Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Yellowone (1172 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
35764 Carnage in Carthage! PunicWars Survived -19 981
35874 Positive thinking SouthAmerica5 Survived 31 1012
35541 CBR Diplomacy Royale WWIV_V6 Defeated -42 970
35547 Pity Party YoungstownWWII Defeated -7 963
35819 Build Your Own Wakanda Africa Survived -29 934
36294 The Great Game (not really) Colonial Drawn 24 958
36299 Peg Legs Pirates Defeated -8 950
36050 Hep Bros HeptarchyIV Defeated -26 924
40763 The Empire strikes back-2 Germany1648 Survived 15 939
40753 Foggy 127 ClassicFog Survived -5 934
40846 Crusader Kings -2 Crusades1201 Defeated -18 916
41237 Herb Eavereally Smells ManifestDestiny Won 59 975
41350 Mongols Galore MongolianEmpire Drawn 118 1093
51449 Layered classic public press only ClassicLayered Drawn 36 1129
52800 Night Falls on Europe ClassicFog Survived -37 1092
52738 The Ancient Mediterranean Gunboat AncMed Drawn 9 1101
52623 Youngstown Gunboat -6 YoungstownRedux Survived 15 1116
52891 Balkans 1860 Gunboat-2 Balkans1860 Drawn 30 1146
53470 North American Gunboat Showdown-2 ManifestDestiny Survived -5 1141
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -21 1120
53482 Caribbean Gunboat-4 Karibik Defeated -18 1102
53608 Johnny Rotten AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 0 1102
53451 Baker's Hiatus Crusades1201 Drawn 34 1136
53819 America-29 Empire4 Drawn 60 1196
53641 Solving the Political Question WhoControlsAmerica Survived -10 1186
54410 Greek Gunboat-2 GreekDip Defeated -7 1179
54302 Conquer the Bush Africa Survived 3 1182
55631 Ekaterina WTA YoungstownRedux Survived -10 1172