Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for TheMrWarden (918 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
2679 Land Ho! SailHo2 Survived -12 988
2622 Pure Diplomacy Pure Survived 36 1024
2804 New Balkan Wars Map BalkanWarsVI Drawn 7 1031
2814 A La La La La Alacavre Defeated -34 997
2701 Fubar!!! Fubar Defeated -25 972
21681 Magister ludi bello AncMed Won 52 1024
22014 East and West ClassicEvT Survived -4 1020
22018 clash? ClassicFvA Survived -6 1014
21745 Darkest Africa III Africa Survived 1 1015
21495 Chaos Chaos Chaos! ClassicChaos Defeated 0 1015
22057 Let's Go Nuts War2020 Survived 0 1015
21958 Rhye's and Fall FantasyWorld Defeated -15 1000
22113 A Game of Thrones DarkAges Survived -33 967
22345 Triremes and Hoplites GreekDip Defeated -8 959
22906 I'll Finish My Apple GreatLakes Drawn 14 973
23525 Bogotà SouthAmerica4 Survived -22 951
23432 World war II-9 Europe1939 Defeated -10 941
22702 Live the Fanatsy Haven Defeated -23 918