Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Stercus (994 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
12586 tater tots ClassicFvA Won 7 1007
13307 explosive ClassicFvA Survived -5 1002
13363 toilet paper ClassicIER Survived -11 991
13514 the south will rise agin!!! yeeeew Empire1on1 Won 10 1001
13315 south amurica SouthAmerica4 Won 81 1082
12440 Tomorrow Never Knows WWIV Survived 34 1116
12198 For Whom the Bell Tolls-2 WWIV -16 1100
13116 tiger's awesome team game WWIV -43 1057
15134 Giraffe WWIV Defeated -17 1040
17307 Africa-8 Africa Defeated -1 1039
17684 Imma get deez beans Classic Defeated 5 1044
17987 BOSIOMMEDDA AncMed Defeated -3 1041
17692 A game for men by men 2! WWII Defeated -1 1040
18183 lets get that RR up ! Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1039
17686 known world! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -5 1034
15672 Croissant w/ onions ClassicLayered Defeated -1 1033
14633 Crazy Classic 34P War ClassicChaos Defeated -15 1018
18237 jelly bells ClassicFGvsRT Resigned -2 1016
16662 WWIV Let's Do This! WWIV_V6 Defeated -21 995
15993 Autumn & Empire WWIV Defeated -1 994