Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Chris the Great (1124 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
4906 One on One-15 ClassicFvA Won 9 1009
4921 classic anonym eng vs turk, 1 day max ClassicEvT Survived -7 1002
5027 dark wars TenSixtySix Survived -19 983
4715 spiral Of Doom II Alacavre Won 216 1199
5191 1066-10 TenSixtySix Survived 1 1200
5012 ULTIMATE gunboat ClassicFog Drawn 16 1216
4923 Barbaric Europe Viking Survived -34 1182
5094 Greek GB-2 GreekDip Survived -38 1144
5593 Can Anyone See Me Through This Fog? ClassicFog Drawn 41 1185
5955 The vikings are coming, run and hide! Viking Survived -34 1151
6501 Iovis Quinquiremis Zeus5 Survived 45 1196
6464 New Game mode Europe1939 Defeated -39 1157
6786 7 islands of rum ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -22 1135
6529 Gunboat Time Classic1897 Survived 11 1146
5502 Known battle KnownWorld_901 Defeated -39 1107
8073 ----------vs---------- ClassicEvT Won 7 1114
8120 1 vs 1 vs 1-3 TreatyOfVerdun Defeated -18 1096
7856 Shot In The Dark ClassicFog Survived 32 1128
8487 Oh ye Olde Viking Gunboat last try Viking Defeated -32 1096
8523 Modern II Gunboat, 2nd try Modern2 Drawn 38 1134
8704 Gunboat Chaos ClassicChaos Survived -10 1124
8689 Maharajah Maharajah Drawn 79 1203
9047 Gunstraction Absboat Abstraction3 Survived 15 1218
9229 UK Divided AnarchyInTheUK Survived -24 1194
9337 Time again for a F-O-W Gunboat! ClassicFog Defeated -23 1171
8066 War of the World WWIV Defeated -15 1156
2238 Battlefield FantasyWorld Defeated -6 1150
11956 fog gunboat ClassicFog Survived 9 1159
11947 tree SouthAmerica4 Survived 14 1173
12426 Capitols Gunboat 1!!! Classic Defeated -16 1157
12197 Enlighten this dark day again. Enlightenment Survived 52 1209
12667 7 island 2 day Gunner ClassicSevenIslands Survived 13 1222
13220 Ahoi WW2 boat, Gunny! WWII Survived 29 1251
13898 AFRICA-6 Africa Drawn 60 1311
13814 A Midnight Walk FantasyWorld Survived -40 1271
14921 zeppelin 3 BuildAnywhere Drawn 19 1290
15262 Spartan's Summer Fun- Karibik Karibik Defeated -46 1244
15235 Summer Fantasy HQ FantasyWorld Defeated -34 1210
16646 Let's try Maharajah GB again Maharajah Defeated -13 1197
15938 Camelot HeptarchyIV Survived -16 1181
16885 Invasion '39 Europe1939 Survived -6 1175
16689 Modern Gunboat-7 Modern2 Defeated -37 1138
17778 Fog-4 ClassicFog Survived -35 1103
17685 World War II -2 WWII Drawn 5 1108
17777 Fog-3 ClassicFog Defeated -21 1087
18673 Saboteur Round 1 FantasyWorld Drawn 0 1087
18387 The sound of silence-6 Africa Survived 53 1140
19065 Saboteur Round 2 Modern2 Drawn 0 1140
18654 Spring Fantasy HQ FantasyWorld Drawn 86 1226
19354 Chromatic GB Chromatic Survived -11 1215
18645 1.5-day Gobble Gunboat GobbleEarth Drawn 50 1265
19081 WII reloaded WWII Drawn 0 1265
19693 The Bitter End-5 ClassicFog Survived -30 1235
19956 The White Man's Burden-2 Classic1897 Drawn 33 1268
19692 The Bitter End-4 AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 20 1288
20348 Obscurum DarkAges Survived -33 1255
19941 Sopwith IV Classic Drawn 0 1255
20717 Run Pheidippides! AgeOfPericles Drawn 18 1273
17755 lol this is random WWIV_V6 Defeated -30 1243
20625 Enlightenment Enlightenment Defeated -39 1204
20680 Crusaders on a gunboat FirstCrusade Survived 15 1219
21501 Atlantic Colonies GUNBOAT, 2day, PPSC AtlanticColonies Survived -9 1210
21420 No talk Viking 2day Viking Survived -29 1181
21878 Cuban missile 2 day ColdWar Won 8 1189
21413 Enlighten this! Enlightenment Survived -30 1159
22018 clash? ClassicFvA Won 6 1165
22193 100 random gunboats Hundred Survived -12 1153
22434 Aberrate this one more time 2 day ppsc AberrationV Survived -13 1140
23211 gunboat caped crusader - 2 day - ppsc FirstCrusade Defeated -16 1124