Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Piplup (421 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
39757 hi-12 ColdWar Survived 0 1000
39787 P998 v Piplup ClassicFvA Won 8 1008
39759 hello olleh ClassicFGvsRT Won 0 1008
39791 hi-11 TreatyOfVerdun Won 0 1008
39796 me vs someone else Duo Won 0 1008
39828 meat loses TreatyOfVerdun Drawn 0 1008
39831 P998 v Piplup-2 Duo Defeated 0 1008
39838 hi-15 ClassicIER Drawn 8 1016
39862 lepanto-37 Lepanto Won 7 1023
39829 hi-14 Lepanto Won 7 1030
39790 mynameisbob vs p998-4 vs piplup ClassicFGA Drawn 0 1030
39873 hi-16 ColdWar Survived -8 1022
39871 lepanto-38 Lepanto Defeated -8 1014
39770 mynameisbob vs shauryaj vs redstreak ClassicFGA Survived 0 1014
39807 hi-13 SailHo2 Won 67 1081
39863 yeet-12 AtlanticColonies Survived -26 1055
39766 The weekly random-2 Balkans1860 0 1055
39858 OOOOOOOF ClassicFGA Survived 0 1055
39953 hello olleh-3 Empire1on1 Survived 0 1055
39968 (hEllomynAmeIsbob loses) ClassicVS Won 32 1087
39969 (EaT biG clumps of dirt) ClassicVS Won 30 1117
39745 War (EFRT) ClassicVS Survived -10 1107
39952 hello olleh-2 Empire1on1 Survived -10 1097
39617 domination Xl WorldAtWar1937 -18 1079
40013 (Eat Ice) ClassicVS Won 0 1079
40014 (Eat Rum coated lice) ClassicVS Survived 0 1079
40024 (EaT big clumps of dirt)-2 ClassicVS Won 7 1086
39775 B and S ClassicGvI Won 2 1088
40011 (Eat bIg clumps of dirt foR breakfast) ClassicVS Won 0 1088
40063 hello olleh-4 ClassicFGvsRT Won 0 1088
40064 hi-17 TenSixtySix Won 0 1088
39789 African Gunboat Africa -12 1076
39827 HcGamer v P998 v Piplup Hundred Survived 0 1076
40119 yeeting P998 ClassicEvT Survived 0 1076
40137 i suck ColdWar Won 0 1076
40112 yeet-13 ClassicEvT Won 6 1082
40138 yeeting P998 and HelloMyNameIsBob world domination TreatyOfVerdun Defeated 0 1082
40250 hallo you fool ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1088
40197 Rats we all will lose! RatWars Resigned 0 1088
39967 War in 2020 War2020 Defeated -42 1046
39904 Age of Pericles!-2 AgeOfPericles 0 1046
40251 yeet your pants off Duo Survived -8 1038
39923 The weekly random-4 ClassicAnkaraCrescent Drawn 0 1038
40113 TAP at War Colonial 0 1038
40464 (yeeTer F) ClassicVS Survived -6 1032
39725 LSAS Diplomacy F2019 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1032
40213 The 2019 Classic Classic Defeated 0 1032
40648 (YOU eXIST!) ClassicVS Won 0 1032
40653 Win-2 ClassicGvI Survived -4 1028
40099 African Diplomacy-2 Africa Defeated 0 1028
40494 Let's spice things up! SpiceIslands Defeated -30 998
40413 They are great lakes GreatLakes Defeated -40 958
40199 Dough Boys USofA Defeated 0 958
40282 Multi-Layered Problem ClassicLayered Defeated -25 933
40735 Hey (Lettuce Play A Game) For Fun! ClassicVS Won 0 933
40642 13th Grade History WWII Resigned 0 933
40555 Fate of Europe ClassicFlorence Survived 0 933
40235 For Opium! Imperial2 Defeated -29 904
40253 Megalomaniacs-3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 904
40118 Bored at Work Battles Empire4 Survived 0 904
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 904
40491 No chat just fun 58 Classic1913 Survived 57 961
41103 (Russia vs France) ClassicVS Survived -3 958
40677 War of the Yeet Sucession AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 958
40487 Divided America ManifestDestiny Survived 0 958
40876 Is there anybody out there?-2 ClassicFog Defeated 1 959
40797 Ejoe AncMed Survived 0 959
40612 Good Job Kurt! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -11 948
40609 A Modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -28 920
40279 Baritone KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 920
40800 Ancient Med-11 AncMed Survived 0 920
40202 Plastic Beach GobbleEarth Defeated 0 920
40513 Otto Enlightenment Defeated -16 904
41147 Anarchy in da UK AnarchyInTheUK Survived -27 877
41098 Rat Race RatWars Won 94 971
40546 Eurasia YoungstownWWII Defeated -23 948
41101 WW2 (GRIFE) ClassicVS Defeated -19 929
40452 The Epic of Theseus Haven Defeated -17 912
41105 It's Trump's fault War2020 Defeated -29 883
41152 Greece Fire GreekDip Survived -18 865
41452 Cold War 03092020 ColdWar Survived -3 862
40611 A Modern Europa! A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 862
38379 The Joys of Federalism Divided_States 0 862
41265 WW2-18 WWII -15 847
41938 1v1-236 ClassicGvI Survived -7 840
40548 Imperial 2 lads(13players!) Imperial2 Defeated -23 817
40617 European Disunion-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 817
41473 Unexpected Annihilation ClassicFog -10 807
39719 World War Bone 2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -12 795
41788 Classic game-5 Classic -32 763
42281 1=1 ClassicEvT Survived -6 757
40714 Brexit War Modern2 Defeated -20 737
41143 Ye it's a modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -24 713
41741 Escape to Mars Mars -12 701
41037 Foggy 1898 - 18 Classic1898Fog Survived 5 706
42933 MyCorona Chromatic Won 0 706
38797 Silent Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated 2 708
41267 Europe 1939 Gunboat! Europe1939 -10 698
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Defeated 15 713
40679 Colonial Days! Colonial1885 Defeated -14 699
41543 No chat just fun 38-2 Classic1897 Defeated -10 689
39415 A gentleman's pace - ready builds and retreats! Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 689
43016 Cydonian Knights TreatyOfVerdun Drawn 0 689
41780 The Great European War Enlightenment -32 657
41350 Mongols Galore MongolianEmpire Defeated -11 646
40604 A modern pickle A_Modern_Europe Defeated -6 640
42210 Home game AnarchyInTheUK -8 632
41713 1937 Gunboat - stab away! WorldAtWar1937 -18 614
43516 HELLO WORLD ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 622
43517 HELLO WORLD-2 ClassicGvI Won 8 630
43536 War of (GET) WRECKEDNESS ClassicVS Won 36 666
41803 Easy....... Classic Defeated 0 666
41340 1937 Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 -18 648
43708 JOIN PIPLUP ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 656
43709 sjrg0esjag90ejag9jeg09jeswg-0sjeg08hr90rhfae08hfg0 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -8 648
39947 EU IV Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 648
40911 Imperalismo Imperial2 Defeated 0 648
43783 Try again?-9 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 647
43159 Sweet Tea and BBQ Colonial Defeated -18 629
41805 Let's Keep Sane-2 WorldAtWar1937 -8 621
42779 Southie Gunboat, Biggest SouthAmerica8 Survived -5 616
43615 HELLO WORLD-3 WesternEurope1300 -16 600
43504 Spooooooky darkness! Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 600
43135 MARS-5 Mars -12 588
42790 Jeg er Hungary for Turkey Balkans1860 Defeated -13 575
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio -13 562
43052 Across Asia Colonial -14 548
43477 Great Lakes-4 GreatLakes -18 530
43419 Choose Your Evil Empire Imperial2 -15 515
43238 Escocia Scottish_Clan_Wars -13 502
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 8 510
41594 Around the World Tournament - Round 2 MateAgainstMate -5 505
42791 Imperialisomoto Imperial2 Defeated -5 500
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Defeated -9 491
42752 State Your Business Divided_States -29 462
43522 Sennacherib Imperial2 -3 459
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -6 453
41051 Once you go great you never go good, you never go Europa_Renovatio Defeated 9 462
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio -22 440
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio Defeated -9 431
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated -10 421
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated 0 421