (Defeated / 0SCs / 1279->1241) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 56% 0% -56% 25% 75.24 -10.53
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 60% 0% -60% 25% 75.24 -11.36
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 62% 0% -62% 25% 75.24 -11.59
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 25% 0% -25% 25% 75.24 -4.67
lazynomad (Defeated) 58% 0% -58% 0% 75.24 0
Gumers (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 0% 75.24 0
Jimbozig (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 75.24 0
CoXBoT (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 0% 75.24 0
allanxo (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 75.24 0

lazynomad (Defeated / 0SCs / 1138->1105) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 48% 0% -48% 25% 75.24 -9
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 25% 75.24 -9.86
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 54% 0% -54% 25% 75.24 -10.11
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 19% 0% -19% 25% 75.24 -3.63
Darkirius (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 75.24 0
Gumers (Defeated) 17% 0% -17% 0% 75.24 0
Jimbozig (Defeated) 40% 0% -40% 0% 75.24 0
CoXBoT (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 75.24 0
allanxo (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 75.24 0

Gumers (Defeated / 0SCs / 1818->1761) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 81% 0% -81% 25% 75.24 -15.32
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 84% 0% -84% 25% 75.24 -15.81
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 85% 0% -85% 25% 75.24 -15.94
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 53% 0% -53% 25% 75.24 -10.03
Darkirius (Defeated) 78% 0% -78% 0% 75.24 0
lazynomad (Defeated) 83% 0% -83% 0% 75.24 0
Jimbozig (Defeated) 76% 0% -76% 0% 75.24 0
CoXBoT (Defeated) 81% 0% -81% 0% 75.24 0
allanxo (Defeated) 78% 0% -78% 0% 75.24 0

Jimbozig (Defeated / 0SCs / 1312->1273) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 58% 0% -58% 25% 75.24 -10.88
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 62% 0% -62% 25% 75.24 -11.7
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 63% 0% -63% 25% 75.24 -11.93
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 26% 0% -26% 25% 75.24 -4.94
Darkirius (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 75.24 0
lazynomad (Defeated) 60% 0% -60% 0% 75.24 0
Gumers (Defeated) 24% 0% -24% 0% 75.24 0
CoXBoT (Defeated) 58% 0% -58% 0% 75.24 0
allanxo (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 75.24 0

CoXBoT (Defeated / 0SCs / 1177->1143) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 25% 75.24 -9.43
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 55% 0% -55% 25% 75.24 -10.28
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 56% 0% -56% 25% 75.24 -10.53
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 21% 0% -21% 25% 75.24 -3.9
Darkirius (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 0% 75.24 0
lazynomad (Defeated) 52% 0% -52% 0% 75.24 0
Gumers (Defeated) 19% 0% -19% 0% 75.24 0
Jimbozig (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 75.24 0
allanxo (Defeated) 44% 0% -44% 0% 75.24 0

allanxo (Defeated / 0SCs / 1277->1239) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
mariofantuzi (Drawn / 41 SC ) 56% 0% -56% 25% 75.24 -10.5
Rancher (Drawn / 32 SC ) 60% 0% -60% 25% 75.24 -11.34
xawa27 (Drawn / 27 SC ) 62% 0% -62% 25% 75.24 -11.57
Varianto (Drawn / 22 SC ) 25% 0% -25% 25% 75.24 -4.65
Darkirius (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 75.24 0
lazynomad (Defeated) 58% 0% -58% 0% 75.24 0
Gumers (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 0% 75.24 0
Jimbozig (Defeated) 48% 0% -48% 0% 75.24 0
CoXBoT (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 0% 75.24 0
