Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for jerrywongcy (860 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
15039 pancakes Karibik Defeated -38 962
15285 South American Blitz SouthAmerica8 Survived -16 946
15043 pre-WW1 (cs) CustomStart Survived 13 959
15102 A new challenger appears ClassicCrowded Defeated -35 924
15202 darkness DarkAges Defeated -13 911
15212 Where's my SC? 2 Imperium Drawn 7 918
15551 modern gunboat-5 Modern2 Defeated -19 899
15042 longships Viking Survived 17 916
15873 Britannia Classic Defeated -7 909
15847 Modern Diplomacy II Gunboat Modern2 Defeated -19 890
15205 Like a runestone cowboy DarkAges Defeated -17 873
14950 Atom's Summer of Love (24/6/13) WWIV Defeated -13 860