Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Siagas (1965 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
13550 Germany 1648-3 Germany1648 Defeated -25 975
13450 World War Two-3 WWII Drawn 47 1022
13333 Modern Love-3 Modern2 Drawn 67 1089
14464 123456789101112 Fubar Defeated -28 1061
13964 Jacobstown YoungstownRedux Drawn 53 1114
14899 ????-2 ClassicGvR Won 5 1119
13868 Keep on the Borderlands Haven Defeated -28 1091
13400 Halpaa! Haven Survived 295 1386
14917 IG-3 (IG) ClassicVS Won 3 1389
14916 AR-2 (AR) ClassicVS Won 3 1392
14897 RI (RI) ClassicVS Won 4 1396
15292 North Sea Conquest DarkAges Defeated -56 1340
14900 ????? Duo Won 3 1343
15344 Greek confliw AgeOfPericles Drawn 21 1364
15564 Abandon ship! SailHo2 Survived 0 1364
15509 Colonial Dip At It's Best Colonial Defeated -43 1321
15399 Poop-4 Habelya Defeated -29 1292
15007 Aardvarks Anonymous War2020 Defeated -47 1245
15099 Cheap Heat CelticBritain Survived 23 1268
13187 Enlightened Enlightenment Survived -17 1251
17077 Duo 1x1 - semi-live-6 Duo Defeated -4 1247
16930 Rinascimento Gunboat II Rinascimento Drawn 0 1247
16131 Cheap Pop AberrationV Drawn 26 1273
14682 Classic Super War-2 Classic Drawn 37 1310
16772 死の囁き Sengoku5 Drawn 52 1362
15547 Improper violence Viking Defeated -35 1327
17523 kings and chiefs Viking Survived -1 1326
17552 The Crusade FirstCrusade Defeated -40 1286
17361 Romeward Bound Rinascimento Defeated 0 1286
17427 Cheap Shot Modern2 Defeated -29 1257
18446 It's all Greek Gunboat to me GreekDip Won 45 1302
17536 Northern Peoples DarkAges Drawn 65 1367
18411 Gobble War! GobbleEarth Survived -33 1334
17565 No name entered. FirstCrusade Defeated -33 1301
18083 Gobble earth. GobbleEarth Survived -52 1249
18660 Turn of the Century Classic Won 65 1314
18690 who the fucks going wins??-2 GreekDip Won 42 1356
14433 WTF Fubar Survived 33 1389
17930 Gobble Earth GobbleEarth Survived -17 1372
19069 EvT-20 ClassicEvT Survived -11 1361
17555 New Game New Map FirstCrusade Survived -27 1334
18890 Gobble War 2!!! GobbleEarth Survived -12 1322
18774 Gods Wills It! FirstCrusade Drawn 27 1349
17483 ... and I will stand by you MateAgainstMate Defeated -32 1317
19232 Cake Pure Defeated -40 1277
17924 Gobble Gunboat GobbleEarth Survived -3 1274
18410 Gobble War. GobbleEarth Drawn 47 1321
18654 Spring Fantasy HQ FantasyWorld Defeated -43 1278
19059 Catastrophe 1880!! Classic1880 Drawn 26 1304
19631 War between the centrals ClassicGvI Defeated -4 1300
19627 Battle Europe ClassicFvA Won 5 1305
19309 the game-6 YoungstownWWII Drawn 20 1325
19663 Give me more Atlantic Colonies AtlanticColonies Survived -5 1320
19664 Privateers and gentlemen AtlanticColonies -26 1294
19348 Chromatic 1 Chromatic Drawn 14 1308
19815 (FTE)-2 ClassicVS Defeated -1 1307
19231 PROS and Rising Stars GobbleEarth Survived 0 1307
19235 Telegraph Your Motives ClassicCrowded Defeated -26 1281
18719 Gobble Earth-2 GobbleEarth Defeated -32 1249
19465 Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Pirates Drawn 116 1365
19701 Mute Empire4 Drawn 30 1395
19879 now SouthAmerica4 Survived -17 1378
19950 9 Per ClassicNoNeutrals Survived -15 1363
20213 (ERGA) ClassicVS Drawn 0 1363
20719 1v1-140 ClassicFvA Defeated -9 1354
20739 Germany v Russia-2 ClassicGvR Defeated -5 1349
20262 Pericle AgeOfPericles Drawn 10 1359
20723 There is cake at the end Pure Won 122 1481
20698 I can't find a cool name ClassicFog Defeated 0 1481
20261 Forced Africa Survived -43 1438
19708 the last war before we invade aliens WWIV_V6 Defeated -34 1404
19806 Whitgift KnownWorld_901 Defeated -38 1366
20988 Aqueducts and Assassins Rinascimento Defeated 0 1366
20823 Lets Play Something [* - *] ClassicFog Drawn 6 1372
20973 Decisions and negotiations Classic Defeated -3 1369
21408 Economy of Forces ClassicEconomic Survived 7 1376
21443 High Seas Hijinks Pirates Defeated -49 1327
21480 Italian Job Rinascimento Defeated 0 1327
21495 Chaos Chaos Chaos! ClassicChaos Defeated 0 1327
21519 1860's American Gunboat AmericanConflict Survived 18 1345
21350 KnownWorld901 KnownWorld_901 Won 130 1475
21576 Gobble Earth: I wanna play this again!-2 GobbleEarth Drawn 23 1498
22302 All variants gunboat: Anarchy in the UK AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 0 1498
19986 Imperialsim anyone? Imperial2 Defeated -50 1448
22285 Aberration-3 AberrationV Drawn 9 1457
23291 Greeeek GreekDip Defeated -10 1447
22270 wwiv global press. ppsc. 50 sc WWIV Defeated -27 1420
23401 Queen Victoria Vampire Hunter Imperial2 -34 1386
23858 The old world-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -49 1337
24130 Anonymous ClassicGreyPress -5 1332
22702 Live the Fanatsy Haven Defeated -38 1294
24280 Silent Haven Haven Defeated -18 1276
29573 Lorem Ipsum KnownWorld_901 -23 1253
31837 lets attack the player who doesn't tap 'Ready'' Classic Drawn 24 1277
31926 It's been a long time since my last 1066 TenSixtySix_V3 Won 43 1320
31783 Crowded Confusion ClassicCrowded Drawn 52 1372
31997 Foggy Mess ClassicFog Survived -42 1330
31952 Mr. Crowley's ClassicCrowded Defeated -9 1321
32062 new Countries aren't talk? AberrationV Drawn 20 1341
32175 Varhund Viking Survived 10 1351
31815 Chaos is a ladder ClassicChaos Defeated -33 1318
31805 Good ol' classic Classic Defeated -14 1304
30000 Launching of WWX WWIV Survived 24 1328
32300 Balkans 186o Balkans1860 Defeated -45 1283
32572 The Race for Africa 2.0 Africa Survived -34 1249
32673 No More Heroes AnarchyInTheUK Won 125 1374
31919 known world-4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -21 1353
33061 Deus Vault! FirstCrusade Drawn 19 1372
31434 Classic-10 Classic Drawn 14 1386
32600 Chaos is a pit ClassicChaos Defeated -46 1340
33026 BANZAI Sengoku6 Defeated -30 1310
32374 The Lonely Island Haven Defeated -46 1264
31786 You Win or You Die WWIV_V6 Drawn 90 1354
32756 Pirate's Life Pirates Defeated 0 1354
32834 New WW WWIV Drawn 271 1625
34185 TESTY BOI BLUE ColdWar Won 3 1628
33308 A Fantastical Realm FantasyWorld Defeated -29 1599
33461 Habemus Magnās Nubēs Rinascimento Drawn 0 1599
34500 Lily Langtry Edwardian Drawn 19 1618
32983 World - amazing WWIVsealanes Drawn 103 1721
34419 Colonial Wars Colonial1885 Drawn 36 1757
34570 Gunboat Global World Drawn 47 1804
33821 1000 megawats of fun WWIV_V6 Defeated -53 1751
33046 Public WWIV WWIV Drawn 71 1822
35541 CBR Diplomacy Royale WWIV_V6 Drawn 22 1844
36173 CBR Diplomacy Royale Mk. 2 WWIV Drawn 17 1861
33788 Divided States Gunboat Divided_States Defeated -60 1801
33781 Divided States of 'Murica Divided_States Defeated -70 1731
33790 The Trump Effect Divided_States Defeated -65 1666
33789 American Gunboat -2 Divided_States Drawn 268 1934
36705 American Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo Divided_States -87 1847
38804 Choose Your Weapon Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1847
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio -59 1788
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio -53 1735
55814 A Good Pirate Never Steals Pirates Defeated 0 1735
55997 Africa-22 Africa Defeated 0 1735
56198 Napoleon was actually average height for the time Napoleonic Defeated 0 1735
56234 Fog of War-29 ClassicFog Drawn 22 1757
55928 Imperial Gunboat-11 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1757
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Drawn 66 1823
56345 Western World 901 Gunboat -3 WesternWorld_901 Won 88 1911
56417 Silent Spice of Life EastIndies Survived -3 1908
56411 Hands off my spices! EastIndies Drawn 53 1961
57536 Asia Diplomacy Gaming Canton Drawn 4 1965