Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Lord Saviour (1376 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
41616 Renewal of Rome WWII Defeated -27 973
41609 Djikstra GreekDip Drawn 31 1004
41852 Empires-2 DarkAges Won 201 1205
41716 7 Islands Gunboat-2 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -32 1173
42363 0288234 AncMed Won 96 1269
42643 Classic Rematch Chromatic Survived -27 1242
41351 Pax Mongolica MongolianEmpire Defeated 0 1242
42743 Classis Re-Rematch WWII Defeated -32 1210
43064 AM-2 AncMed Survived -13 1197
43560 NextGame Sengoku6 Won 91 1288
43361 First Time.take2 Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated -30 1258
43275 Fight for North America ManifestDestiny Survived 0 1258
42415 The war to end all wars-2 Classic Drawn 31 1289
43339 Sengoku Jidai-3 Sengoku5 Drawn 9 1298
43679 I Will Do Anything for Dots (But I Won't Do That) WesternEurope1300 Survived -10 1288
43311 For those who missed the first wave. Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated -31 1257
43759 Youngstown ww2-3 YoungstownWWII Defeated -32 1225
44355 1v1-297 ClassicFvA Survived -8 1217
43871 I’m A Classic Man Classic Drawn 48 1265
43850 Peloponnesian League AgeOfPericles Defeated -32 1233
43223 Battle of the Slavs Viking Won 231 1464
44559 Yessir ClassicEvT Won 3 1467
42436 WWII WWII Drawn 15 1482
44310 First game on vDip ClassicMilan Drawn 25 1507
43609 1937 Gunboat!-4 WorldAtWar1937 Survived 0 1507
44042 Dijon-2 WesternEurope1300 Drawn 18 1525
45157 1066 redux-9 TenSixtySix_V3 Defeated -27 1498
44080 Ucrania Viking Defeated -46 1452
44749 VBrit meltdown AnarchyInTheUK Survived -24 1428
44832 Imperialism Time I Imperial2 Won 84 1512
44682 Quite the Front Edwardian3 Drawn 20 1532
45623 William's Wars TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -25 1507
44098 The Great Wall MongolianEmpire Drawn 97 1604
45649 William's Wars II TenSixtySix_V3 -27 1577
45230 War in Hellas GreekDip Defeated -42 1535
44959 Celtic Dream CelticBritain Won 175 1710
45632 Punic People PunicWars Survived -38 1672
44809 Help Me Play All The Variants Europe1600 Defeated -47 1625
44970 Martian Warfare Mars Won 67 1692
43892 World War 0 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -56 1636
45756 Win-4 ClassicIER Survived -13 1623
45643 Atlantic Colonies EARLY BIRD SPECIAL AtlanticColonies Won 27 1650
45790 Battle of lords-2 Empire1on1 Won 2 1652
42463 Lockdown Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1652
45251 Frederick Enlightenment Defeated -43 1609
45608 Russ reconnects with his homeland Germany1648 Drawn 20 1629
46064 GI-8 ClassicGvI Won 8 1637
45977 Diplomacy Catan? NorthSeaWars Survived -11 1626
45478 bear and badger 2 Classic Defeated 0 1626
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Drawn 70 1696
45369 the virgin PPSC vs the chad WTA Habelya Drawn 37 1733
45904 Meddling in the Mediterranean AncMed Won 27 1760
45791 Battle of the Empires (WTA) YoungstownWWII Defeated -44 1716
44745 Kings and Queens of the Sea GobbleEarth Survived 0 1716
45379 Buckets of ducats Pirates Defeated -46 1670
45880 Classic Diplomacy-7 Classic Drawn 36 1706
44326 Modernotópico A_Modern_Europe Drawn 50 1756
46038 This is definitely not Sparta GreekDip Drawn 25 1781
46032 One more game FirstCrusade Drawn 14 1795
42759 Get big or die tryin’ Imperial2 -54 1741
44683 Colognes Colonial1885 Defeated -52 1689
46128 Scotland at war. (PPSC) Weekends are free. Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived 8 1697
46540 Fun! Classic Survived -10 1687
46322 Das Atlantik G-Boat AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1687
46761 Battle 1066 TenSixtySix_V2 Won 13 1700
44844 Eye of the storm Europa_Renovatio Defeated -49 1651
45933 Slow Greeks GreekDip Defeated -32 1619
46176 Liberate Michigan? Say What? GreatLakes Drawn 20 1639
46610 Edwardian Monarchies Edwardian3 Survived 0 1639
46626 Asiatic Canton Defeated 0 1639
46810 Just for fun-11 Edwardian3 Defeated -53 1586
46944 Edwardian Monarchies Rematch Again Edwardian3 Defeated -42 1544
44638 Time.......-2 Classic1880 -26 1518
46483 The great Emu war MateAgainstMate Survived -32 1486
46877 Foooooogggggg ClassicFog Survived -30 1456
43868 Another Herd Needs Culling Europa_Renovatio Defeated -38 1418
46739 Better without underwear than without mask AncMed Defeated -21 1397
47453 Cold War Coviditus ColdWar Survived -13 1384
47156 Public Press UK HeptarchyIV Drawn 21 1405
47007 Easy 438 - WTA Classic1898 Survived 0 1405
47605 Rematch in the Divided Staes of Germany Germany1648 Drawn 19 1424
48022 World in Flames WWII Survived 0 1424
46417 Water Goblins Imperial2 Drawn 87 1511
47843 Lets do it Modern2 Drawn 41 1552
46344 Europa Imperotia 2 Electric boogaloo! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -40 1512
45215 Europapa Europa_Renovatio Drawn 116 1628
47577 No name-10 Enlightenment Defeated -33 1595
45898 Novichok-20 against COVID-19 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -49 1546
48896 MacyDiplo Classic -36 1510
48051 Africa-20 Africa Defeated 0 1510
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States 0 1510
48547 Bismarckhering Colonial1885 -41 1469
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven -32 1437
50311 War in Hellas-2 AgeOfPericles -57 1380
53596 Hanibal was not born yet PunicWars Drawn 14 1394
53554 War in Hellas-4 GreekDip Survived -51 1343
53834 1v1 - American Secession War-42 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1341
53961 Verdun-39 TreatyOfVerdun Won 24 1365
53539 Gunboat 20h: Fall of America Empire4 Defeated -31 1334
54034 1v1 - American Secession War-51 Empire1on1 Won 8 1342
54059 FA-37 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 1339
53581 Furrow sem ide Viking Survived -9 1330
53663 Hyperdiplomacy Classic Drawn 11 1341
53545 369 Africa Defeated -34 1307
52719 How much of the world can you know? KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1307
53151 ÖREBRO A_Modern_Europe Drawn 43 1350
53617 Tillers of the Poppy Fields Baron1900 Survived 0 1350
54425 Todai-ji: We need more wood! Sengoku5 Drawn 60 1410
54951 English Escapade AnarchyInTheUK Won 46 1456
54900 Gunboat 1496 Abstraction3 Drawn 17 1473
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 -52 1421
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio -14 1407
61152 All In!™ GreekDip -31 1376