Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Pedalas (852 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
36860 db-rn 6.7 ClassicFog Defeated -31 969
37197 db-rn 7 ClassicGreyPress Survived 33 1002
37288 db-rn 8 AberrationV Defeated -34 968
37802 db-rn 10 Viking Survived 55 1023
37950 db-rn 11 Big Daddy YoungstownRedux Defeated -35 988
38141 db-rn 12 Africa Africa Survived -8 980
37418 The Escape KnownWorld_901 Defeated -31 949
39691 db-rn 2.0 IG-88 Viking Survived -14 935
39174 Learning course v2 Duo Defeated 0 935
39614 db - 1.0 new beginning Classic1898Fog Defeated -20 915
39931 db-rn 3.0 BOOOM! Africa Defeated -27 888
40084 VIKING WORLD! Viking -36 852