Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Jean_Henri_BERNARD (1948 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
48889 Civil War 05172021 Empire1on1 Survived -3 997
49070 In Space, No One Can Hear You Message Mars Drawn 43 1040
47563 Diplo en français comme autrefois KnownWorld_901 Survived -3 1037
48902 Homers Oddity GreekDip Defeated -28 1009
49267 NoFear TreatyOfVerdun Survived -13 996
49419 Francia showdown TreatyOfVerdun Survived -17 979
49165 Bun Goat-2 ClassicFog Defeated -3 976
47535 Marca - WTA YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 976
48820 Conquerers in the Colonies in Covid-Times Colonial1885 Defeated -19 957
48932 Karibu Africa Defeated -9 948
49448 Twisted Classics 1 Classic1898Fog Survived -30 918
49042 Diplomacy's Final Form ClassicChaos Drawn 155 1073
50132 ‘98Fog21 Classic1898Fog Defeated -12 1061
50141 Maharajahboat Maharajah Defeated 2 1063
49371 Cap-5 Imperial2 Defeated -17 1046
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven Defeated -16 1030
50152 napoleon total war Napoleonic Won 460 1490
50582 Over by Christmas Baron1900 Survived -23 1467
50400 Abberant Boat 2 AberrationV Defeated 0 1467
50687 Here I go again on my own WWII Drawn 20 1487
50748 Youngstown Gunboat-6 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 1487
50680 Fog Gunboat in 1898 II Classic1898Fog Survived -52 1435
49955 1885-3 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1435
49311 Diplomacy Beyond Europe Colonial1885 Survived 64 1499
50215 Knives Out Modern2 Drawn 30 1529
51334 Sardines (everybody join pls) ClassicCrowded Defeated 0 1529
50492 Italian Wars-2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1529
51752 (ERT) England vs Russia vs Turkey ClassicVS Drawn 0 1529
51460 Das Gunboat-7 WWII Defeated 0 1529
51420 New year. New game. Alacavre Defeated 0 1529
51407 The Dastardly Duvalls_2 Pirates Defeated 0 1529
51637 Das Gunboat-10 WWII Defeated 0 1529
50817 Gobble Up GobbleEarth Survived -67 1462
51305 Alternative History AberrationV Defeated 0 1462
51255 Christmas Blow J*b ManifestDestiny Survived 0 1462
51628 Youngstown Gunboat -3 YoungstownRedux Survived 4 1466
51709 Youngstown WWII Gunboat YoungstownWWII Defeated -33 1433
51918 Mákosguba AtlanticColonies Won 14 1447
52072 Youngstown WWII Gunboat -2 YoungstownWWII Drawn 18 1465
51627 1885 Gunboat-7 Colonial1885 Defeated -38 1427
52262 Martian Gunships Mars Drawn 23 1450
52070 Das Gunboat-14 WWII Defeated -16 1434
52241 Youngstown Gunboat -5 YoungstownRedux Drawn 33 1467
52117 gunboat-17 YoungstownWWII Drawn 25 1492
52486 North sea trading NorthSeaWars Survived -14 1478
52071 Youngstown Gunboat -4 YoungstownRedux Survived -61 1417
49949 Serial Imperial I Imperial2 Drawn 89 1506
52843 Test3-2 Empire1on1 Won 3 1509
52845 Live Verdun Gunboat TreatyOfVerdun Won 21 1530
52850 Fast little game 2 AtlanticColonies Survived -22 1508
52187 World at War 1937 - Gunboat! WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -6 1502
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1502
52232 World at War 1937 - Gunboat!-2 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated 0 1502
52244 R m8ies Pirates Defeated -14 1488
49314 EU4 Roleplay Europa_Renovatio Defeated -13 1475
52074 Imperial Gunboat-5 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1475
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1475
52710 Let's invade Roma Imperium Drawn 31 1506
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 1506
52625 Imperial Gunboat-6 Imperial2 Defeated -16 1490
55178 Cold War Gunboat-7 ColdWarRedux Won 69 1559
54418 Let's appreciate the best variant Baron1900 Won 154 1713
56039 fantasy-4 Habelya Survived -14 1699
57481 A Little Medieval Gunboat TreatyOfVerdun Survived -19 1680
57416 Classic is boring? Come here! Baron1900 Won 134 1814
57954 1v1 - Cold War-49 ColdWar Won 2 1816
57953 1v1 - Cold War-48 ColdWar Won 3 1819
57917 Cold War if nukes were never invented ColdWar Won 6 1825
58201 Think well about it ColdWar Won 6 1831
58380 War Cold ColdWar Won 3 1834
58509 A third world war to end all wars ColdWar Won 7 1841
58439 Where are the nukes ColdWar Won 3 1844
57732 Silesian War AustrianSuccession Drawn 23 1867
57734 Paths of Glory Baron1900 Drawn 33 1900
58804 1v1 - Cold War-50 ColdWar Won 4 1904
58805 1v1 - Cold War-51 ColdWar Won 4 1908
60415 Bet on global warfare ColdWar Won 2 1910
60425 How to not solve the Cuban Missile Crisis ColdWar Won 5 1915
60526 Tutorial WW3 ColdWar Won 2 1917
59842 colonial 1885 4 Colonial1885 Survived 0 1917
60819 Worse chess ColdWar Won 3 1920
60667 Ultima ratio regum AtlanticColonies Won 28 1948
59624 Massive European Gunboat Europa_Renovatio Defeated -26 1922
61074 Diplomacy in 2020 War2020 Drawn 26 1948