Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Aircrosby (830 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
37378 Double Bone Duo Survived -8 992
37364 Battle Bone Viking Survived -34 958
37900 Quadruple Bone SailHo2 Won 78 1036
38193 We got Boned Bone WWII Drawn 17 1053
38553 Tribal Bone Africa Resigned -26 1027
38619 bitch bone ClassicIER Survived -17 1010
37360 Hefty Bone WWIVsealanes Resigned -33 977
37780 Chaos Control ClassicChaos Defeated -17 960
37694 Big day WWIVsealanes Defeated -35 925
39541 Caribbean Karibik -22 903
39820 Foggy 1898-5 Classic1898Fog -19 884
39622 Diplomosaurus Rex FantasyWorld -28 856
40153 Rinascimento Oct19 Rinascimento 0 856
39719 World War Bone 2 WWIVsealanes -13 843
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio -18 825
38327 E T E R N A L BONE SouthAmerica8 Drawn 5 830