Game | Name | Variant | Status | Change | Total |
50682 | Cold Wat | ColdWar | Defeated | -7 | 993 |
50692 | Turn of the Century -2 | Edwardian3 | Defeated | -17 | 976 |
50646 | Three's A Crowd-4 | Classic | Defeated | -20 | 956 |
50582 | Over by Christmas | Baron1900 | Defeated | -9 | 947 |
50687 | Here I go again on my own | WWII | -18 | 929 | |
50681 | Foggy Gunboat XII | ClassicFog | -10 | 919 | |
50528 | Not colonization | Africa | -18 | 901 | |
50633 | Merowww | Imperial2 | -32 | 869 | |
50876 | Mega Gunboat McNapoleone | Napoleonic | -22 | 847 | |
50593 | For the Empire!-2 | Imperial2 | -10 | 837 | |
50817 | Gobble Up | GobbleEarth | -39 | 798 | |
49948 | X-3 | World10 | -13 | 785 | |
48358 | No name-11 | Divided_States | Defeated | 10 | 795 |
49954 | WWIV -2 | WWIVsealanes | -8 | 787 |