Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Nimrod (1205 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
4791 Fascist Split ClassicGvI Won 11 1011
4981 1 on 1 - Germany vs Russia ClassicGvR Survived -8 1003
4999 el duelo dos ClassicGvI Drawn 0 1003
5036 el duelo -2 ClassicEvT Survived -8 995
4988 trio-4 ClassicFGA Survived 2 997
5159 el duelo -4 ClassicFGvsRT Survived -8 989
4733 I hope the name "Touches" you ClassicTouchy Defeated -33 956
5237 Duel - England v Turkey ClassicEvT Won 8 964
5051 Rat Wars Trial 2 RatWars Survived -24 940
5410 el duol Duo Survived -7 933
5039 Sengoku, public chat Sengoku5 Survived -29 904
4710 Q12 Empire4 Defeated -29 875
4966 Haven-2 Haven Defeated -28 847
5402 KnownWorld Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -14 833
10962 el cremoso ClassicEvT Survived -6 827
10964 bleh ClassicFvA Survived -6 821
11850 los browns (ATFIG) ClassicVS Drawn 0 821
11851 los browns AncMed Drawn 8 829
11852 los browns-2 SailHo2 Drawn 29 858
11209 Africa!-2 Africa Survived 15 873
11402 The Colonial world -2 Imperial2 Drawn 36 909
10849 Edwards Clash ClassicGvI Defeated -2 907
12208 420-3 AgeOfPericles Defeated -10 897
12032 cuntastic AgeOfPericles Drawn 10 907
11917 Antica Rabbia 2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -14 893
16958 3 player ClassicFGA Drawn 3 896
16716 The War (pass is war) GreekDip Won 68 964
16780 Edge of the World-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -13 951
17122 All Greek to me-2 AgeOfPericles Drawn 15 966
17121 All Greek to me GreekDip Survived 24 990
16844 6.2 WWIV_V6 Drawn 121 1111
18836 GLIndians GreatLakes Drawn 49 1160
19337 Another hundred Hundred Survived -20 1140
19339 Vetus mare nostrum AncMed Survived -22 1118
19453 Celts-2 CelticBritain Won 81 1199
19452 Before Europe GreatLakes Drawn 102 1301
19406 America -3 Empire4 Defeated -30 1271
19838 Dark Ages DarkAges Drawn 17 1288
19821 Africa-10 Africa Survived -45 1243
19806 Whitgift KnownWorld_901 -38 1205