Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for jaszcur1 (1117 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
11627 Krasuski śmierdzi Viking Survived -28 972
11710 Krasuski śmierdzi 3 Classic Survived -14 958
11642 Krasuski śmierdzi 2 Classic Defeated -13 945
11948 reytan SouthAmerica5 Survived -19 926
11586 gra Modern2 Drawn 94 1020
11983 ECG YoungstownRedux Won 95 1115
11895 Classic 1897 fun Classic1897 Survived 38 1153
12126 gra2 Sengoku5 Drawn 40 1193
11756 World Diplomacy FAST World Defeated -47 1146
12612 Borewicz ClassicFGA Won 29 1175
12522 tango AnarchyInTheUK Won 56 1231
11892 Natives GreatLakes Drawn 15 1246
12799 cinnamon ClassicFGA Drawn 0 1246
12829 samba SouthAmerica4 Won 50 1296
12563 Mara.. Maharajah Drawn 18 1314
12429 Vermonters802 USofA Survived 15 1329
12746 flamenco Europe1939 Survived 31 1360
12574 waltz Africa Survived 13 1373
13440 Milan: Does it balance Italy? ClassicMilan Survived -31 1342
13475 rumba Classic Defeated -46 1296
12881 polonez Empire4 Drawn 38 1334
13406 sokratesy GreekDip Defeated -38 1296
13474 cha cha WWII Defeated -34 1262
13559 salsa MateAgainstMate Resigned -40 1222
14006 SuicideSolution YoungstownWWII Defeated -34 1188
13369 Just a Classic for busy people Classic -37 1151
12923 Remnants of the Apocalypse World Defeated -34 1117