Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Shah (1992 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
42 Return of the Empanadas SouthAmerica8 Drawn 35 1035
5 Rinascimento Harlequinade Rinascimento Defeated 0 1035
28 Imperial Germany Germany1648 Won 89 1124
3 the old world Modern2 Drawn 21 1145
12 Fantasy FantasyWorld Drawn 41 1186
32 shogun Sengoku5 Defeated -27 1159
298 FoW ftw ClassicFog Drawn 19 1178
235 Shogun Wars Sengoku5 Drawn 87 1265
176 bum bum bum DutchRevolt Drawn 12 1277
486 Battle for South America SouthAmerica4 Won 23 1300
41 Modern Madness Modern2 Drawn 43 1343
419 Terra Australis MateAgainstMate Drawn 13 1356
262 Hapsburgs? Germany1648 Survived -4 1352
951 Gunboat 1066 TenSixtySix Won 12 1364
1033 Beowulf TenSixtySix Survived -19 1345
260 Operation Barbarossa Modern2 Drawn 28 1373
1479 Eat, Sleep, and Dance GreekDip Defeated -42 1331
1450 greek test GreekDip Defeated -30 1301
648 First Masssive World IV Game (dedicated to Oli) WWIV Drawn 46 1347
5180 Vikings's World Tour! Viking Won 36 1383
5049 Modern Warfare -2 Modern2 Defeated -50 1333
5174 The New Europe-2 Modern2 Drawn 14 1347
5402 KnownWorld Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -55 1292
5248 901-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -43 1249
5486 Haven! Haven Drawn 29 1278
7927 Natives* of the Great Lakes GreatLakes Survived -24 1254
5555 Cruel World WWIV Defeated -40 1214
8641 Haven't played gunboat in a while... Maharajah Drawn 41 1255
8626 Maharajah One Maharajah Drawn 45 1300
9144 WTA Raj Maharajah Defeated -43 1257
9074 Youngstown1 YoungstownRedux Defeated -44 1213
13823 Verdun-11 TreatyOfVerdun Won 23 1236
13560 Modern Wars Modern2 Survived -21 1215
13699 ican'tseeanything! ClassicFog Drawn 36 1251
13964 Jacobstown YoungstownRedux Drawn 41 1292
14020 Monarchies of europe Enlightenment Defeated -48 1244
14176 Welcome to Paradise Haven Drawn 87 1331
14971 Heart of Darkness-2 Africa Defeated -25 1306
15196 Got a Light? DarkAges Drawn 12 1318
14797 Lannister's Frozen Banana Stand Modern2 Won 278 1596
14839 1885 GB Colonial1885 Defeated -32 1564
14787 Atom's Summer of Love (13/6/13) Africa Drawn 69 1633
15261 Spartan's Summer Fun- Hussite Wars Hussite Won 230 1863
15801 kämpfen für Ihre Inseln! SouthAmerica4 Won 7 1870
16103 Emperor Aberration V AberrationV Drawn 9 1879
16614 Vdip World Cup Double Dutch DutchRevolt Drawn 3 1882
14950 Atom's Summer of Love (24/6/13) WWIV Defeated -51 1831
14120 Summer of War WWIV Drawn 70 1901
16619 Falling Americanos Vdip world cup Finals Empire4 Drawn 56 1957
18321 Knights Templar FirstCrusade Drawn 13 1970
18651 Mosquito coast SouthAmerica8 Survived 1 1971
19716 Vasco de Gama AtlanticColonies Won 26 1997
16661 A New Era WWIV_V6 Drawn 62 2059
19715 Duh Atlantic Colonies AtlanticColonies Survived 4 2063
15993 Autumn & Empire WWIV Defeated -46 2017
20094 Standard-2 Classic Defeated -35 1982
20310 Echelon ClassicFog Drawn 24 2006
21480 Italian Job Rinascimento Defeated 0 2006
24273 By Jingo! ClassicGreyPress Drawn 0 2006
24828 Perestroika Modern2 Defeated -46 1960
25384 Europe 1600 Europe1600 Defeated -67 1893
30119 WorldWar2 Axis vs Allies Europe1939 Drawn 3 1896
30399 Gunboat Europe 1600 Europe1600 Defeated -61 1835
29723 Seven Isles ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 6 1841
29743 Guns, Germs, and Steel-2 Imperial2 Survived -29 1812
30654 War of the Pacific Redux SouthAmerica8 Drawn 23 1835
31104 L'Age de Raison Enlightenment Drawn 59 1894
31040 Tokugawa Ieyasu Sengoku5 Drawn 7 1901
31332 Deus Vult-3 FirstCrusade Defeated -40 1861
31935 No quarter will be given Pirates Defeated -64 1797
31802 Hoist the coulours high! Pirates Defeated -59 1738
32301 Balkans Balkans1860 Defeated -39 1699
32000 Aberration 9x9 Game 3 AberrationV Drawn 58 1757
31999 Aberration 9x9 Game 2 AberrationV Drawn 58 1815
31998 Aberration 9x9 Game 1 AberrationV Won 232 2047
32001 Aberration 9x9 Game 4 AberrationV Survived -37 2010
32003 Aberration 9x9 Game 6 AberrationV Defeated -52 1958
32005 Aberration 9x9 Game 8 AberrationV Defeated -55 1903
33016 Battle of Nagashino Sengoku6 Won 71 1974
32006 Aberration 9x9 Game 9 AberrationV Defeated -50 1924
33220 Siege of the Ishiyama Hongan-ji Sengoku6 Drawn 1 1925
32002 Aberration 9x9 Game 5 AberrationV Defeated -42 1883
32004 Aberration 9x9 Game 7 AberrationV Defeated -39 1844
33780 United States of Insanity Divided_States Drawn 0 1844
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Drawn 268 2112
42953 AKAK Fog of War ClassicFog Drawn 6 2118
43154 A Humble Low Stakes Match Modern2 Defeated -36 2082
42463 Lockdown Renovatio Europa_Renovatio -63 2019
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio Defeated -51 1968
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Drawn 77 2045
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio Defeated -53 1992