Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for wacki_2 (848 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
3332 Octopus (7 players) ClassicOctopus Drawn 5 1005
3331 Imperium Diplomacy (6 players) Imperium Defeated -30 975
3329 Fall of the American Empire: Civil War! Empire1on1 Won 6 981
3372 FOW Gunboat-11 ClassicFog Defeated -31 950
3319 In Character plz Rinascimento Drawn 0 950
3328 1897 II Classic1897 Survived -9 941
3330 Greek Diplomacy (6 players) GreekDip Defeated -36 905
3333 Rinascimento (13 players) Rinascimento Defeated 0 905
3303 Brave New Gunboat-3 Modern2 Defeated -33 872
3367 Brave New Gunboat-4 Modern2 Resigned -24 848