Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for ECH (1064 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
38884 Double Quick ClassicFvA Survived -8 992
39204 The Battle of the Med AncMed Survived 0 992
38789 Know the World KnownWorld_901 Defeated -27 965
38798 CBRX Diplomacy Royale Europa_Renovatio Drawn 149 1114
40637 hiatus hiaters gonna hiate Classic1898Fog Survived -21 1093
40332 The fight for Italy Rinascimento Drawn 0 1093
38844 Globalisation WWIV_V6 Defeated -27 1066
40611 A Modern Europa! A_Modern_Europe Drawn 249 1315
38379 The Joys of Federalism Divided_States Defeated 0 1315
39719 World War Bone 2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -28 1287
38825 Cry God for Harry! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -36 1251
40286 Culling of the Herd Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1251
41363 Hiatus X:Wait for West Virginia Europe1600 Survived -39 1212
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio -32 1180
43223 Battle of the Slavs Viking Survived -33 1147
42791 Imperialisomoto Imperial2 Drawn 43 1190
43152 War and Peace Napoleonic Drawn 48 1238
42752 State Your Business Divided_States Defeated -37 1201
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 1176
41051 Once you go great you never go good, you never go Europa_Renovatio Defeated -14 1162
45379 Buckets of ducats Pirates -27 1135
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Defeated -23 1112
45386 Vikingolos Viking -45 1067
42227 Sticks and Stones WWIVsealanes Defeated -34 1033
49936 CantonDiplomacy Canton Drawn 75 1108
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio -44 1064