Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Walmart_Garlic_Bread (1956 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
48931 Balkan Bandits Balkans1860 Defeated 0 1000
48509 Imperial Gunboat Express Imperial2 Survived 0 1000
48199 funGoat 15 WTA Modern2 Survived 0 1000
49190 In the Mist Classic1898Fog Survived 0 1000
49114 Summer Smog Classic Defeated 0 1000
49253 Never Thought I'd Want The South Empire1on1 Won 8 1008
49119 Dominate the Daimyo! Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1008
48996 Dark Age of Camelot HeptarchyIV Defeated 0 1008
47248 World War Joy 2 WorldAtWar1937 Defeated 6 1014
49123 Fiction? Empire4 Drawn 41 1055
48962 Virld Var 2 WWII -24 1031
49424 Scream Into the Void Classic1898Fog Defeated -26 1005
49265 Hoynanina ClassicFog Defeated -22 983
49442 Pan African Struggle Africa Won 125 1108
48301 Hamburger A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1108
49222 The Man They Call Jayne Canton Drawn 58 1166
48997 Taj mahal Empire4 Defeated 10 1176
49422 Land of the Free Empire4 Defeated -14 1162
49229 Free Weekends Classic Defeated 0 1162
49448 Twisted Classics 1 Classic1898Fog Survived -38 1124
50044 Rerk Pepper Skizzors Pure Survived -32 1092
50030 British Gunboat HeptarchyIV Defeated -26 1066
50043 Wagon to the Westboat ManifestDestiny Survived -11 1055
50015 Foggy-9 ClassicFog Won 119 1174
49982 Alt History Rumble AberrationV Survived -2 1172
50076 Poffertjes & Tulips DutchRevolt Defeated -25 1147
50231 Martian Gold Mars Defeated -32 1115
50397 Foggy 1898 VII Classic1898Fog Defeated -40 1075
50041 World Diplomacy X - gunboat World10 Drawn 189 1264
50207 Silent Iron age KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1264
50035 The Silent Majority KnownWorld_901 Defeated -30 1234
50681 Foggy Gunboat XII ClassicFog Defeated -18 1216
50057 Supremacy 1914 GobbleEarth Drawn 74 1290
48542 Renaissance Rumble Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1290
49948 X-3 World10 -26 1264
49717 Yellowstone Honey Europa_Renovatio -41 1223
52800 Night Falls on Europe ClassicFog Survived -40 1183
52678 Squirm in the Dark Classic1898Fog Survived 35 1218
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -19 1199
52950 Fast Classic ClassicFog Defeated -30 1169
52916 Colonial Chaos Colonial1885 Survived -24 1145
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Drawn 725 1870
53123 Classic Fogboat-6 Classic1898Fog Survived -56 1814
53291 In Bloom ClassicFog Defeated -32 1782
53409 Blind-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -30 1752
53125 Everybody wants it but won't collaborate! AmericanConflict Drawn 5 1757
53626 Gunboat Ready Up Classic1898Fog Defeated -41 1716
52785 Gobble gobble -2 GobbleEarth Survived -39 1677
53690 98FOW-GB-PPSC #01 Classic1898Fog Survived -33 1644
53308 world gunboat World10 Defeated -31 1613
53483 Das Gunboat-16 WWII Won 46 1659
53752 98FOW-GB-WTA #02 Classic1898Fog Defeated -31 1628
54309 Warrisome America Empire4 Defeated -48 1580
54380 A Nightmare Before Christmas Empire4 Survived -36 1544
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 1519
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio Drawn 213 1732
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes Survived 168 1900
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Drawn 189 2089
54786 FOG OF WAR - WTA ClassicFog Defeated -50 2039
53982 europe36 gb2 Europa_Renovatio Defeated -52 1987
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated -31 1956