Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for sswetzen (1152 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
2172 American Civil War-3 Empire1on1 Resigned -4 996
2147 American Civil War-2 Empire1on1 Resigned -7 989
2154 American Civil War Empire1on1 Resigned -3 986
2138 Dutch Revolt-2 DutchRevolt Defeated -25 961
2139 Greece GreekDip Defeated -25 936
2274 FoW-2 ClassicFog Defeated -26 910
2167 Crowded ClassicCrowded Defeated -33 877
2812 Balkan Wars VI BalkanWarsVI Defeated -16 861
2700 Karl's Nightmare Modern2 Resigned -26 835
2923 Napoleon vs Franz II ClassicFvA Won 9 844
2752 empire Imperium Defeated -18 826
2764 MODERN GUNBOAT-2 Modern2 Defeated -20 806
2531 Join please! ClassicChaoctopi Defeated -15 791
3675 1066-9 TenSixtySix Defeated -12 779
3583 South America-4 SouthAmerica5 Drawn 50 829
3770 Treaty of Verdun-2 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -4 825
3654 Hussite Wars Hussite Drawn 5 830
3585 Karibik-2 Karibik Defeated -23 807
3882 South America -2 SouthAmerica5 Drawn 0 807
3987 Tozzy & sswetzen Empire1on1 Won 5 812
4098 Lepanto-12 Lepanto Defeated -6 806
3615 Modern Gunboat-4 Modern2 Survived 0 806
4078 South America again... SouthAmerica5 Defeated -20 786
4077 War in Europe! Modern2 Defeated -18 768
4641 american troubles SouthAmerica8 Survived -22 746
4516 Lief It to Erikson Viking Defeated -16 730
4132 Known World Second Game KnownWorld_901 Survived 40 770
5045 Gunboats for Vikings Viking Won 225 995
3539 Age of Technology WWIV Defeated -30 965
3784 Fall of the American Empire Empire4 Defeated -33 932
5469 Abstraction 3 Abstraction3 Defeated -27 905
5667 Habelya Habelya Survived 31 936
5001 Euro-crisis gone bad! Modern2 Drawn 57 993
6673 Yeeeeeeee!!!! MateAgainstMate Defeated -35 958
12975 World War 2 Europe1939 -20 938
13288 Fast Classic Islands ClassicSevenIslands Survived 65 1003
13286 AfriCUH Africa Drawn 57 1060
13669 World War 2 for noobs WWII -35 1025
14004 Youngstown WW2 YoungstownWWII -13 1012
13235 Dirt Nasty Europe1939 -6 1006
11505 Nirea IV ClassicFog -23 983
40918 Foggy 1898 - 17 Classic1898Fog Drawn 80 1063
40611 A Modern Europa! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -19 1044
40846 Crusader Kings -2 Crusades1201 Drawn 108 1152