Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for broccolilover (977 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
35869 Let's play WWII WWII Drawn 27 1027
35781 Risorgimento Rinascimento Defeated 0 1027
36037 Hello there mate MateAgainstMate Defeated -23 1004
36320 Mucho nachos SouthAmerica8 Defeated -30 974
36155 Morning to you Karibik Defeated -22 952
36211 Pericles Gunboat AgeOfPericles Survived -16 936
36512 Wombats Anonymous MateAgainstMate Survived -21 915
36336 Don't be a huckfead! AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -30 885
36360 Crowded Classic-2 ClassicCrowded Survived 2 887
35475 Odd Future WWIV_V6 Drawn 230 1117
36942 I love Classic Classic Defeated -38 1079
36338 The Quest for the Holy Grail Haven Defeated -13 1066
35242 Fast Fifty State (again) Divided_States Defeated -8 1058
37382 Europe is not enough-2 Abstraction3 Drawn 41 1099
36916 Hmmmmmm KnownWorld_901 Defeated -42 1057
38044 War in the Caucasus Caucasia -7 1050
38233 USA for life!!! ColdWar Won 7 1057
37418 The Escape KnownWorld_901 Defeated -34 1023
38411 We need a Crusade Crusades1201 Drawn 52 1075
38255 3625-2 Modern2 Drawn 38 1113
37780 Chaos Control ClassicChaos Defeated -22 1091
39172 By The Sea - Open to All AncMed Won 15 1106
39354 World War II-12 Europe1939 Defeated -25 1081
39669 Herb Eaversmells Habelya Resigned -17 1064
39692 WWII-22 WWII Defeated 3 1067
39345 Fall of the American Empire-4 Empire4 Defeated -32 1035
38804 Choose Your Weapon Europa_Renovatio -14 1021
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1021
38844 Globalisation WWIV_V6 -24 997
38825 Cry God for Harry! Europa_Renovatio -24 973
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated 0 973
46483 The great Emu war MateAgainstMate Defeated -14 959
46490 Brujas A_Modern_Europe Defeated -10 949
47843 Lets do it Modern2 Defeated -20 929
46344 Europa Imperotia 2 Electric boogaloo! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 228 1157
48447 Help Me Play All The Variants-2 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -24 1133
48148 GC Colonial -22 1111
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 1111
49069 Let's Colonize Colonial1885 -34 1077
53654 Paulaner Helles Germany1648 Survived -5 1072
53663 Hyperdiplomacy Classic Drawn 14 1086
53691 We didn’t start the ???? Classic Defeated -3 1083
53612 Nomo! Colonial1885 Drawn 21 1104
54620 MARTIAN KINGS Mars Drawn 11 1115
54266 Modern Europe Gunboat A_Modern_Europe -51 1064
54583 Gunboat 1482 - WTA Modern2 Defeated -22 1042
53649 Helikopter Classic Survived 0 1042
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio Defeated -4 1038
55395 Youngstown Gunboat -13 YoungstownRedux -47 991
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio -14 977