Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for GinoKay (953 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
3583 South America-4 SouthAmerica5 Defeated -29 971
3585 Karibik-2 Karibik Survived -21 950
3615 Modern Gunboat-4 Modern2 Survived 34 984
3551 Diplomacy in Japan! Sengoku5 Survived -24 960
3967 USA Diplomacy USofA Survived -21 939
4148 Where are we? KnownWorld_901 Drawn 37 976
3784 Fall of the American Empire Empire4 Drawn 57 1033
50748 Youngstown Gunboat-6 YoungstownRedux Defeated -20 1013
49948 X-3 World10 Defeated -18 995
55704 Spicy-3 SpiceIslands Drawn 17 1012
55790 Unknown knowns Germany1648 Defeated -4 1008
55850 Viking Gunboat-8 Viking Survived -8 1000
55529 War beneath the Sun-3 Sengoku5 Defeated -18 982
55811 Western World 901 Gunboat -2 WesternWorld_901 Defeated -25 957
55558 Known unknowns KnownWorld_901 Defeated -7 950
55699 1885 Gunboat-17 Colonial1885 Defeated 22 972
55537 Imperial Zenith and Nadir Imperial2 Defeated -19 953