Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for cnorment14 (1714 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
4797 derp-2 ClassicFGvsRT Drawn 0 1000
4798 derp-3 SouthAmerica5 Survived 18 1018
5071 jon is the best person ever ever Imperium Survived -1 1017
5114 Herp the Derp Pure Survived -33 984
4801 ShadowWar ClassicFog Survived -16 968
5090 cmg ClassicCrowded Won 189 1157
4931 American Empire Empire4 Won 150 1307
5232 Economic Wonderworld ClassicEconomic Won 39 1346
5412 words with friends RatWars Won 16 1362
5357 Begun the artcenter war has BuildAnywhere Drawn 48 1410
5235 #22 Classic Won 57 1467
5880 1v1 Bitch ClassicFGvsRT Won 4 1488
5618 What the HELL is a Hufflepuff? DutchRevolt Defeated -40 1448
5661 Tekken: The diplomacy Ascension Abstraction3 Drawn 24 1472
5385 Mate against other australian guy MateAgainstMate Defeated -51 1421
5350 The Asia of Sexual Tension Colonial Defeated -46 1375
5484 Ceci n'est pas une Diplomacy Game Abstraction3 Drawn 49 1424
5882 Bergin haha LOL I love meth SouthAmerica4 Won 15 1439
6081 Hurry up ClassicEvT Won 4 1443
6102 H AmericanConflict Drawn 0 1443
5230 Rinascbjhsgf Rinascimento Survived 0 1443
6037 Artcenter circa 2011 AncMed Survived -30 1413
5922 AMERICA!!! FUCK YA!!!!! (again) USofA Survived -3 1410
5413 It's like North but South Karibik Survived 40 1450
6281 NolA ClassicFGvsRT Won 3 1453
5952 AMURICA FUCK YA-2 AmericanConflict Survived -7 1446
6312 jnkadsnljadjlnkfa GreekDip Drawn 0 1446
5659 IT'S GODZILLA! RUN! Sengoku5 Won 117 1563
6039 Daenerys Stormborn KnownWorld_901 Defeated -53 1551
6345 Extreme personalities (entertainment value only!) KnownWorld_901 Defeated -55 1496
5642 Chaos-2 ClassicChaos Defeated -28 1468
9806 I missed it Classic Defeated -47 1421
9971 bill mays ClassicIER Drawn 0 1421
9807 herp the derp-2 Classic Defeated -50 1371
10037 do you miss the blend? Europe1939 Survived -28 1343
9822 uhh this one YoungstownRedux Survived 16 1359
12031 Wakka Waka Africa Resigned -32 1327
15035 Teaching Empire1on1 Won 5 1332
20557 Damn slowpokes SouthAmerica4 Survived 9 1341
20571 Take 2 speed game AtlanticColonies Won 26 1367
20709 Quad SailHo2 Survived 0 1367
20656 Dude. Um. Are we on mars right now? Mars Won 36 1403
20667 For News Classic Drawn 0 1403
20633 Super Fast Happy Fun Time YoungstownWWII Drawn 9 1412
20797 Back to the Basics (sorta) CustomStart Drawn 27 1439
20855 MURICA AmericanConflict Survived 26 1465
20561 PORTLAND Habelya Drawn 2 1467
20682 Super mega happy fun game World Won 167 1634
20910 Darhk DarkAges Drawn 16 1650
20931 MURICA 2 Empire4 Survived 35 1685
20584 AEHIKMOOO GreatLakes Drawn 19 1704
23986 REVIVAL -2 Abstraction3 Drawn 3 1707
24160 Διπλομάχι GreekDip Drawn 9 1716
23988 neat WWII Drawn 23 1739
23858 The old world-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -32 1707
30166 2nd nerd game AncMed Drawn 2 1709
28859 Be quiet! Imperial2 Defeated -13 1696
30168 Nerd 3 Abstraction3 Drawn 8 1704
30121 Memeboiz 2k17 ~fresh brocolli~ turnup ClassicTouchy Won 58 1762
30145 For nerds only for real this time Classic Drawn 13 1775
30461 Nerd 5 take two YoungstownWWII Drawn 9 1784
28992 Brick by brick Imperial2 Defeated -6 1778
30449 Nerd 4 Empire4 Defeated -64 1714
38803 Hendo game 1 AncMed Won 0 1714