Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Hirnsaege (1903 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
5344 Vikings! Viking Defeated -27 973
6266 2020 Gunboat-2 War2020 Defeated -23 950
5562 Quit Breathing on Me ClassicCrowded Defeated -31 919
5539 Imperialism-3 Colonial Drawn 82 1001
5785 New World Order-3 Modern2 Drawn 79 1080
5370 North American Anarchy Empire4 Drawn 29 1109
6791 Ai! Sengoku5 Drawn 25 1134
6673 Yeeeeeeee!!!! MateAgainstMate Survived -22 1112
6861 The Writings On The Wall ClassicFog Defeated -36 1076
7498 Lincoln's nightmare AmericanConflict Survived -2 1074
7065 A Pirate's Life For Me Pirates Defeated -24 1050
8385 Rule the North NorthSeaWars Drawn 6 1056
7477 Abstract theory Abstraction3 Defeated -33 1023
8589 is this spartha? GreekDip Survived 45 1068
5555 Cruel World WWIV Survived 19 1087
8639 Imperium Romanum Imperium Won 69 1156
8293 wardance GreatLakes Defeated -34 1122
8638 Greeky GreekDip Survived -25 1097
5941 The Known World! KnownWorld_901 Drawn 133 1230
7228 World War 4 WWIV Survived -22 1208
8748 Lets Get FUBAR'd Fubar Defeated -25 1183
8704 Gunboat Chaos ClassicChaos Defeated -11 1172
8626 Maharajah One Maharajah Defeated -25 1147
8640 Corazon del Sur SouthAmerica8 Drawn 63 1210
8613 Freaks and Geeks Karibik Defeated -34 1176
9109 Sengoku Sengoku5 Survived -34 1142
7918 Alright, let's do this! GreatLakes Defeated -28 1114
9110 Those Great Great Lakes 2 GreatLakes Won 119 1233
9425 Θερμοπύλ&ep GreekDip Won 79 1312
9511 South of the Border SouthAmerica5 Survived 3 1315
9074 Youngstown1 YoungstownRedux Drawn 54 1369
9193 (A) AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -30 1339
9492 Australia Gunboat-2 MateAgainstMate Survived 18 1357
9637 USA-3 Empire4 Drawn 57 1414
10026 Where is that rabbit? ClassicFog Defeated -37 1377
9965 Powder Keg? BalkanWarsVI Survived -35 1342
9549 Fantasy Islands FantasyWorld Defeated -16 1326
9077 Where are the Americas? KnownWorld_901 Defeated -39 1287
10157 Youngstown-3 YoungstownRedux Defeated -44 1243
10488 Intergalactic Warfare Mars Drawn 21 1264
9640 Papal Intrigue Rinascimento Defeated 0 1264
10156 USA-4 Empire4 Drawn 13 1277
10966 Alacavra Abracadabra Alacavre Defeated -28 1249
10804 Runes and Ruins CelticBritain Defeated -33 1216
10969 First War in Africa Africa Survived 41 1257
10701 King of Kings Viking Survived -4 1253
10655 UK AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 24 1277
9722 I Hate Losing Haven Defeated -42 1235
10029 Papal Bullsh*t Rinascimento Drawn 0 1235
10660 Clockwork Angels WWIV Drawn 69 1304
10967 FAmE Empire4 Won 152 1456
10990 Conquer the World's Richest Continent! Africa Drawn 20 1476
11326 Power Void Empire4 Drawn 31 1507
10970 African wars Africa Defeated -36 1471
11991 Silent Mars Mars Won 46 1517
11600 Imperial Wars Imperial2 Defeated -46 1471
12176 El Greco GreekDip Won 37 1508
12454 Name:-3 AncMed Drawn 20 1528
12450 Africa-4 Africa Defeated -54 1474
12921 Quick and foggy ClassicFog Survived -17 1457
13528 Ger v Ita-6 ClassicGvI Won 3 1460
13128 Cheap-3 Colonial Drawn 2 1462
12466 Medieval Wars in the Known World KnownWorld_901 Drawn 51 1513
12711 Second Imperial Wars Imperial2 Defeated -35 1478
11780 901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 56 1534
13808 Thirty years of mayhem Germany1648 Defeated -36 1498
12090 colony-2 Colonial Defeated -31 1467
14019 The Whole Shebang YoungstownWWII Drawn 36 1503
14438 norTHsEaWARs NorthSeaWars Drawn 3 1506
14474 S.Ame(4).10V.1d SouthAmerica4 Drawn 10 1516
12086 HopWorld 3000 WWIV Defeated -37 1479
14148 Atom's Summer of Love: Prequel War2020 Defeated -45 1434
13400 Halpaa! Haven Defeated -51 1383
14176 Welcome to Paradise Haven Drawn 76 1459
13814 A Midnight Walk FantasyWorld Defeated -54 1405
11412 H. Rider Haggard's prize Africa Survived -25 1380
14576 Westward, ho! Colonial1885 Drawn 19 1399
15513 Ger v Ita-12 ClassicGvI Won 4 1403
15514 Fra v Aus-12 ClassicFvA Won 3 1406
15198 Plain Dark, nothing special DarkAges Survived 5 1411
14971 Heart of Darkness-2 Africa Drawn 52 1463
15521 A romantic tale from South America SouthAmerica5 Won 27 1490
15528 Battle of the Mediterranean AncMed Survived 1 1491
15568 Viking Scourge Viking Won 24 1515
15348 901 gunoat KnownWorld_901 Drawn 76 1591
15664 All Eyes on Mars Mars Drawn 18 1609
16015 fist against fist ClassicEvT Won 3 1612
16026 eye for eye ClassicFGvsRT Survived -12 1600
15843 Collapse of the Euro GreekDip Survived 12 1612
16174 Race and fight ClassicEvT Won 4 1616
16261 Running up that hill ClassicFGvsRT Won 3 1619
15663 Layered GB ClassicLayered Defeated -20 1599
16351 You will perish Hundred Won 4 1603
16152 another world Classic Drawn 18 1621
16273 mars Mars Drawn 13 1634
15350 Italians, Invaders and Infidels Rinascimento Drawn 0 1634
16744 NorthSeaWars for 4 NorthSeaWars Won 10 1644
16687 Haven't Played This One Yet SailHo2 Survived -40 1604
15640 Princes, Popes and Pawns Enlightenment Drawn 19 1623
15804 Verbrannte Erde AgeOfPericles Survived 11 1634
16393 Dark Ages A-Go-Go DarkAges Survived -14 1620
16742 Small World Afterall ClassicTouchy Survived -52 1568
16087 dark times AberrationV Drawn 40 1608
16646 Let's try Maharajah GB again Maharajah Survived 1 1609
16482 Folkung knights ClassicFog Survived -39 1570
16475 Celtic Britain-2 CelticBritain Won 71 1641
17245 Succesive Absolute Gunboat Enlightenment Defeated -62 1579
17862 ENTRY HERE! ClassicGvI Won 3 1582
17653 Austria I Viking Survived 4 1586
17681 The dutch DutchRevolt Won 31 1617
17570 European ClassicChaos Defeated -63 1554
17693 Holy Wars! FirstCrusade Won 34 1588
14120 Summer of War WWIV Defeated -38 1550
17688 Colonial 1 day Colonial Drawn 19 1569
17686 known world! KnownWorld_901 Drawn 53 1622
17858 Zickezacke Hühnerkacke DarkAges Defeated -52 1570
17273 Palimpsest KnownWorld_901 Survived -16 1554
17646 Imperial game Imperial2 Drawn 13 1567
17823 Colonial 1885-2 Colonial1885 Drawn 16 1583
17264 City States-3 GreekDip Drawn 36 1619
17483 ... and I will stand by you MateAgainstMate Drawn 48 1667
18129 A Sail in the Lakes GreatLakes Survived -18 1649
19315 Venice of the North DutchRevolt Won 17 1666
16662 WWIV Let's Do This! WWIV_V6 Defeated -49 1617
18991 Zi-Za-Zackenbarsch Empire4 Drawn 78 1695
19302 Afrika! Afrika! Africa Drawn 19 1714
19728 Wine and Vinegar Rinascimento Defeated 0 1714
19693 The Bitter End-5 ClassicFog Defeated -46 1668
20009 Zibidugigantic – we cross the Atlantic! AtlanticColonies Survived -8 1660
20071 Hug-Free Diplomacy Classic Defeated -44 1616
20414 Shaw Festival GreatLakes Drawn 18 1634
20592 Celtic CelticBritain Defeated -39 1595
20614 BM1-Rd1-GrB Modern Modern2 Defeated 0 1595
18186 Quadruple Atomic Bypass WWIV_V6 Defeated -28 1567
20319 Crusadification FirstCrusade Drawn 28 1595
20615 BM1-Rd1-GrB FAE4 Empire4 Drawn 0 1595
16774 Shadow of a doubt WWIV_V6 Drawn 122 1717
21180 Kill Em All Classic Defeated -47 1670
21579 Apollo Mission GreekDip Won 46 1716
19718 La Nuit étoilée KnownWorld_901 Drawn 90 1806
21788 Freezing Cold ColdWar Won 2 1808
21909 Cool war ColdWar Won 2 1810
21446 BM1-Rd2-GrB Euro39 Europe1939 Survived 0 1810
21211 Wilhelmus van Nassouwe DutchRevolt Drawn 2 1812
21974 0°K ColdWar Survived -9 1803
21448 BM1-Rd2-GrB Africa Africa Defeated 0 1803
20889 Voittajat voittaa AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 8 1811
21979 Let's Just Get This Over With GreekDip Won 18 1829
22324 englandVSturkey-4 ClassicEvT Won 2 1831
22339 Red vs Green-3 Duo Defeated -7 1824
22008 Dip in the fog ClassicFog Drawn 13 1837
21663 The Smyler with the Knyf Rinascimento Drawn 0 1837
22108 red alert: Europe Modern2 Survived 8 1845
22751 Red and Blue, i will always love you. ColdWar Won 2 1847
21891 Fidel gets a tan in Richmond, VA Empire4 Survived -11 1836
22287 Mate MateAgainstMate Survived -6 1830
22136 Grexit AgeOfPericles Survived 6 1836
22472 Gobble-Earth GobbleEarth Defeated -46 1790
23177 1066 (V3.0) TenSixtySix_V3 Won 28 1818
22465 King of the Echo People ClassicFog Defeated -49 1769
22337 Doomsday Tilt-A-Whirl Full-Crucifix Iconoclasm World Drawn 112 1881
23134 Dear Diplomat-san Sengoku5 Drawn 42 1923
20562 A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries WWIVsealanes Defeated -38 1885
23406 Room 101 YoungstownRedux Drawn 11 1896
23442 Gunboat Habelya Habelya Defeated -44 1852
23846 Verdi Cries ClassicFog Drawn 16 1868
22702 Live the Fanatsy Haven Drawn 90 1958
23996 E&S - not express Enlightenment Drawn 24 1982
24093 La Grande Illusion ClassicFog Defeated -27 1955
24276 King of Boots Chromatic Defeated -40 1915
25012 oh so cold ColdWar Won 1 1916
24670 Fun in Greece GreekDip Won 40 1956
25166 Monarchy & Deposition Europe1600 Defeated -32 1924
26536 Glasnost War2020 Defeated -40 1884
23995 FAmE Game Empire4 Defeated -41 1843
24864 Marò, Droga e Pastorizia KnownWorld_901 Drawn 79 1922
24756 imperial-2 Imperial2 Drawn 68 1990
27476 Cold War - 2 Player-2 ColdWar Won 2 1992
27478 A Game of Empires Colonial Drawn 4 1996
27756 Bismarck vs Napoleon(FG) ClassicVS Survived -14 1982
27207 Foggy McFogface ClassicFog Drawn 5 1987
27769 DUO-61 DutchRevolt Won 55 2042
28446 Live and fast ClassicFGvsRT Resigned -4 2038
27726 Nakasendo KnownWorld_901 Drawn 16 2054
28372 Próxima Estación Patagonia SouthAmerica5 Won 33 2087
27829 KW 15x15 Game 1 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 0 2087
27888 KW 15x15 Game 2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 2087
29040 Sharks vs Spiders vs Human vs Predators vs Aussies MateAgainstMate Defeated -51 2036
29219 KW 15x15 Game 4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 2036
28019 Yeahhhhh... GL WWIV_V6 Drawn 61 2097
29217 KW 15x15 Game 3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 2097
30322 Germany & Austrias sadness about colonies Colonial1885 Won 78 2175
31331 Row Row Row Your Boat AncMed Won 5 2180
31329 Deus Vult-2 FirstCrusade Survived -43 2137
31572 Ground control to Major Tom Mars Drawn 9 2146
31812 First we take Manhattan... Empire4 Drawn 11 2157
33780 United States of Insanity Divided_States Drawn 0 2157
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Defeated -68 2089
40300 oi!oi!oi! ColdWar Won 1 2090
47178 Thea 1600 Europe1600 -48 2042
48150 The most interesting game Baron1900 Defeated -50 1992
48440 Much Dutch DutchRevolt Won 49 2041
48422 Libertas quæ sera tamen-8 SpiceIslands Defeated -43 1998
49208 Cold War 0617021 ColdWar Defeated -10 1988
48217 Yalla mashallah MongolianEmpire Won 185 2173
49131 Blue Body Paint CelticBritain Survived -29 2144
48547 Bismarckhering Colonial1885 Drawn 7 2151
49463 KSFM Modern2 Defeated -60 2091
49476 Foggy Highroller I ClassicFog Defeated -27 2064
50270 Use_The_Fog ClassicFog Survived -55 2009
50180 Through the Looking Glass AberrationV Drawn 38 2047
50283 Finde Siecle Baron1900 Survived -39 2008
41200 DSA Divided_States Drawn 170 2178
50823 Conquering the New World Empire4 Defeated -63 2115
50705 Mongolian Beef MongolianEmpire Drawn 16 2131
51351 Mundolo GreekDip Drawn 8 2139
51125 Let's take a vacation Karibik Defeated -53 2086
51421 Red Boy Mars Drawn 12 2098
49948 X-3 World10 Drawn 34 2132
51639 More Coffee and more Cocoa Africa Defeated -50 2082
51924 Anonymous Africa Africa Drawn 23 2105
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated -60 2045
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio -102 1943
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes -40 1903