Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Maineroadfan (955 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
35541 CBR Diplomacy Royale WWIV_V6 Defeated -41 959
36274 Quick Egg Empire1on1 Defeated -7 952
36275 Quick Egg-2 Empire1on1 Drawn 0 952
36341 Anarchy in the UK -2 AnarchyInTheUK Won 162 1114
36271 Peter Zie German Classic Won 168 1282
36388 Will is stupid WWII Resigned -199 1083
36566 idk ClassicEvT Survived 189 1272
36567 Muh States Rights Empire1on1 Won 5 1277
36578 eco iron age NorthSeaWars Defeated -28 1249
36651 Foursquare (GIRT) ClassicVS Survived -10 1239
36715 CivilWar-4 Empire1on1 Defeated -11 1228
36173 CBR Diplomacy Royale Mk. 2 WWIV Drawn 50 1278
36583 Classic again because the first one failed Classic Drawn 33 1311
36891 Toto Africa Defeated -30 1281
37134 Spicy Bois Classic Survived -24 1257
36944 HAPPY 2019 Enlightenment Defeated -29 1228
36815 Another time... Empire4 Drawn 53 1281
37765 GvI-85 ClassicGvI Survived -5 1276
37257 1453 Fall of Constantinople Renaissance1453 Defeated -27 1249
37455 Just for fun-6 DarkAges Survived 32 1281
38065 Practice-9 ClassicIER Defeated -23 1258
38082 Demo-2 ColdWar Won 5 1263
38037 Demo Empire1on1 Won 5 1268
38060 Caucblauc Caucasia Won 71 1339
38084 Demo-3 ClassicGvR Won 5 1344
37837 Real War YoungstownWWII Defeated -35 1309
37893 Sofa King We Todd It ManifestDestiny Survived -37 1272
38085 ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouCan'tJoinTenPointGames-6 SouthAmerica4 Survived -13 1259
36688 Let’s do this KnownWorld_901 Defeated -38 1221
37066 something different-3 Empire4 Defeated -46 1175
38256 FgA-2 ClassicFGA Won 25 1200
38261 C-3 ColdWar Survived -10 1190
38285 Practice-10 ClassicGvI Won 6 1196
38259 D ClassicIER Survived -21 1175
37982 The name's Hiatus, CBR Hiatus ClassicCrowded Defeated -34 1141
38295 Best three player Variant Hundred Survived -19 1122
38361 Another good three player TreatyOfVerdun Survived -19 1103
36705 American Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo Divided_States Defeated -10 1093
37994 Europa-3 Europe1939 Survived -40 1053
38001 No chat just fun 39 Balkans1860 Defeated -9 1044
38317 New game-10 WWII Drawn 27 1071
38474 Peterisadumbfuck2 WWII Survived -33 1038
38410 Pax Sinica Canton Defeated -25 1013
38575 Bum-4 AtlanticColonies Survived -23 990
37678 New Variant!-2 World10 Defeated -8 982
38209 This is your territory...? This is my territory ClassicAnkaraCrescent Defeated -19 963
38736 South American Supremacy match SouthAmerica8 Defeated -31 932
38238 1913 Classic1913 Defeated -18 914
38960 Death and Taxes Empire1on1 Defeated -4 910
38634 Unify the Holy Roman Empire Germany1648 Defeated -23 887
38730 Brexit-3 AnarchyInTheUK Won 0 887
38581 HeptarchyIV HeptarchyIV Survived 73 960
38222 Unknown world KnownWorld_901 Drawn 76 1036
36742 USA divided Divided_States Defeated -15 1021
38686 No chat just fun 46 Classic1897 Survived -16 1005
39356 Penis ClassicFvA Won 8 1013
39357 Penis-3 ClassicGvI Won 8 1021
39040 World War Dos WWII Defeated -18 1003
38442 Squares Rinascimento Defeated 0 1003
38994 The Control of Vibranium Africa Defeated -39 964
39044 Let's try a different type of game. Pirates Defeated 0 964
39583 Dark Ages New DarkAges Defeated -26 938
37694 Big day WWIVsealanes Defeated -34 904
38798 CBRX Diplomacy Royale Europa_Renovatio Drawn 158 1062
39236 Ooga Chaka GreatLakes Survived -44 1018
39453 Happy 250th Birthday Emperor Napoleon Napoleonic Drawn 67 1085
39926 Cold War 09292019 ColdWar Survived -6 1079
39513 Tired of all the gunboat? Join! DarkAges Drawn 55 1134
39409 South American Supremacy match (again) SouthAmerica8 Drawn 8 1142
39354 World War II-12 Europe1939 Defeated -26 1116
39993 To the holy lands on a boat Crusades1201 Defeated -23 1093
39908 Into The Valley of Death Europe1939 Defeated -33 1060
40094 Das Kapital ClassicEconomic Survived -38 1022
40125 Why is Munich a coast? ClassicTouchy Drawn 25 1047
40084 VIKING WORLD! Viking Defeated -26 1021
39885 What’s up doc? BuildAnywhere Survived 1 1022
39154 Hail Europe! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -22 1000
39345 Fall of the American Empire-4 Empire4 Survived 10 1010
39355 Polspengrusfranitegyturkany Modern2 Defeated -20 990
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States Defeated 3 993
40458 Oh Say Can You See? ManifestDestiny Survived -30 963
40696 Orange Gang DutchRevolt Survived -30 933
40282 Multi-Layered Problem ClassicLayered Defeated -24 909
40493 Classic 1898-6 Classic1898 Defeated -15 894
40078 The weekly random-5 Crusades1201 Survived 0 894
40732 Heptarchy IV HeptarchyIV Defeated -1 893
41045 Birthday Modern2 Defeated -33 860
40609 A Modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 278 1138
40800 Ancient Med-11 AncMed Defeated -33 1105
40831 A world at War-2 WWII Defeated -25 1080
40202 Plastic Beach GobbleEarth Defeated -19 1061
40332 The fight for Italy Rinascimento Drawn 0 1061
40920 DA VINCI Rinascimento Defeated 0 1061
40950 War in central America Karibik Defeated -32 1029
40891 AC-3 AmericanConflict Defeated -20 1009
38844 Globalisation WWIV_V6 Defeated -24 985
38379 The Joys of Federalism Divided_States Defeated 0 985
41281 Fresh Calamari (gunboat) ClassicOctopus Drawn 54 1039
40650 Europ3 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -5 1034
41059 Thanks giving game Empire4 Defeated -22 1012
41143 Ye it's a modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -36 976
40286 Culling of the Herd Europa_Renovatio Drawn 185 1161
41353 Make war, not love. MongolianEmpire Defeated -18 1143
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Defeated -12 1131
40679 Colonial Days! Colonial1885 Defeated -25 1106
42714 FAmE-2 Empire4 Defeated -29 1077
43219 great lakes-3 GreatLakes Defeated -21 1056
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Defeated -33 1023
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 1 1024
42792 Modern Europe Gunboat - stab without fear! A_Modern_Europe Defeated 8 1032
42791 Imperialisomoto Imperial2 Defeated -22 1010
40976 Gothic Revival Europa_Renovatio Defeated -24 986
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Defeated -21 965
45018 Classic - 12 Hour Turns Classic Defeated 15 980
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio Defeated -7 973
41051 Once you go great you never go good, you never go Europa_Renovatio -21 952
45647 Colonial Gunboat-5 Colonial Survived -5 947
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Drawn 172 1119
45641 Gunboat Africa Africa Defeated -18 1101
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated -30 1071
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Defeated -20 1051
46053 2030 World Cup Balkans1860 Defeated -32 1019
46128 Scotland at war. (PPSC) Weekends are free. Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived 11 1030
46033 the civil war but w/commies (also france owns Mexi AmericanConflict Drawn 18 1048
45933 Slow Greeks GreekDip Defeated -13 1035
46282 Medieval 2: Total War but Diplomacy Crusades1201 Survived -9 1026
45508 Beneš A_Modern_Europe Defeated -3 1023
46942 Edwardian Monarchies Rematch Edwardian3 Drawn 22 1045
47157 My First Created Game War2020 Drawn 70 1115
47048 Chewsday AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 29 1144
46970 X - MAS special 25% off ClassicSevenIslands Survived -11 1133
47609 SA Variant SouthAmerica8 Drawn 32 1165
47382 Try Try Again Classic Defeated -7 1158
47561 Strange new world YoungstownWWII Survived -10 1148
40316 pick your poison Europa_Renovatio Defeated -13 1135
41151 On the Origin of Feces WWIVsealanes Defeated -14 1121
46690 El Cid KnownWorld_901 Defeated -4 1117
47242 Modern Europe Diplomacy-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -13 1104
47986 MD2 Club Modern2 Defeated -42 1062
48562 I can't hear you, Mr. President! ColdWar Survived -9 1053
48020 Fall of America gunboat Empire4 Defeated -33 1020
48244 Japan - April Sengoku5 Defeated -30 990
47971 FoW WTA - 14 SC for the win ClassicFog Drawn 12 1002
48277 The Battle for the New World Empire4 Drawn 38 1040
47599 (Dis)United States of Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -11 1029
47084 Warrington Europe1600 Drawn 113 1142
48137 funGoat 7 ClassicCataclysm Defeated -26 1116
49446 Yup-2 Empire1on1 Won 4 1120
48088 Return again Modern2 Defeated -19 1101
49505 YUP-3 Empire1on1 Defeated -4 1097
48862 GB 3 DarkAges Defeated -16 1081
49610 1 - 1 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1079
49123 Fiction? Empire4 Drawn 54 1133
49131 Blue Body Paint CelticBritain Defeated -30 1103
49831 2 v 1 Empire1on1 Defeated -5 1098
49937 Whos counting victories Empire1on1 Defeated -4 1094
48411 This Map Looks Like Fun FantasyWorld Defeated -24 1070
49773 Classic Gunboat-30 Classic Defeated -20 1050
49408 Enlightment Enlightenment Defeated -42 1008
48828 GB 1 World Defeated -21 987
49809 Supremacy America South SouthAmerica8 Defeated -24 963
50054 Gekoloniseered DutchRevolt Survived -19 944
49982 Alt History Rumble AberrationV Survived 57 1001
49042 Diplomacy's Final Form ClassicChaos Drawn 145 1146
49811 European Values Enlightenment Defeated -33 1113
50146 Spice Isles SpiceIslands Defeated -8 1105
49774 First Game-8 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1105
49891 Libertas quæ sera tamen-9 SpiceIslands Drawn 62 1167
50605 [GUNBOAT] Classic 1880 Classic1880 Defeated -32 1135
50551 1885 Gunboat -2 Colonial1885 Survived -16 1119
49886 Let’s do this-2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 40 1159
50579 “Austria, you might want to die” AustrianSuccession Defeated -31 1128
50930 I hate all of you BalkanWarsVI -34 1094
50653 For Valhalla! Viking -21 1073
41200 DSA Divided_States Defeated -16 1057
50552 Youngstown Gunboat-7 YoungstownRedux Defeated -20 1037
50633 Merowww Imperial2 Drawn 58 1095
51230 Youngstown gunboat-10 YoungstownRedux -26 1069
51607 Germany and Italy-2 ClassicGvI Survived -7 1062
48542 Renaissance Rumble Europa_Renovatio Defeated -15 1047
51669 Classic France vs. Austria-3 ClassicFvA Survived -5 1042
51334 Sardines (everybody join pls) ClassicCrowded Defeated -7 1035
51995 One of my TURNS SouthAmerica8 Survived 0 1035
52423 Finkelboat Hundred Survived -7 1028
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Defeated -4 1024
52201 Smog of Europe Classic1898Fog Survived -12 1012
51491 Omicron vs Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -12 1000
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated 17 1017
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -12 1005
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States -32 973
55417 Classic France vs. Austria-39 ClassicFvA Survived -3 970
55451 Das Gunboat-23 WWII -15 955