Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for MeteorNate (1518 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
50126 Cold War-157 ColdWar Survived -1 999
50159 cold War my first game-2 ColdWar Won 4 1003
50131 Fog21 ClassicFog Defeated -13 990
50129 Gunboat -3 Classic Survived 52 1042
50539 HEAD2HEAD-2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 7 1049
49952 AC-6 AmericanConflict Drawn 49 1098
50092 Youngstown Gunboat-5 YoungstownRedux Survived -6 1092
50444 Plata O Plomo SouthAmerica8 Won 72 1164
50808 System Mod Glitch 4 Duo Won 3 1167
50517 G B Classic Drawn 64 1231
50298 [City-States Grow Wary]-2 YoungstownRedux Won 71 1302
50646 Three's A Crowd-4 Classic Drawn 13 1315
50834 Gunboat-13 Classic Defeated 0 1315
50748 Youngstown Gunboat-6 YoungstownRedux Drawn 93 1408
50823 Conquering the New World Empire4 Defeated -43 1365
49948 X-3 World10 Drawn 101 1466
52241 Youngstown Gunboat -5 YoungstownRedux Drawn 32 1498
59743 The Six Sapateers Classic Drawn 20 1518