Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 04 AM Sat 17 Sep 16 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1962, Finished
Cold War, Public messaging only, WTA, ChooseYourCountry
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
00matthew2000 1079 -> 1086 Won (19 SC) 55% 100% 7
Xxx420BL4ZE1TxxX 986 -> 979 Survived (6 SC) 45% 0% -7

00matthew2000 (Won / 19SCs / 1079->1086) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Xxx420BL4ZE1TxxX (Survived / 6 SC ) 55% 100% 45% 100% 15.39 6.87

Xxx420BL4ZE1TxxX (Survived / 6SCs / 986->979) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
00matthew2000 (Won / 19 SC ) 45% 0% -45% 100% 15.39 -6.87
