Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for LordoftheMAX (971 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
38885 Downfall of Rome Imperium Drawn 31 1031
38878 Memes of Mars Mars Defeated -9 1022
38887 US of A USofA Defeated -24 998
38997 Japan in 1946 Sengoku5 Defeated -24 974
39227 Get the Booty ManifestDestiny Drawn 20 994
39234 Yes! Again! Maharajah Defeated -16 978
38795 1444 All DLC Europa_Renovatio Defeated -28 950
39519 War council AgeOfPericles Defeated -11 939
39267 World Peace Simulator-2 World Defeated -18 921
40202 Plastic Beach GobbleEarth -35 886
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio -21 865
52614 el miau A_Modern_Europe Drawn 116 981
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated -10 971