Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for bsiper (1281 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
34158 Piderman (for much experience having) Classic Drawn 13 1013
34430 Kevin's Game II: Attack of the Clones Classic Defeated -26 987
34586 Hapsburg AustrianSuccession Defeated -28 959
34737 foggy 75 ClassicFog Survived 54 1013
35026 Guys it's summer and we're still at this Sengoku5 Defeated -31 982
35142 Delightment and Procession Enlightenment Defeated -18 964
35303 Don't turn around ClassicFog Drawn 16 980
35131 Public Fog ClassicFog Survived 0 980
35480 Gun Med PunicWars Survived -14 966
35462 Don't turn around - 2 Classic1913 Defeated -27 939
35216 war in england CelticBritain Drawn 62 1001
35496 Don't turn around - 3 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 18 1019
35418 The Great Emu War II MateAgainstMate Drawn 57 1076
35222 foggy 78 ClassicFog Defeated -12 1064
35463 foggy 80 -WTA ClassicFog Defeated -24 1040
35461 Wars of attrition AustrianSuccession Defeated -25 1015
35820 Foggy McFogface-2 ClassicFog Defeated -26 989
35633 Don't turn around - 4 ClassicCrowded Defeated -27 962
35890 Don't turn around - 7 (but it's the 4th Crusade) Crusades1201 Defeated -20 942
35768 Don't turn around - 5 Europe1939 Defeated -19 923
35750 Greek Crash GreekDip Drawn 21 944
35751 foggy 85 ClassicFog Defeated -17 970
35650 Easy Rider 11 Classic Drawn 60 1030
36213 Crowded Gunboat-2 ClassicCrowded Defeated -34 996
36492 foggy 93 ClassicFog Defeated -18 978
36490 Foggy-8 ClassicFog Survived -21 957
36524 Race to Vienna AustrianSuccession Defeated -19 938
36668 America!-3 Karibik Drawn 16 954
36597 foggy 94 ClassicFog Defeated -27 927
36819 Age of Absolutism Europe1600 Drawn 70 997
33781 Divided States of 'Murica Divided_States Drawn 342 1339
33790 The Trump Effect Divided_States Defeated -25 1314
36338 The Quest for the Holy Grail Haven Defeated -39 1275
37741 Quick Duoel Duo Survived -4 1271
35242 Fast Fifty State (again) Divided_States Defeated -24 1247
37218 Fog of War-20 ClassicFog Defeated -31 1216
33789 American Gunboat -2 Divided_States Defeated -23 1193
37260 foggy 103 ClassicFog Defeated -18 1175
37313 ce n'est pas de la diplomatie Crusades1201 Drawn 44 1219
37749 SH v bsiper 1 ColdWar Survived -12 1207
37750 SH v bsiper 2 ColdWar Won 3 1210
38089 bsiper vs essence333 2 ColdWar Won 5 1215
38088 bsiper vs essence333 ColdWar Won 5 1220
38343 Cold Skirmish 1 ColdWar Won 5 1225
38344 Cold Skirmish 2 ColdWar Won 5 1230
37805 Turkey World Take 2: AWong's Fault Edition GobbleEarth Drawn 28 1258
38404 Cold Skirmish 3 ColdWar Won 5 1263
38405 Cold Skirmish 4 ColdWar Won 5 1268
38487 Cold Skirmish 7 ColdWar Won 6 1274
37596 Who wants to be Britain ClassicBritain Won 171 1445
38190 Yeet-10 War2020 Drawn 32 1477
36705 American Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo Divided_States Defeated -25 1452
38493 Cold Skirmish 9 ColdWar Won 7 1459
38492 Cold Skirmish 8 ColdWar Won 5 1464
38501 Cold Vore ColdWar Won 5 1469
38502 Cold Skirmish 10 ColdWar Won 6 1475
38507 Cold Skirmish 13 ColdWar Won 7 1482
38508 Cold Skirmish 12 ColdWar Won 4 1486
38541 Cold Skirmish 16 ColdWar Won 4 1490
38570 Cold Skirmish 20 ColdWar Won 5 1495
38420 Northern trade NorthSeaWars Survived -25 1470
37583 Churchill's Got Armies ClassicBritain Drawn 15 1485
38547 Saving the Endangered Mediterranean Monk Seal AncMed Won 94 1579
38385 bsiper vs badivan1 2 Empire1on1 Defeated -11 1568
38180 Instadip KnownWorld_901 Defeated -28 1540
38991 Cold Skirmish -1 ColdWar Won 0 1540
37333 Wooo KnownWorld_901 Drawn 64 1604
38543 No chat just fun 43 Classic Defeated -44 1560
38993 Cold Skirmish -2 ColdWar Survived 0 1560
39071 A 46 cent computer chip ColdWar Won 0 1560
39003 Frigid Fight Night ColdWar Won 0 1560
39138 A Moonrise Over Norway ColdWar Won 0 1560
39103 A Reflection in the Clouds ColdWar Won 0 1560
38626 THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE GAME, SUCKS! Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1560
39153 A Wedge of Swans Over Turkey ColdWar Won 0 1560
39053 NCW West 58 ColdWar Won 0 1560
39176 A Massive Power Outage in the Northeastern US ColdWar Survived 0 1560
38743 Alone in the darkness Classic1898Fog Survived -44 1516
38255 3625-2 Modern2 Defeated -55 1461
39429 Able Archer 83 ColdWar Won 0 1461
39437 Sub B-59 Dove to Avoid Detection ColdWar Won 0 1461
39365 The Failure of a Single Relay Station in Colorado ColdWar Won 0 1461
39443 A Training Scenario Was Inadvertently Loaded ColdWar Survived 0 1461
38384 bsiper vs badivan1 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1458
39489 A Research Rocket to Study the Northern Lights ColdWar Won 0 1458
39535 bsiper vs Frozen Dog, game 2 ColdWar Won 0 1458
39534 bsiper vs Frozen Dog, game 1 ColdWar Survived 0 1458
39506 A B-52 Broke Up in Midair Over Greensboro ColdWar Won 11 1469
39661 Actaeon vs bsiper, game 2 ColdWar Won 0 1469
39660 Actaeon vs bsiper, game 1 ColdWar Won 0 1469
39717 Fear ColdWar Won 4 1473
39801 Cold War 09162019 ColdWar Won 4 1477
39822 Cold War 09172019 ColdWar Won 4 1481
39794 Old War ColdWar Won 4 1485
39319 Renaissauce Rinascimento Drawn 0 1485
39915 bsiper v. Actaeon 1b ColdWar Won 1 1486
39878 bsiper v. Actaeon 2 ColdWar Won 3 1489
39826 Cold War badsiper 09182019 ColdWar Survived -9 1480
38795 1444 All DLC Europa_Renovatio Defeated -50 1430
40028 The only winning move is ColdWar Won 3 1433
40029 badsiper 2: electric boogaloo ColdWar Won 5 1438
39800 i still havent seen the new how to train your drag Viking Survived -33 1405
40146 Cald Wor ColdWar Won 3 1408
40147 Cold War 10192019 ColdWar Survived -8 1400
39169 Google Translators AberrationV Drawn 0 1400
39154 Hail Europe! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -40 1360
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States Defeated -17 1343
40386 Cold War 11112019 ColdWar Survived -7 1336
39950 Peter is in this one Viking Survived -38 1298
39949 Peter isn't playing Crusades1201 Defeated -36 1262
40723 1v1 Frozen Dog vs bsiper - Game 2 ColdWar Drawn 0 1262
40721 1v1 Frozen Dog vs bsiper - Game 1 ColdWar Won 9 1271
40253 Megalomaniacs-3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 125 1396
40894 Cold War 01082020 ColdWar Survived -7 1389
39884 Patience Classic1897 Defeated -33 1356
40921 Civil War-82 Empire1on1 Won 2 1358
40888 Colonialism Sucks but Kevin Likes This Map Colonial1885 Drawn 3 1361
40693 You fools, 7333 was prime! Prime, I tell you! Classic Drawn 16 1377
40922 Civil War-83 Empire1on1 Defeated -6 1371
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated -17 1354
41277 Zoos Zeus5 Drawn 2 1356
41321 yoak vs bsiper game 2 ColdWar Won 6 1362
41320 yoak vs bsiper game 1 ColdWar Won 6 1368
40611 A Modern Europa! A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1368
41203 European Noticebaord ClassicFog Defeated -41 1327
42543 Cold Disagreement ColdWar Won 4 1331
42542 The Great Emu War, But Larger ColdWar Survived -8 1323
41143 Ye it's a modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 65 1388
42593 bsiper vs Electro Knight, Game 1 ColdWar Won 4 1392
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Defeated -28 1364
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated -12 1352
42594 bsiper vs Electro Knight, Game 2 ColdWar Won 5 1357
43227 Detente 1 ColdWar Survived -10 1347
43228 Detente 2 ColdWar Defeated -9 1338
43577 Es asi la vida ClassicGvR Won 4 1342
43255 Scottish Clan Wars Scottish_Clan_Wars Drawn 41 1383
43763 Friday night live TreatyOfVerdun Defeated -23 1360
43887 Civil War live-4 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1358
43889 Civil War live-6 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1356
40607 Like EU, but new! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -32 1324
43576 Stormy Seas WesternEurope1300 Drawn 8 1332
41445 Around the World Tournament - Round 1 Africa Defeated -32 1300
44184 CW Tournament Coffee vs Bsiper Game 1 ColdWar Survived -8 1292
44387 Unlucky13turns Empire1on1 Won 2 1294
44183 CW Tournament Coffee vs Bsiper Game 2 ColdWar Won 7 1301
44662 CW exercise-8 ColdWar Won 3 1304
44667 CW exercise-10 ColdWar Won 3 1307
44651 Mutually Assured Destruction I ColdWar Won 6 1313
44776 CW exercise-14 ColdWar Defeated -9 1304
44719 Mutually Assured Destruction III ColdWar Won 9 1313
44073 Classic Gunboat Series - Crowded ClassicCrowded Defeated -55 1258
44826 CW exercise-18 ColdWar Won 5 1263
44821 Mutually Assured Destruction IV ColdWar Won 5 1268
44652 Mutually Assured Destruction II ColdWar Won 6 1274
44865 Mutually Assured Destruction VI ColdWar Survived -7 1267
44864 Mutually Assured Destruction V ColdWar Won 4 1271
45027 CW-19 ColdWar Survived -10 1261
45016 Mutually Assured Destruction IX ColdWar Won 4 1265
45015 Mutually Assured Destruction VII ColdWar Won 7 1272
45070 Mutually Assured Destruction X ColdWar Won 5 1277
45069 Mutually Assured Destruction VIII ColdWar Won 7 1284
45105 Mutually Assured Destruction XII ColdWar Won 4 1288
45104 Mutually Assured Destruction XI ColdWar Won 3 1291
45111 Mutually Assured Destruction XIII ColdWar Won 5 1296
41594 Around the World Tournament - Round 2 MateAgainstMate Drawn 59 1355
45204 Mutually Assured Destruction XV ColdWar Won 4 1359
45113 Cold War-91 ColdWar Won 7 1366
45220 CW-22 ColdWar Won 0 1366
45169 Mutually Assured Destruction XIV ColdWar Won 7 1373
45213 Mutually Assured Destruction XVI ColdWar Won 8 1381
45258 Mutually Assured Destruction XVIII ColdWar Won 3 1384
45279 Micronation ColdWar Defeated -5 1379
45257 Mutually Assured Destruction XVII ColdWar Won 7 1386
45317 Micronation-2 ColdWar Won 4 1390
45309 Cold War 08122020 ColdWar Survived -6 1384
45307 Mutually Assured Destruction XIX ColdWar Won 7 1391
45310 Cold War 08112020 ColdWar Won 7 1398
45391 Mutually Assured Destruction XX ColdWar Won 4 1402
45443 Mutually Assured Destruction XXI ColdWar Won 6 1408
42752 State Your Business Divided_States Defeated -47 1361
45474 Mutually Assured Destruction XXII ColdWar Survived -7 1354
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Defeated -34 1320
44844 Eye of the storm Europa_Renovatio Defeated -31 1289
47128 Cold War Refreshments ColdWar Won 4 1293
47129 Cola War ColdWar Survived -8 1285
47142 Pepsi v Coke ColdWar Won 3 1288
47132 Old War-2 ColdWar Won 4 1292
46643 PIRATES III Pirates Survived -54 1238
47166 Back in the US(SR) ColdWar Won 7 1245
47231 CW-33 ColdWar Survived -8 1237
47186 my summer vacation ColdWar Defeated -4 1233
47343 rc cola detente ColdWar Survived -12 1221
47544 bsiper vs yoak, Game 2 ColdWar Won 7 1228
47543 bsiper vs yoak, Game 1 ColdWar Won 6 1234
48078 CW Tournament - svkrIs vs. bsiper ColdWar Won 7 1241
48223 CW3 - West58 - bsiper vs alexintour ColdWar Won 6 1247
48075 Chilly Bone-5 ColdWar Won 5 1252
48756 Chilly Bone-7 ColdWar Defeated -4 1248
47599 (Dis)United States of Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -20 1228
48806 Cold bone-3 ColdWar Defeated -7 1221
49091 Cold Bone-4 ColdWar Won 8 1229
48976 If you want something done, do it yourself Classic Drawn 12 1241
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 1241
50034 going for vacation in istanbul ColdWar Won 5 1246
50033 going to work in moscow ColdWar Won 7 1253
50038 going to australia to see a kangaroo ColdWar Won 5 1258
50080 going to istanbul with a stopover in paris (south ColdWar Won 6 1264
50093 finding the northwest passage, for war ColdWar Won 3 1267
49042 Diplomacy's Final Form ClassicChaos Drawn 111 1378
50628 Mutually Assured Destruction XXIII ColdWar Won 8 1386
50757 Mutually Assured Destruction XXIV ColdWar Won 4 1390
50758 Mutually Assured Destruction XXV ColdWar Won 3 1393
50760 Mutually Assured Destruction XXVI ColdWar Survived -8 1385
50778 Mutually Assured Destruction XXVII ColdWar Won 13 1398
51720 Vikingolp Viking Defeated -34 1364
52734 Remember when I said I'd make this game "soon" GreekDip Survived -25 1339
48358 No name-11 Divided_States -63 1276
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Defeated 5 1281