Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Halt (2077 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
11565 A&F ClassicFvA Won 9 1009
11540 1v1-76 ClassicEvT Won 7 1016
11590 duo-19 Duo Won 2 1018
11531 The Maginot (FG) ClassicVS Defeated -1 1017
11227 101 ClassicVS Survived -34 983
11680 1x1 FvA Semi live ClassicFvA Defeated -6 977
11702 1x1 Duo Live Duo Drawn 0 977
11634 Greek? GreekDip Won 74 1051
11649 Anc Med-2 AncMed Drawn 0 1051
11501 LOGG TenSixtySix_V2 Survived 3 1054
11568 Purple World ClassicFog Survived -34 1020
11492 Ezpickins Challenge ClassicCrowded Survived 79 1099
11487 African War Africa Drawn 50 1149
11677 Bro, do you even lift? Enlightenment Drawn 72 1221
11629 Colonialism Colonial Survived -8 1213
11661 Merkelyzed Modern2 Drawn 29 1242
11621 BRING IT AGAIN Modern2 Drawn 8 1250
12011 Ezpickins Macroeconomics ClassicEconomic Survived -3 1247
11600 Imperial Wars Imperial2 Defeated -35 1212
11548 The Empire Strikes Back Imperial2 Defeated -9 1203
12645 It's Germs for 2, Alex ClassicGvI Won 8 1211
11800 Zimmermann Telegram ClassicGreyPress Defeated -43 1168
12254 Strange WAR AgeOfPericles Drawn 10 1178
11951 enjoy yourself Modern2 Defeated -39 1139
12028 Open Classic Crowded ClassicCrowded Won 162 1301
12869 1v1 GG ClassicFvA Survived -12 1289
12252 WWII-3 Europe1939 Defeated -49 1240
12818 Silent-3 ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1246
12663 420-6 DutchRevolt Won 78 1324
11728 Open Renaissance Rinascimento Defeated 0 1324
12056 seven ClassicSevenIslands Survived -33 1291
11898 A Place in the Sun Imperial2 Drawn 15 1306
13087 (3SuM) TreatyOfVerdun Won 34 1340
11401 The Colonial world Imperial2 Defeated -18 1322
12505 Kobe Beef Sengoku5 Defeated -42 1280
13019 World War II-4 WWII Drawn 4 1284
11998 2112-Overture WWIV Drawn 126 1410
11423 Atom's Educational Fun Ride-11 Imperial2 Survived -22 1388
13649 Live-11 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1388
13677 Air Force-6 ClassicFvA Drawn 0 1388
13765 Who win ?? ClassicEvT Won 4 1392
13055 Colonial Diplomacy 2013 Colonial Drawn 14 1406
13752 Tostig Godwinson TenSixtySix Survived -11 1395
13496 O BuildAnywhere Drawn 8 1403
13338 /b/ring it newfags ClassicSevenIslands Won 45 1448
12179 Empire-3 Imperial2 Won 58 1506
12466 Medieval Wars in the Known World KnownWorld_901 Drawn 48 1554
13258 YAY Crowded Dip Game 2 ClassicCrowded Survived 16 1570
13983 Vdip World Cup Group A Greek Dip (Gunboat) GreekDip Drawn 3 1573
13984 Vdip World Cup Group A Verdun (Gunboat) TreatyOfVerdun Won 15 1588
12711 Second Imperial Wars Imperial2 Defeated -39 1549
13618 Anc med-4 AncMed Drawn 10 1559
13642 Sandgoose classikk Classic Defeated -38 1521
13728 how to fuck the king? Fubar Won 36 1557
13722 Very Virtual Vikings Viking Survived 8 1565
14608 B-RICH94 vs Halt ClassicFvA Won 7 1572
13802 classic with custom start CustomStart Drawn 17 1589
14019 The Whole Shebang YoungstownWWII Defeated -31 1558
13422 Fast World War IV WWIV Defeated -48 1510
14699 oto-29 ClassicFvA Won 4 1514
14783 Atom's Summer of Love (12/6/13) ClassicFvA Won 6 1520
14864 Meep V Halt-2 ClassicFvA Drawn 0 1520
14867 Meep V Halt ClassicFvA Drawn 0 1520
14881 Halts challenge ClassicEvT Won 5 1525
14882 Haltenzie ClassicGvR Defeated -5 1520
14884 Buonaparte! ClassicFvA Won 3 1523
14902 Halt V Bagatur ClassicGvI Survived -10 1513
14054 Youngstown World War II YoungstownWWII Won 32 1545
14771 Verdyn group A TreatyOfVerdun Survived -21 1524
14905 Napoleonic (EFAR) ClassicVS Drawn 3 1527
13398 African Warlords Africa Defeated -33 1494
14603 Colonial1885 this is not a test! Colonial1885 Drawn 19 1513
14584 Grey Skull AncMed Drawn 10 1523
14876 Spartan's 200th Game! :D GreekDip Drawn 28 1551
14661 there's only 1 unit ClassicCataclysm Resigned -38 1513
13975 VDip World Cup Group A Great Lakes GreatLakes Defeated -48 1465
14592 Buttergoose World War IV WWIV Defeated -45 1420
14832 -our empires- Imperial2 Defeated -29 1391
15913 Fra v Aus-16 ClassicFvA Defeated -6 1385
15881 Crikey, I'm England Again? TenSixtySix_V3 Defeated -10 1375
15707 Ankara Crescent Gunboat ClassicAnkaraCrescent Survived -20 1355
14970 Ankara Crescent 100% VCs Game 3 ClassicAnkaraCrescent -35 1320
12532 Global election WWIV Defeated -14 1306
16013 Italian Germs-12 ClassicGvI Survived -9 1297
14777 Guerra Quieta Rinascimento Drawn 0 1297
13116 tiger's awesome team game WWIV Defeated -35 1262
15330 Implosion KnownWorld_901 Defeated -1 1261
16038 European Diplomacy - Abstraction, what! Abstraction3 Survived -39 1222
15936 Seven Struggles HeptarchyIV Survived -19 1203
12977 World on fire WWIV Defeated -13 1190
15205 Like a runestone cowboy DarkAges Drawn 38 1228
16553 Buttergoose Losers Round Group 1 Classic Defeated -23 1205
16054 Cataclysm-2 ClassicCataclysm Won 204 1409
16087 dark times AberrationV Defeated -35 1374
15878 Battle for no end CustomStart Won 45 1419
17374 vs-10 ClassicEvT Won 4 1423
16810 Ancient Rome AncMed Survived -35 1388
16118 Two in one ClassicLayered Survived -38 1350
16902 Build anywhere-4 BuildAnywhere Survived -21 1329
14950 Atom's Summer of Love (24/6/13) WWIV Defeated -20 1309
15821 Known World 901-3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 1293
18962 a-16 ClassicGvI Drawn 0 1293
18946 gun<=>rat RatWars Survived -19 1274
18410 Gobble War. GobbleEarth Drawn 76 1350
19455 Classic Vs (A I) ClassicVS Defeated 0 1350
19059 Catastrophe 1880!! Classic1880 Defeated -39 1311
17747 DIPLOMACIA VI YoungstownRedux Survived 15 1326
20069 1x1 Civil War semi-live-57 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1325
20079 1x1 Empire - Civil War semi-live-19 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1324
20111 1x1 Empire - Civil War semi-live-21 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 1322
20118 (GFI) ClassicVS Won 39 1361
19130 The King is Dead - Vikings! Viking Drawn 0 1361
18784 The sound of silence-7 AberrationV Drawn 27 1388
20075 My trireme is bigger than yours AncMed Drawn 13 1401
20315 123456abc ClassicPilot Defeated -38 1363
14594 Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 27 1390
19905 Serendipity KnownWorld_901 Defeated -2 1388
20148 $3000/ year on contraception ClassicFog Defeated -24 1364
20516 Sieze the Shogunate Sengoku5 Survived -29 1335
20766 jointhisgame-2 YoungstownRedux Drawn 30 1365
20747 Classic crowded ClassicCrowded Defeated -23 1342
20745 Theyvotedno:D AnarchyInTheUK Survived -6 1336
20304 Pope Urban Meyer Rinascimento Defeated 0 1336
20796 Fantasy World FantasyWorld Defeated -36 1300
16774 Shadow of a doubt WWIV_V6 Defeated -28 1272
21046 TeamsT Stage 1 Group C Game 2 YoungstownWWII Defeated -28 1244
21047 TeamsT Stage 1 Group C Game 3 YoungstownWWII Defeated -20 1224
21045 TeamsT Stage 1 Group C Game 1 YoungstownWWII Drawn 0 1224
22300 All variants gunboat: American Conflict AmericanConflict Defeated 0 1224
19986 Imperialsim anyone? Imperial2 Defeated -36 1188
20562 A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries WWIVsealanes Defeated -11 1177
21235 Gunboat - Sealanes WWIVsealanes Drawn 187 1364
24248 Coldwar V ColdWar Defeated -9 1355
24244 Cold War Machinations ColdWar Won 4 1359
24256 Coldwar VI ColdWar Defeated -8 1351
24236 Alpian four (AGIF) ClassicVS Drawn 6 1357
24268 Cold War Shenanigans ColdWar Won 4 1361
24270 Nuke em ColdWar Won 0 1361
24026 Another shoot in the wall WWII Won 73 1434
24201 nanananananana BATMAN Classic Defeated -32 1402
24121 Three Years Earlier... Classic1897 Drawn 30 1432
24062 Age of Pericles-4 AgeOfPericles Survived 29 1461
24406 Pretty Balanced ClassicIER Survived -17 1444
24253 Youngstown is Awesome YoungstownRedux Survived -25 1419
24473 New view on Second World War (GRIFE) ClassicVS -13 1406
24205 Aberrational AberrationV -7 1399
24404 Something wicked this way comes ClassicFog -22 1377
24273 By Jingo! ClassicGreyPress Defeated 0 1377
33650 Sunday AM EvT ClassicEvT Won 4 1381
33554 Color Pallette Chromatic Defeated -11 1370
33743 Cold War 02112018 ColdWar Won 5 1375
33717 foggy 64 ClassicFog Defeated -42 1333
33713 WW901 sssh WesternWorld_901 Drawn 41 1374
33712 Ancient Dip AncMed Drawn 18 1392
33950 Something Different - 9 Europe1600 Defeated -30 1362
33820 Treaty of Utrecht-Rastatt-Baden Enlightenment Drawn 9 1371
33649 Emperor of the Western World WesternWorld_901 Drawn 49 1420
33918 No chat just fun 14 Classic Drawn 2 1422
33927 97 Bottles of Beer Classic1897 Drawn 8 1430
33937 No chat just fun 15 Abstraction3 Survived 33 1463
34012 On The Brink Of War Classic1913 Defeated -43 1420
33938 No chat just fun 16 AberrationV Defeated -42 1378
33646 Haven Time Haven Defeated -35 1343
34586 Hapsburg AustrianSuccession Defeated -43 1300
33046 Public WWIV WWIV Defeated -24 1276
33781 Divided States of 'Murica Divided_States Defeated -23 1253
41129 Cold War 02052020 ColdWar Defeated -5 1248
41068 A Hollander is not a Highlander DutchRevolt Drawn 15 1263
40930 DLP Diplomacy Classic Drawn 17 1280
41217 Classic Gunboat-11 Classic Defeated -29 1251
41058 Nien ClassicEconomic Won 42 1293
41150 La bruma Classic1898Fog Survived -23 1270
41115 A boat to the holy land FirstCrusade Drawn 17 1287
39719 World War Bone 2 WWIVsealanes Drawn 54 1341
41384 Good Ol' Edwardian Gunboat Edwardian Drawn 20 1361
41257 El Psy Kongroo Sengoku5 Defeated -40 1321
41544 No chat just fun 39-2 Classic1898 Drawn 29 1350
41543 No chat just fun 38-2 Classic1897 Defeated -29 1321
41546 No chat just fun 69 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -32 1289
41660 Just in Time Classic1898 Drawn 48 1337
41541 No chat just fun 37-2 Classic Drawn 25 1362
43150 Lets go already TreatyOfVerdun Won 20 1382
42572 Corona Diplomacy 2: Electric Boogaloo GreekDip Won 116 1498
41662 Just in Time III Classic1897 Drawn 26 1524
43521 Holy Roman TreatyOfVerdun Won 3 1527
41422 Foggy Days VI ClassicFog Won 161 1688
43301 Slowneece Classic Defeated -51 1637
42241 Colonial Fun Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1637
43098 A Modest, Modern Gunboat Modern2 Defeated -52 1585
43532 fog of war -2 ClassicFog Won 50 1635
43653 Fog-9 ClassicFog Defeated -43 1592
43361 First Time.take2 Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated -41 1551
43105 No chat just fun 75 Classic1913 Survived -20 1531
43311 For those who missed the first wave. Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated -40 1491
42443 1453 Renaissance1453 Drawn 27 1518
43067 1800 EmpiresCoalitions Won 291 1809
43419 Choose Your Evil Empire Imperial2 Drawn 18 1827
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Drawn 78 1905
42536 Colonial Gunboat I Colonial Defeated -54 1851
43132 Frank Draben Classic Defeated -48 1803
42527 Colonial 1885-6 Colonial1885 Survived -54 1749
42378 Cobra KnownWorld_901 -48 1701
42792 Modern Europe Gunboat - stab without fear! A_Modern_Europe Survived 169 1870
43216 More Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 47 1917
42791 Imperialisomoto Imperial2 Drawn 14 1931
43152 War and Peace Napoleonic Drawn 17 1948
40976 Gothic Revival Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1948
43097 A Modern Gunboat A_Modern_Europe Defeated -8 1940
43522 Sennacherib Imperial2 Won 193 2133
43306 Simpp Parrot Colonial1885 Drawn 21 2154
42463 Lockdown Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Drawn 58 2212
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio -122 2090
43683 eee Imperial2 Drawn 13 2103
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Drawn 60 2163
48427 FA-18 ClassicFvA Defeated -5 2158
48428 GI-9 ClassicGvI Won 4 2162
48512 Random 4 (ATRE) ClassicVS Drawn 1 2163
48203 1898 FoW again ! WTA Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 2163
48382 Gunboats in the Fog X ClassicFog Survived -48 2115
48195 funGoat 11 - WTA ClassicFlorence Drawn 8 2123
49025 A Minor Variation Baron1900 Drawn 10 2133
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio Defeated -56 2077